Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #470
The Age of the Mutt is near. Are you ready?
People talking about their height online
Repost cuz I'm retarded. Imagine you were offered a room with just a computer, a desk, a chair, a bed...
Why don't you just find a friend of yours and decide on one of you two to be the girl and start dating your best friend...
I'm here for you robots
Reading how many pages of a single book is considered normal, for a single day?
Wanna know what makes me happy?
Is feeling like this the final stage of robothood?
How can I make tap water safe to drink?
Being attracted to traps is the straightest thing possible because you are attracted to the feminine appearance of them
tfw you have a big dick but no one to use it with
What is wrong with taking money from men?
It wasn't "genetics" your parents were BAMBOOZLED
I'll have 1 non slut feminine bf please
So this is what why trash love democracy
What is the first thing that you notice about a person that attracts you to them?
Why do we pretend ugly people aren't discriminated against? Yes even the ones who shower, workout, act confident...
25+ virgins of Jow Forums, post your:
What fetishes do you have, Jow Forums?
How could we have stopped him?
I miss him so fucking much bros
Why autists love dinosaurs?
Do you fun on weekend or no
Which do you think is worse for society--overprotective, coddling parents or neglectful, unloving ones?
Femanons how do you feel about cute asian girls? Like Le hate them? Or want to date them...
Fembot Feels Thread
Please respond
Are women really needed for anything other than procreation?
Reminder: Even if you're an above average ripped guy, you're still going to have to settle with a fat chick...
Don't look at women
Brownbot feels thread
Any robots taken antidepressants?
Im a soon to be ex NEET Jow Forums and have an interview with Walmart for a "Maintenance Associate" position
Femanons, do you really like violent porn so much?
You get dubs, you leave Jow Forums for a week
Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, become a tradecuck
Ssshh, you must stay very quiet, do not disturb the sleeping sissy
Do you believe in God user? why/why not?
Be me, 5'7'' manlet
Minority women actually feel oppressed because white guys don't notice them enough
Post pictures of women you have had sex with
You wake up to this, what will you tell your parents?
Be me
Father lets 13 year old sister stay up all night on the computer looking at god knows what
Cooking myself breakfast
I just realized my only friend actually has many
Is virginity important to you? If so why? Is it because you're (not) a virgin...
Why are women like this?
Waifu thread
Oldfag's advice to romancing the girl
Born just in time to take the collective blame of what "muh ancestors" did
I met a really cute girl a few weeks ago. She's wonderful and adorable and perfect for me
Be me
Give me one reason why you don't orbit any waifus
Why are fake nails on girls so fucking hot? I'm not really even gay. theyre just so hot
Let's talk about the time you got rejected by a girl
Why doesn't tinder have a filter for race...
Would you make a black girl pregnant?
How big could a trap's tits naturally get, if she started hormones as early as possible?
Tell her you're a virgin
Dick sucking is a thing. People put dicks in their mouth. This happens in the world
I never tip. So the delivery guy is always mad when he delivers to my door...
Why do I get shivers down my spine when I think about being more than friends with a cute boy...?
Ever seen your sister after shower?
Stop posting anime you animefagbois
Alcoholic/drunk thread
Your waifu would become real, but only you and her would be able to notice either of you
Haven't come here regularly in over two years. Is eggman still alive?
What are the pros and cons of white, asian and black gf?
Should I convert to the blackpill? Anyone have any experience with it?
Ironic weebs are the worst people alive, even Gaiafags weren't close to this level of annoying
Why do roasties even shave...
You'll never come up with Million Dollars lines like:
Which is better for when watching Cowboy Bebop?
/r9gay/ - #395
Mfw wagies are sleeping right now and will shortly get up for work today
You're slacking again Fresco
ITT: single word posts that no one else has ever posted
I saw some people fucking like this once, but out in the woods. How common is this? Is it happening all around us...
New Discord Thread
Why are there so many trannies and cock lusting fags here, and why am I starting to want it too?
Would you say your misoginy comes from the fact that you're on r9k or because of actual interactions with women where...
Did porn,sexual liberation,and sexualization of everything ruin this decade...
Explain this Jow Forums !!!!!!!!
Tfw im sexually pure but ugly as sin, dumb as bricks, and personality down the shitter
Why is it that people who are racist tend to be extremely stupid?
