Post Oral Surgery Survival

I just got all my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. I can’t eat much and I’m banned from the gym for the next week. I’m trying to drop weight and get in better shape. Any ideas for the next week besides scrambled eggs?

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Yogurt and cottage cheese. The stench coming from your asshole will be just as satanic as those digits tho

>I’m banned from the gym
that is no excuse for not lifting

what did you do though?

did you masturbate in the gym like that one user?

Just keep your buttplug in extra tight and pray to rich piano

getting mine removed 3rd of next month, only have 2 though

They are 'banned' because any strain can probably cause the forming clot in the socket to detach and they'll be left in a lot of pain.


Pay the extra for a good surgeon. I had a smoothie immediately post-op and a BLT about 4 hours later. Ate normally from then on. Started lifting the next day again. No swelling, no pain that Tylenol couldn't kill. I paid approximately 25% more than the next best option in my area, but my shit got done right.


You’ll probably eat less while your gums heal. Nice digits.

Literally /fast/ and it will stop the inflammation and you'll shave off pure fat and not muscle (as long as you walk a fair bit)

When I got mine pulled I was living on yogurt and scotch
Yogurt for the macros and scotch to get the fucking taste of blood out of my mouth

They give you way more hydrocodone than you'll ever need, I personally didn't take any

My doc gave me 10mg Oxycodone pills and they don't do anything for the pain. Regular strength Advil had a more noticeable effect.

I got 3 wisdom teeth pulled last week. At near on 40 it wasn't fun but all in all it was not bad. I have survived on Gatorade, ice cream, pudding and rice. Follow the steps provided by your surgeon. You do not want dry sockets that's some painful shit

My breath smells like acid and death how do i pull my tonsil stones out without accidentally cutting mysel and choke in my own blood

Push on your tonsils with your finger and they will pop out

Im afraid the stones will slip and I'll swallow them

My couson got his done, within 2 hours he stuffed some wool over it and was eating crisps, smoking fags n drinking wine through a straw. Suck it up pussy.

>tfw not a mouthbreathing jawlet so I have space for all wisdom teeth

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How do you even reach that far back? Aren't they at the very back of the mouth almost in your throat?

I lived off of home made chicken soup for a few days. Would recommend.

Are you the fag from /fat/? How are you managing brother?

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Great timing on this thread. Gum massively inflamed decided its time to come out. Cant afford general anas. How bad we talking bros?

Got all 4 done today. Mouth is still numb from local anesthesia, drooling everywhere

Talk to me about the feels during. Youbhad all 4 under local? What are your eating habits supposed to be?

Nah went under general. But they still numbed me up. I haven't eaten all day today, you're meant to have soups and shit

Gah. So say good bye to gains for a week? Not usually madd but just broke a bench pb and my bench is a terribke mistress. 1 week off will mean like 1 month rebuilding.

Yep unless you want to risk getting dry sockets.

You don't need anesthesia but you have to get the inflammation in check first before anything can happen. Congratulations on waiting it out instead of having it done it time

Had a wisdom tooth that had a hole in it pulled out because the pain was preventing me from sleeping, drove right down to a private dentist, paid $400 in cash, it took like a couple of minutes with a local anesthetic - felt nothing and I drove home right after.

I ate regular food just made sure not to chew with my gums and I washed my mouth after every meal with either soda water or water mixed with salt, lightly brushed the stitches before sleep to get dead skin and food bits off them. Had stitches taken out like a week and a half later, shit healed great though the stitches themselves were mostly undone by then

It hurt a tiny bit like 2 days afterwards but 1 ibuprofen pill was enough for it to not bother me for a day.

Got back to lifting 3 days afterwards, everything was normal.

do what this guy said but with these

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If you have no problems with wisdom teeth you have shitty teeth. By default the mouth is full, wisdom teeth were supposed to be a midlife replacement for lost ones

Cope harder jawlet

I got mine out last week too. Recovery took 4 days. You'll be fine,. Eat lots of painkillers

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My niggas I didn't even take the percocet they gave me cause that shit kills gains. Lift light and go for reps. Also avoid pretzels, trust me

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post jaw

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