What's the minimum height for a gf in 2018? is 5'7 ok?

what's the minimum height for a gf in 2018? is 5'7 ok?

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>is 5'7 ok?

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You mean minimum height to get a gf? Because there is no minimum height to be one.

It's gone up to 6'10". That is the absolute minimum height requirement, if you are shorter then you will die a virgin.

>is 5'7 ok?
Have you thought about transitioning?

Non meme answer: you just have to be taller than the girl.

you need to be at least three times the girl's height to even be considered human.

Yes but only if you're in college. Because afterwards if people aren't forced to be in the same place with you nobody will have any reason to make friends with you.

6'3 is baseline anything below is manlet in 2018

scientists are predicting that 6'7 will be the new ideal by 2020, making 99% of men subhuman sending population growth will free fall

I'm 6 feet and I'm not dating anyone lower than 5'9, I don't want my son to be a manlet

You'll probably need some other quality like a supply of drugs or model like features and money

Tinder is preparing for it already. Apparently they will soon roll out an update with Height Verification requirements. In 2018 it will be 6'3" and no male under that will be able to sign up. They will probably up it, like you said, to 6'7" by 2020.

I've been with my current girlfriend since highschool and neither of us have grown much since. I was an am 5 7 when we started dating and shes gone from 5 4 to 5 5. We lost our virginities to eachother back in hs. It's really just awkward if shes taller than you.

minimum height for females is 4 feet tall. Men would literally date midgets.

5'8 here, don't plan on having a gf any time soon but it's a perfectly functional height otherwise. as far as mate selection goes females tend to prefer guys 5'10 and up

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post more close ups of cute cats

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5'7 is manlet tier, but some girls are willing to date people at your height. But you'll have a small selection, and you need some good qualities to compensate.

This. Most people won't look at you twice unless your gf is taller than you.

Statistics show that 5'7" is the optimal height for getting girls.

My gf is taller than me and short girls do look at her with anger and envy.

yes, surely it must be so

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Mad respect for pic

Actually it seems to be 5'6"

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i'd rather be under 5 tt than a lanky freak