What's stopping you from having a black bf? Honest
Hello, guys Fembot here ask a 20 year old Fembot anything
If there is a fucking (((God)))...
Do i have a small penis
ITT: autistic things you do daily
Tfw rare emotional boi
/wageslave general/
Ayy who /ephebe/ here
Pretend this thread is whatever thread you want
BLACKPILL: Females hate men with fetishes. if you have a foot fetish you are automatically an incel...
Ask a black Fembot who just fucked an Asian guy anything
Who else here hides their political views from their family members and friends?
Discord General /dg/
Will purposely getting scars and cuts on my hands make me look more badass and attractive to women...
All roasties are now like this on twitter and instagram and deviantart and tumblr and basically everywhere else
Anybody else here a teethlet?
Take out that tiny cock of yours and stroke it to my BIG, STINKY feet, you pathetic loser!
Would you date a girl who is universally unattractive?
Today is my birthday. 27 years old
From No-Fap to All-Fap!
Can't drive stick
ITT: Bone chilling sentances
Another night of eating food out of the dumpster and shitposting at the library
Should race mixing be mandatory to improve race relations?
Whats your ideal height and weight in a woman?
What's a good, comfy computer hobby? I really need something to pass my days doing and I really wanna be comfy
Would society change if women were taller than men?
Ready to get replaced, wagie?
Where to get hookers?
Actual dick size in porn
What is your current favorite doujin?
Not Crispy thread
Are people laughing at me?
How to attract white men
I used to think I was a robot but then I discovered I could get pussy...
What the FUCK is your spirit animal, robots?
Sing us a song anonman
Dear God, how can there by so many virgins? This is 2018, no meming. There are PLENTY of ways to lose your virginity...
Mid twenties
Incel Vs Robot
Post your type of girl
Why not just pair up and fuck each other, robots? Look at how much fun these two are having
Another day of waging tomorrow
Did you test your luck today?
What happened the last time you asked a girl out?
Describe love
Last text with a woman
Tfw alone so long you actually become gay
Why do white men keep killing black women? What should be done about this?
Is there a scientific reason women arent funny?
There are late 20 somethings that are actual professionals in their field
What's it like being attractive to women?
You will never have a korean gf
Guys I'm on acid I love you all
Can i get uhhhhhhh 1 non slut feminine bf
How do you feel about girls with facial deformities?
You just matched this Stacy on tinder
W-would any of you guys date a very plain average looking girl?
How do you cut ties with a toxic "friend" group? i just want the abuse to stop
Contacted a camwhore requesting lewd live pictures in thigh high socks
Stoll my parents money to buy weed
Unpopular Opinion
Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in
Cool, any torontofags in here tn
Hey there non bronys
Where Can I Get 2000ppm Hydrogen Cyanide
Anyone else compulsively save reaction images?
What are robots eating today? I got myself some dominos
Should whites be exterminated like a plague in order to save the planet
Ask a diagnosed bipolar fembot anything, or suggest good nighttime stories. I'm sleepy
Femdom is a meme fetish and I wish I didn't have it...
Sandnigger here, there is a girl who really has a crush on me.. She is half rus/ger. I am turkish and a kurd...
Any Zoomers here? 20 years old checking in
She pulls down her pants and this fuckin thing thuds on the floor and says whats up
Wow!! Jewish humor at it's finnest (not really, this is just regular rape, not child rape)
How do white robots get over being the least desired race? Unless you have shit tons of money...
Why are so few robots willing to racemix? Most fembots are asian or black desu
I just ordered a switchblade today. IDK, I think I bought it for self defense but something is telling me I did not
Vault 46
I'm sick and tired of being bored on the internet all the time
Only people who haven't suffered love their parents
Have a disagreement with some fag on discord
Where's my down to earth black bf?
Do you ever talk to yourself?
What's the last thing you jerked off to?
BeHappy vol.1
Female Incel Thread
Why do women want to be friends with men?
Online people red flags
How to unlock Stacey mode? How do I become the girl everyone wants?
Tfw porn addiction has ruined my life
Ruby illusion
If you could implement a death punishment for one particular crime, what crime would that be?
"What's that user, it's time for another catgirl thread?
Post your clipboard user
Tfw your mom sister and grandma all think you're gay because you dont talk to girls
Why do normies have such a virulent hatred of tobacco smoking?
