Get Jow Forums

>get Jow Forums
>acquire gf
>2 weeks in
>says she wants to talk after work
>I say she sounds quite serious
>she responds saying she is quite serious
What does this all mean Jow Forums? Why are women so complicated? Lifting didn't prepare me for this.

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>establish human relationship
>people sometimes have different perceptions
>one person wants to clarify/confess/explain something
This isn't complicated or weird. It happens all the time. Welcome to healthy social interaction.

Ah yes. The "let's meet for lunch and talk" schtick.

I've gone through enough of those break up conversations that it's kind of messed me up. You see, it made me really adapt at being dumped, but never allowed me to develop the ability to do the breaking up myself. So now I'm stuck in a relationship that should probably end, but I trapped. She says she's going to end it, any day now. She says she's miserable and lonely and feels unloved and powerless. She lives with me but says she's been looking for apartments and houses so she can finally get out. So I keep patiently waiting.

I've been waiting for 3 years.

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Men like facts, women like feelings. If you like the fact she lets you put your dick in her pussy, then you're gonna have to deal with her feelings. Try to be cool about it.

Leave faggot are you a man or a dog?

you're probably getting dumped
or you're getting an ultimatum about moving in/getting married/having kids or you're getting dumped

2 weeks seems awfully fast for major ultimatums. It's even too fast for a pregnancy scare.

He's getting dumped.

i fucking hate it when people do this. tell her if she wants to fucking talk do it now, otherwise don't bring it the fuck up.
>haha now he has to stew all day on this super important thing i will tell him later...

tell her to fuck off and find someone with some fucking respect for others.

2 weeks is nothing tho, most girls would just break it off over text

>says shes gonna dump you
>keep feeding her and giving her a roof anyways

You stupid faggot just tell her to gtfo.


Dont listen to this retard, if its important enough to set an appointed time for, then its important enough to want to do it ASAP. If she cant be bothered to fucking tell you now (despite clearly being able to do so atm) and intentionally remains obfuscative ("it IS totally serious, but im not telling you what IT is," bullshit vague answer to your obvious query for more info) then she's just being a piece of shit looking for some kind of emotional manipulation/powertrip over you to satisfy her need to remind herself/feel in control over you. Thats not "normal"/healthy human social behavior.

Id tell her to spit it out or stop wasting your time.

This. I dated a girl and she sent me a text similar to op's after three weeks.

It sucked. I actually thought it could have worked but in the end, she'd rather get fucked by some basedboy. The worst is that I will never knows if she dumped me because I chickened out to kiss her after our third dates.

She's serious, what don't you get?

Before she says anything, tell her you are pregnant.

my mom used to say shit like "we need to talk" its not going to be anything serious dude just calm down.

In any way OP, you still have time to find someone who will give you make up as a joker from batman and when she comes, ask her "why so serious?" maybe you cannot save relationship, but at least make it really memorable and just for the lulz

Establish dominance in the relationship by not showing up and going to gym instead. She will freak out and want to know where you are. Send a selfie with nice pump and tell her you couldn't make it and to text you the tl;dr version.

>>says she wants to talk after work
>>I say she sounds quite serious
>>she responds saying she is quite serious

I know this ggame, dude shes just fucking with your head now youre gonnaa be thinking what is it all day at work, she doesnt have anything important to talk about.
tell her youre busy and will talk tomorrow.

take the power back and show that youre on your own time not hers.

Bumping to hear from OP what she had to say.

Some conversations aren't appropriate over text you fucking autist. Serious conversations should be had in person because that signals respect for the matter at hand and the person you're having the convo with.

Jeez Jow Forums is full of insecure men.

She either wants to talk about furthering the relationship or ending it. That’s it.

Here’s a pro tip, to what ever she says to you. You have to be completely Apethetic to everything. “I love you” “Thanks, I love you too”. “We should end this relationship” “Okay, stay safe”.

>some conversations arent appropriate over text

Agreed. But you can still be like "Its about "X," user. We need to talk about it. Its important." instead of some ultravague "hurr so mysterious, let him wonder all day," faggy woman bullshit answer, you wanker.

What did she say? Did it turn to ash?

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fuck those guys who want you to leave your comfort zone
just be so irredeemably contemptuous that she actually does leave
just stop giving a fuck
worked for me
well, technically I got kicked out because I never actually signed the lease, this last time
but it's been good for me
just sign the next lease and don't tell her

you gave her an STD or a babby

Sorry to post in here but I didn't want to start a new thread.

Any of you guys ever been divorced? did you regret it? Or did you realize you were just avoiding it? Thanks for sharing.

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Hope you're not the user that made the thread about his wife "kissing" her ex

OP you colossal faggot what was it

OP, keep us updated. I'm serious, I love a good mystery.

OP here. My (now ex) gf wanted to talk to me about my insatiable lust for cocks. I literally cannot stop gobbling them up. She said she's had enough of my faggoty ways and wants to end our relationship. So I guess that's that.

Told ya so.