I have been lifting for 6 years and its improved my ability with women by maybe 10% at best

I have been lifting for 6 years and its improved my ability with women by maybe 10% at best.

Remind me why people even do this for women again?

If you're new to lifting, don't fall for the bullshit these guys spread about it making them go from 0 to hero with women, it literally just gives you a few % better chance. Nothing like the 100-300% people here make it out to be.

The only things that will get you that 100-300% increase is becoming socially popular and getting money, lifting will add maybe 5-10% to that.

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if you have been lifting for 6 years you should be in pretty fucking good shape dude

you must REALLY be fucking autistic to not get any bitches while in good shape

I am natty.

Natties don't look like they lift with normal clothes on.

You dont walk around naked or wearing super tight fitting clothes like a faggot.

It's a confidence builder/placebo. You think you're hotter, so you act like you are, and thus get bitches.

Besides, it's not our fault you fell for Jow Forums's stupid bullshit, expecting getting fit to magically change your life completely.

We tried to tell you it’s all about FACE, FRAME, and HEIGHT

We really did.

Why didn’t you listen?

Your mistake was staying natty after the first 3 years bro.

You better hop on right now before it's too late.

>Natties don't look like they lift with normal clothes on.
You literally just need to have decent traps, shoulders and chest to look like you lift in clothes like t-shirts and sweaters

I am not getting on drugs you shit cunt.

I'm 30 and Ive never even smoked a cigarette before, why would I start down that road with steroids?

Fuck that.

I wasn't born with that YOLO mindset most other people seem to be born with.

Didn't help that I got Asthma at age 2 and was basically sheltered my entire life, so that probably lead to me now being too terrified to touch anything not even something as simple as a "social" cigarette .

Nice blog post

Those three things are called looks I would add to that money and status, also personality.

If youve never made social gains duirng that time you are probably still pretty autistic. I was pretty normal or a little charismatic before I started lifting. And now 6 years later, being bigger than almost everyone I just have a rock solid confidence that men wants and women adore. I dont have to be a social mastermind. I just need to look good, be normal and be a little witty.

Tl;dr “I’m a pussy”
>W O M P

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Or maybe he just doesn't want flaming hot shits? Or is that something you faggots get off to?

Are you living at the north pole? Ppl notice broad shoulders, traps and a big hest for sure even when I have a hoodie on

>Falling this hard for bait

>tabasco injections
Heard it gives you steel glutes through power shits.

>been lifting for just over a year now
>dropped 70 lbs due to diet and exercise mostly directed by this shithole
>in the past month since taking extra step to clean myself up (beard trim, new haircut) have been actively hit on several times. Some of which I didn't even realize till a friend pointed it out.

Shit works. Just get out and be amicable bro

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Does face matter more than body?

You look like you life by the first to second year, you just probably have shitty genetics. Lifts and bodyweight?

You're fucking ugly and obviously dyel.
Took me 4 months of working out for people to start noticing through my clothes and it skyrocketed my confidence and got me a gf and made me a fucking chad. You must be very ugly or short if the shit you typed out is true

not him but I agree with his observations. I'm zyzzmode while several inches taller than zyzz was, it's not gonna do much regarding success with women. You're probably a skinny dyel that barely looks different, it's all your fake confidence that helped you

> lifting for women
Found your problem

Pretty much this. If you don't have a positive canthal tilt, you shouldn't bother lifting.