Join my server i am a egirl and i own a server join it i have some other egirls that would probably like tk send you...
Femanon (not fembot) thread
What do you do against depressive episodes, fellow sadbots?
Creative Robots Thread
ITT: Most effective way to kill fags
Tfw no bf to feminize me and help me shave my body hair
What do femboys want? Serious question
Theres hope for blackbots after overall
Is chaotic still single and does he prefer boys over girls or girls over boys asking for friend
How large should a penis be?
What is your looks level robots?
Damn, someone got BLEACHED
ITT: we share our most racist experience
Do you think loneliness has had a negative impact on your mental health in the long run?
Be me
Sheep Village Remake
A godly being appears before you, offering to change one and only one event in your life...
Career, earnings & age
Women retain and carry living DNA from every man with whom they’ve made love with
Tfw spent over 2000$ on onaholes
My apologies for formatting. I'm on mobile
Boogie's rebound hookup
Hope you have a good morning today kathy oneechan
Peterson VS Chomsky
Mom brought me a couple girl's shirts when we went to lunch today
Any of you ever became obsessed with a girl? Is it normal?
Daily reminder that if you're black or white you cant be robot. Whites are desired by all women, ethnic and white...
Asteroid that will wipe out all life on Earth is ETA in 2 weeks
Imagine actually thinking that Rei > Asuka. Imagine preferring a lifeless doll to a cute, feisty redhead...
How many of you look worse than this guy?
How I went from 30 y.o. neverkissed to constant blowjob receiver in 12 easy steps
Cuts thread
My vagina when he likes the same things as me
Why haven't you joined Islam yet?
Do women feel love ?
Fembot Feels Thread
Nobody wants shitty sex and a person with no experience inadvertently represents shitty sex...
16yo unexperienced introvert loli jerked me off in the woods, her first ever hj (was super shy)
Tfw 7 inches dicklet
Is it safe to take 2g (2000mg) of acetaminophen / paracetamol just once?
Would you date a prostitute?
Be me friendzoned
Vocaroo wednesdays
How much money do you feel you'd need in the bank to feel safe and secure? be realistic
Why white people are overrepresented in terrorism statistic? Is it because they lose virginity too late?
This is what wagies actually believe
Fembot here
Confess. This is you
Ywn become wife
Practice gf wants to take a picture together
What other expressions can we add to the twitter progressive soiboy dictionary?
What are ur first thoughts upon viewing this?
Come help revive this dead discord server with no rules except no illegal /aymk39N
Blessed @re the mutts: for they shall inherit the earth
Finally get gf after years
Are you willing and able to work longer and harder than you parents and grandparents did?
Fembots, how mentally ill are you?
Post all your favorite junk food and snacks and drinks
So my girlfriend had sex with 16 people before me (started at 19yo, we met when she was 22yo), all FWB and ONS...
Ugh, women
99% of men have a normal sized penis
It's another "user's oneitis got a new boyfriend, so now he's looking up his state's murder laws" episode
Chad Mbti?
Going up behind random black girl at train station
Therapist is wearing a crucifix
Admit it, you enjoy these
Hurry up brother, the boss has only given me a ten minute break today
Post a song in your native language (other than english), or any foreign language
Tfw mum said she is shutting the internet off for a month
ITT:That kid thread
Fembots, how do we get laid by you? Any tips on how to get with you guys?
Why the fuck did this never happen to me? Why did no older female took advantage of me sexually when i was young...
When did you realize you weren't like the other girls?
Waifu thread,2D appreciation thread
Do Incels actually exist or are they a meme?
Im drunk rn fellas, AMA
Ronnie Edwards an editor of The Game Theorists killed himself
ITT: People who inspire you to never give up
ASMR roastie BTFO'd
ITT: We LARP as if we are fighting in the Vietnam War
Dogs general
How screwed are we?
Comfy Music Thread?
So do you have a porn collection? How big is it, user? Do you collect certain girls?
Who made apu cry? i will punch the faggot who made him cry
/r9gay/ - #394
Pic related is the new Prime Minister of Pakistan
Who else loves going by train? Im sitting in one right know...
Finland is experiencing the hottest heatwave it's had in recorded history
No one is hiring other than the lowest possible positions
Living in a Van
Does anyone else just loathe conversation?
Why do girls ignore people so much? Even if things seem to be going well...
