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I always wondered how is it that celebrities look so good. Do they have a nutritionist ?

>what is professional photographer
>what is photo manipulation
It's all about lighting and angles mang

Probably, most of them have a lot of money to blow I guess.

>The million/billionaires may not have nutritionists and pts

They spend a lot of money on making themselves look good. Anything you can think of, you can buy it as a service. Personal trainer? Yes. Chef? Yes. Private doctor? Yes.


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>Nutritionist, PT and roids
Pick a minimum of 2

You don't need a chef to look good...

Are you implying that physical fitness, healthy skin, and healthy hair is not largely controlled by diet?

no but making your food at the snap of a finger at a quality bone of us have probably ever had makes things easier don’t you think?

No? I'm saying you don't need a chef to cook rice and chicken.

Why do so many pro athletes have a chef then?

Correlation and causation on Wikipedia dude

>Hire a professional cook that makes sure you don't overeat
>Hire a personal trainer to make sure you always get a good work out
>Have a good doctor that prescribes you with whatever you want

There's supercuts, and then there's a private hairdresser.
There's ibuprofen and bandaids, and then there's a personal doctor.
There's creatine, and then there's expensive TRT & HGH.

There's your pathetic "chicken & rice", and then there's well-planned, wholly nutritious meals pumped out of a 500k kitchen by a private chef.

>he doesn't import zambian rice at $1 per grain
never going to make it my dude

But imagine if you never to meal prep again dude, eating would actually be enjoyable again.

I said you don't need a personal chef to look good, WHICH YOU DON'T. Just because you still live with your mom and think that cooking is magic doesn't mean that any normally functioning adult would struggle to look good without a personal fucking chef. This fucking place, man...

True. I ditched carbs and find myself eating chicken salads like four times a week

Looking good != looking great. You don't look like celebrities pumping lots of money into their bodies no matter how hard you flex, sorry.

ITT 17 year olds think celebrities look good because they have money
How about maybe they work out and have discipline
Just an idea from a random guy

why are songs so bad?

>he thinks he could compete at tom brady's level without the private chef who wrote the TB12 cookbook
a QB following normie habits would have both of their kneecaps shattered in the NFL by the age of 33

elite fitness (of which diet is the most important part) is required for elite results

Have you ever seen a celebrity in real life? I work in the film industry (no, not porn) and I've met more movie stars than I can remember. They look just like normal people look. When you see a celebrity in a film, professional photo or their own Instagram, they look their best. You're comparing that to yourself when you brush your teeth after a hard long day with shitty lighting and you're tired as fuck. That's why you think celebrities look "good". They are better-looking than your average Joe, of course, but most of them are just regular people with professionals all around them to make it seem like they look good. And as far as I know, unless you're talking about the absolute top of the A list, most of them don't have personal chefs.

no one ever said that having money means you give a fuck. but people who give a fuck pump crazy money into their bodies. a big part of that is nutrition. it's fucking laughable that you think your great value rice & factory farmed chicken is anything close to the nutrition someone spending top dollar is getting

I never said it's nutritionally comparative, because any retard with a keyboard knows that already. I said you don't need a personal chef to look good and any retard who graduated high school knows that. What's truly laughable is that you all seem to think that as soon as a person gets X amount of followers on Instagram, they need to have a personal chef, otherwise it's clearly impossible to look that good. Meanwhile the lot of you are withering away at your keyboards telling yourselves that you're all going to make it because you're doing SS+GOMAD and then you go home to watch Chinese cartoon porn. The elite are the elite exactly because they put in the effort, not because they bought their way there.

sweetie all of the Instagram fitness dudes are on insane amounts of roids. cute that you think models are anything close to natty

As I said, I work in the film industry, you don't have to tell me how things work. Yes, people are on roids, but most of the high achiever in society are also extremely conscientious and don't need a personal chef to do it.