Running general

Running general

Just started running lads. Did 3x5km in the past week and my time has decreased 2 minutes each time (39-37-35 minute). Obviously this is shit but I'm wondering when I can expect to stall. Should I be aiming to decrease my time each run or on a weekly basis?

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>been running 4 times a week for a month
>can still only run 1 km without stopping
>no noticeable improvement

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5 min per km is where I stalled for the first time.

What was your per run improvement before you stalled? And what period of time had you been running/how many times per week before the stall?
Just to clarify, I'd been biking daily for fun for a few months and as part of my commute for a while before that, so my current state in terms of running is actually quite shitty when you take that into account. You'll make it bud, no shame in taking breaks during your runs and improving slowly.

Cardio is bad for you heart

This is 1.5 years of progress from being 35% body fat and barley being able to run 40ft.

Just stay consistent and focus on maintaining your pace from start to finish. If you have to stop at any point in a 5k, you’re running too fast.

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I don't really remember, and it wont really help you anyway.
Just go and find out. You'll likely improve weekly for quite some time.
But remember there are sometimes bad days, I had one today.

The ABSOLUTE STATE of Jow Forums holy fucking shit golly gee.

Congrats, that's great progress
>and it wont really help you anyway.
Sure, I was just curios

Nice 5k pace. I'm trying to get under the 20 minute mark but for some reason shaving that last minute or two off seems almost impossible

Hey that's pretty much exactly my 5k time too, and I'm a bit more than a year into running as well.

Can any of you runner give recommendations on running shorts with the brief/support on the inside. I'm looking for something 5-7 inches, most of shorts are from basketball and are too heavy and thick for long run

I have found that after doing a moderately paced 5k (ca. 25min) and then rest for just a minute or so, then run another 5k right after, I can go way harder, as opposed to just warming up for, say, 10 minutes before the attempt.
It's like it just takes me half an hour to get properly warmed up

Can under eating lead to injury? Pretty much the week I started eating at my sedentary TDEE I got injured. Despite doing the same shit I always do...I was just trying to lose a little fat.

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Seems unlikely, especially given the time frame.

It was a little more than a week after but yeah you're probably right. Does anyone know if people with high arches can be susceptible to peroneal tendinitis? It seems like this will actually take a while to recover from. My ankles are always in pain.

You've probably got a shin splint and just need to rest up for a bit but go see a physio if you're concerned

Thanks. This was my run last night at 3am just because I couldn’t fall asleep. I haven’t tried to go all-out yet. I’ll be running my first event pretty soon and will actually try then. I’m hoping to get into the 20-21 minute range.

you'll progress daily for quite a while minus bad days

These threads never survive. Give up.

just get the shit at target or academy

you know what fuck you you little bitch. I've ran 10 miles today and im going to run 10 more tonight. While running I'm going to be thinking about your comment and it's going to amp me up, ill probably beat my last PR. Show pics rn or get the fuck outta my thread. If I see an ounce of fat on your sack of shit body I'm going to find you and cut that shit off myself. And dont think im some skelly either. I'm actually going to lift some weights right now and then run right after. So don't give me that shit. Ill take 5 people who do regular cardio and weights and you can take 5 of your power lifting friends and I swear to God it'll be a fast fight, and I bet you one of you would have a heart attack before the fight is over. Jow Forums will be a cardio first board before the end of this year. Ill bet my life on it.

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Look at

I got a few mizuno shorts there last week.

Hurt my back awhile back, I think I have herniated disc that aggravates my sciatic nerve. It got to feeling better so I started jogging again and the pain is back. I hate to have to give it up. Any suggestions?

>just completed day 3 of c25k
>saw qt 6.28 while running and she smiled at me
>doing surprisingly well running considering I haven't ran in like 5 years
>on the cusp of having a visible 6 pack
>cut is going well
Cya later virginz

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Go to a doctor

already been, it was diagnosed at a back strain. But it came back as soon as I went for a jog so I know it's more than a strain.

if you run and care about your gains you should only and only sprint. there fore not using the shoes on the pic. If not running do any type of cardio where you are at a 70 to 80% of your heart rate, going less than that is queer zone, going above, not a safe zone but manageable for short burst. NEVER run a 5km thats im not benching neither 3 or 2 plate zone. Always avoid fag zone.

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