Take melatonin
How do i go about this. Shes nearby. Idk how to talk to grills
Hey Robin. It's Nic. I miss you. My discord got taken down. :( hope you're there
Jow Forums bf
Anyone here ever scam anybody?
Website will tell you if your chad
What the fuck is wrong with me. Why do I push perfect people away and sabotage things
Approximately how many hours per day do you spend fantasizing about this?
Why don't you lower your standards and date a fat girl, anons?
tfw no Jow Forums trap bf in california
Femdom general #6: Happier edition
This mexican dudebro cosplaying miku hatsune tries to seduce you at a bar
"Hey user, I just lost a bet with my sorority sisters."
Asian Tinder
My obsession with this actress I have a crush on is getting fucking worse
You can have one of these superpowers: mind reading, teleportation, invisibility. Super speed, or flying...
My dad is 5'4 and my mom is 5'5 and i was 6 feet tall by late 14 someone explain how im not a manlet
My mother doesn't approve of me housing and caring for a mentally ill girl for grocery money and some cleaning in...
Build your own GF thread
Why is the internet such garbage?
Meet girl at work
Can anyone catch me up with what happened to this chick...
Anyone remember TSUKI and their cult? Whatever happened to them after a year has passed?
Want a house, a car, a 2.5 kids with a wife
Tall bois
/mommy general/
Lets see how many people are on this board RIGHT NOW
This is what happens to all tr*Ps when they cross my path
It's time for a comfy thread. Cuddle up, look, listen, get a hot drink. Whatever makes you comfy
Everything is oversexualized nowadays. Sex is overglorified and exaggerated...
Skinny Skeleton men UNITE
How big of a disappointment are you in the eyes of your family members?
Facial Disfigurement
Let's have a screencap thread like we used to back in the day
How to bypass tinder ban?
Be white
Why is it that normal people never talk about feeling comfy, but on Jow Forums, it's the "golden feeling" of sorts...
The position you're born into
What are your thoughts on the fake normie robot Mumkey Jones, Jow Forums?
I want to work for google as a software engineer after finishing with university. Do you robots think I can pull it off?
ITT: We discuss our preferred method of suicide and what made us reach this point
Sent a girl a picture of me in my underwear after she asked for it
Famous incels?
Femanons, lets settle this once and for all! Does bigger dicks pleasure you better???
Tags: r9k, robot9001, r9komegle, omegler9k
Irene Thread
I just found out what women actually think of bald guys
Anyone here listen to Elvis? RIP The King
/nba/ thread?
I'm taking any and all questions
Discord storys
Why dont you have a gf?
Mfw people still think world war 2 happened
Four days without cigarettes and I'm starting to become quite irritated...
Would you pay for sex?
Why don't femanons just date robots and
Fembots, is it important for a guy to be a show-er? Is a soft cute little penis better for cuddling...
Catgirl Thread
Alright you degenerates, how long has it been since you
Suicide by pill
Does your mom buy you anime merch?
How do you honestly cope with the fact that you wasted your youth?
Be you
Has Jow Forums ever paid for a hooker?
Should i continue dating this robot?
A gaggle of roasties walked past me and, expecting me not to hear them...
Im thinking about giving my "girlfriend" (soon to be ex) an STD. lemme know what you guys think
Jow Forums I am hopelessly addicted to latinas
"race is skin-deep"
Who /military/ here? I think I fucked up big time, bros. I could use some advice if there any militaryfags here
Stop being a nerd. The entire nerd/geek identity is founded on being a consumerist slave...
Downfall of society, a path to true freedom?
If a girl has lost her virginity, does that mean shes already wasted/disposed of her best eggs?
I am thinking of quitting my job to become a writer. I have enough money right now for 4 months rent
Hunger games thread. post a name and image to enter as tribute
What unironically makes coffee people act this way
My girlfriends ass. Haha you jealous you incel losers? :)
>he doesn't have electrical tape over his webcam
Any other fat robots? Post your weight and height
Tommorow you will have gained a power
I hate women
Why is this board obsessed with boys that look like girls?
What was her name anons? Who was she?
Any (former) goths here?
How's your education/job hunt/career progression going?
Does anyone have the video of Sam and Marky going at it?
Guys I've fucked up bad I just came all over my mom's underwear in her room she's going to be home any minute
"What's that user, it's time for another catigrl thread?"
Tfw no chaotic thread
Describe yourself Jow Forums
Do you think you're a better person than most other people?
If you're a pisces or virgo there is no hope for you
Therapist told me I should go to an anime convention to meet new people
R9k is being attacked
Year 2019
Attention europeans and women
163 IQ here
Femanons why do you frequent this board? You want nothing to do with any of us
Why do i get a funny feeling in my tummy and back of my neck when i think about having my first relationship with...
If I travel back in time a hundred years or so to when the age of consent was 10-12, and date a middle schooler...
Any pedo/loli/hebe bros on Jow Forums?
Why is this boy drawn in such erotic ways?
Ask someone who's been investigated for pedophilia, anything
Beta Uprising
Letter Thread Schizoid Edition. Those letters aren't for you, just if you're wondering
Best /sip/ for lonely nights spend browsing Jow Forums
I just want to live in a relevant part of the country
Why do you want a daughter knowing this could happen?
Femanons why don't you just get one of your friends to share her Chad bf with you?
Can we have a qt girls thread going? Post qt girls robots
My little brother's groaning from masturbating reminds me of someone
Be arab
Brother gave me a dab last night
Tfe an ugly girl likes you
Girl i know from high school that i used to flirt with is asking me for money because she and her daughter have no food...
Dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, chokers, favorite color is plaid, combat boots, alternative and punk music...
Doubles thread
See fox in wow
FemBot here
Would you date outside of your race if it meant that youd have a gf for forever?
Do you have some imaginary world you go to before sleeping?
Black GF Thread
Show me your waifu robots!
Why does this always happen?
Why are we so attracted to anal sex?
Tfw no gf who's into tanks
Have a good afternoon kathy oneesan
Who else likes big fucking tits?
User will you ever work on yourself and become the man I always wanted?
Have you ever been in a fight r9k?
Drink thread
Male pornstars you hate (not gay)
Why do men constantly attack women for living like the easy way...
my husbaa is no longa a maan
What other boards do you go to robots?
Reminder that Anime and 2DPD literally have a special place in hell
What twitch streamers do you guys watch?
Pics with no context
I'm sick of your fucking misery, robots. We need a pick-me-up
Summoning thread
Damn even eggy had a cute gf at one point. Guess even with ugliness and autism all you need is a streak of extroversion...
Why do women always attack men by going straight to their sexuality?
Tfw no peep gf
What do you hate the most about normies?
Reading into this too much
Any Russianbots here? Want to explain what life is like over there? Does it feel European or is it something else?
Wagie wagie how can you work when it's 35 degrees outside? We NEETs are at home with AC...
Do racist girls actually exist or nah?
Quickly answer these questions truthfully
How the fuck do you get friends?
I want to become chad
Is $13 an hour decent for a college student?
White nationalists and crossposters from Jow Forums
Who hear got roasties to quit their job with no effort at all?
Perfect Gentleman
Sometimes I'm really tempted to race mix. Good thing white women are so beautiful and have such low dating standards
/r9gay/ - #393
Tinder pics
How does it feel to impregnate a female and watch her belly grow with your child?
Vocaroo thread
What's Jow Forums's stance on Universal Basic Income?
No homo, but the more I think of it, the more I like the idea of having a soft and submissive male partner (femboi)...
I quite seriously want to get a girl pregnant. I'm not joking or exagerrating here. I want to get a girl gregnet...
Reminder that this is what the average girl looks like naked
Feminism is a cult
The ultimate robot film? Is there a better film that encompasses the feeling of loneliness and despair?
Draw urself lods, come on
Is Elon Musk a chad?
It's my birthday anons, pls say something nice
Just lift weights bro
Hey guys, sorry for the sob story thread again
Give me some crazy theories
Anyone else here a boomer stuck in a zoomers body
I have not seen a Waifu thread tonight
The girl or the call, user?
I missed another day of work today. I don't know how much more I can take of this day to day grind...
How do i get orbiters when im a black girl :(
Post anonymised pics of girls you fugged
Hikki/NEET thread
Dude, i haven't had drugs in a week, i'll go crazy
How to know when to stop reverse or front parking? I always either hit the curb or park too far away from it
What facial feature of yours makes you most reluctant to approach girls?
How do you spend most of your free time, NEETs and wagies of Jow Forums? No matter how autistic or normalfag it is
Why do you deny the existence of fembots? Is it really that hard to consider maybe some women don't have it easy?
2009 warp thread
I unironically like 6ix9ine
Daily reminder that all men are pigs who only want your pussy, and robots aren't any better
Male anons is it weird to pee in urinals...
Exactly how many days ago were you born?
What is your personal favorite anime series or OVA?
One o' these
Letters. Write them to people that will never read them
What do you guys think about race-mixing?
30+ Thread
Qualities of your ideal GF?
Made a chad tinder account literally less than an hour ago
Why do people think that incels (involuntary celibates) are fucking terrorists and maniacs?
Newfags try to insult oldfags
Good old pron thread. Chat with your fellow robots about your favourite pornstars etc
Fucked up shit you did in school
Bmi of 18
Mental Disorders
Fembot Feels Thread
Why not lower your standards and date a fat girI?
What are your thoughts on these leotards?
Fap Fantasies
Are oriental penises really that small or it's just a myth? Boys and girls from Eastasia are welcome to share
Can this book fix my life or is it full of shit?
Hey user, what's happening. If you could just stop making "fembot" threads, that'd be great
God damn I wish I could be with a woman
Experiences with Muslims?
Im tired of people using occams razor in an argument
Why are robots so easy to talk to ?
Unconventional fetishes you have
Give me one reason to circumcise my son
How to treat incel scum
I'm absolutely fucking obsessed with this actress I have a crush on...
How the fuck do I get started with cosplaying? /cgl/ doesn't look very helpful
It's not women's fault if they don't want to have sex with you
wake up next to him
About to turn 19
What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and were an average Chad?
I'll leave this right here
Education is designed to crush individuality and make you unthinkingly follow authority while preparing you for nothing...
What is the cheapest and best fast food? About to go get some
Pic-related lady is 24 and a virgin, say something nice about her
Anyone else /smol/?
Hey guys, I'm going to the grocery store. Can you watch my glass of chocolate milk while I'm gone?
What is it about western women that makes them so repulsed at pajeets?
What's the longest crush you've ever held?
Am I the only one that doesn't masturbate to porn and just go off by the feeling...
Wagecuck and stay in my room mostly
Anyone ever met up with someone from /soc/?
Halt fine traveler show me your heavyest metal and I'll let you pass!
I hate my fucking life and this god-awful situation i'm in please fucking help
How do I suck my own dick? No one else is, so I want to try it myself
This is a self proclaimed incel from the incel site
Anyone got a suggestion for a short anime I can watch with the boys? We just finished Another
Rebel Gamer Girls
Ascetics laud obliteraton of the self as salvation. I am against this...
I literally just saw images of child pornography
ITT: Ideal gfs and what we want to do with them
Late night discord thread? dannyb#2481
Under what circumstance is it okay for a man to hit a woman?
Play video game
Why does Jow Forums fetishze black women so much?
Suicide victim. 18/7/2018 posted on Dead people are fascinating
Be me
Hello I am a dirt poor college student and I want to get back into playing YuGiOh...
The Office
Do you have any conceivable reason for even getting up in the morning?
Trips decides what i name my 3 kittens
Who else here small dick?
About yourself thread
Ideal GF thread
But really: do pedophiles deserve to have rights or not?
Why does this upset me even though it's none of my business?
CIA personality testing
Do not masturbate for 2 weeks
Have a chad face unironically
I don't understand fat white women in western countries
Ever hit you how the normie's life is like a slip n slide to success where yours is a desparate uphill battle?
What are some lies people tell you, r9k?
This woman is a 2/10 in Japan
"g-geez user, what kind of movie did you take me to!?"
Literally "Chad" Gilbert cheated on Hayley Williams
All I want is a qt white bf to pound!
Can we make a soc style thread to share contacts (like Discord) and get to know each other? Just this time, seriously...
Dire dire straits
He has a gf
A single middle-aged man adopts a 11 y.o girl from Ukraine. Yeah, nothing suspicious about that at all...
At what age girls beacome sluts?
Is this movie an accurate representation of wageslave life?
What comfy clothes do fembots wear around the house
How many days have you gone without sex robots?
Going bald
Has anyone ever had a crush on you?
I want to find and kill a blue whale
How can I naturally go from an A cup to a C cup?
What exactly is the glory of being a school shooter?
What level are you on?
Best fap
I literally look like a copy of pic related how come i don't have a girlfriend like what the fuck !
So Mr. user, what are some notable skills you possess? Accomplishments you've achieved?
"...user's Favorite..." Thread: Jow Forums Edition
Can anybody post some really sad songs please? I want to cry my eyes out
R9K, what is the longest you have gone without sleep?
Hello everyone. it's agatha
Be me
What is your greatest shame?
LOVE -- better to have loved and lost, or never loved at all?
What would you do if you had a gf. After a month of dating she informs you she has a penis...
Which boards would Patrick Bateman frequent?
White women are the most privileged class in society
What are some alternate masturbation methods? Don't tell me you guys didn't get bored using your hand for 30 years
One chance at life
What are you supposed to do if you are ugly and stupid?
ITT: original 3 word sentences
I'm unironically proud of being black. Even though we have our problems, I love my people, whether they're from the US...
"friends" systematically make plans without me
What are your experiences with romance?
This is your new classmate, robot. Will you try to be friends with him?
Being around Niggers is like swimming with sharks with a meat suit on
Everyone ITT is living on an old jalopy of a spaceship. The SS Anonymous is all habitat modules and radiators...
I had a really shitty day today, can we get a /comfy/ thread going? thx guys
Any fembots baby crazy?
New asperger thread
Fembots. What do you do. For fun when home alone...
Did anyone here actually fall for the Kony 2012 stuff?
Be me robot
The Robot Test
This is a great board frens
Is it possible to a beta to become an alpha, or an alpha to become a beta?
Anyone else part of the Only Fap With Stolen Panties Club? So soft, so naughty
Just finished watching breaking bad
Why is the process of getting a girlfriend so easy for the majority of men? What is wrong with us...
If being gay is a "choice" then why don't you guys just decide to be gay and lose your virginities to each other?
Summer hell
>tfw ywn be part of the intellectual elite
White girls are so pretty
Just watched all episodes of boku no hero academia
Any high IQ autist who can solve this puzzle?
/r9gay/ - #392
Crispy Speaks Out About Jow Forums
Anons, be honest? do you believe in romantic love?
Post Your Aesthetic
Skate thread
Hello friends
It's up
Onahole / buttplus / FAP
Is it okay if I sit on your table, user?
Give me some good songs to trip/get high to
What sort of porn/hentai do females like?
Why is it literally fucking impossible for me to make an account on social media without my phone number...
What's it like to work in an office? I've never worked in one, or anything like one...
Vocaroo General
Should I pull the trigger?
Psych ward stories
Lazy NEETs
Fembot thread
This is a 22 year old self-described femcel. Do you agree?
What are your experiences of dating sites?
Reminder: pretty much all of your dads are not your real dads, including mine...
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever
Why does Chad make girls lick his asshole?
Low IQ Genius AMA
30+ Thread
How do we end the gook femanon(pic) problem?
Brooke played you all, she's just an attention seeking, attention deprived, sexual deprived money hungry whore
Femanons whats your opinion on glory holes
Jow Forums and their tastes
What's her name user? What's she like?
*mutilates sons dick*
Discord thread
How can we finally end the incel problem?
This girl can't get any guy to have sex with her and has been feeling depressed, says she might kill herself...
You suicidal people should listen to this man
If robots truly are smarter then normies, why can't we do basic social interactions...
What do you guys think of jewish sense of humor?
He doesn't shave
Jow Forums is full of rich middle class people
You have been given 1 hour locked in a room with these girls. What would you do with them?
When will you admit that robots only want stacies
Rip booger
Mfw came buckets in a 14yo girl's mouth and she swallowed it all saying "it was tasty"
All I want is an autistic fembot to talk to. anyone?
Is this legal?
My ex gf was getting "free" drugs from her dealer and ridding round with him so i broke up with her a few months ago
Waifu thread [discuss stuff edition]
On a scale of 1 (wizard sleeve roastie) to 10 (innie) how do femanons rate their baginae?
Daily reminder
Psych ward lets you use phones
Characters you relate to
Fembots be like
Can we get another catgirl thread going on? The last one was great
Boys I need help
What femanons are like IRL
Help me Jow Forums
Why does this article upset roasties so much?
Anyone else self insert as the trap when they fap?
Female neet living at home in 20s
Thoughts on LolTyler1?
Just found out my IQ is average. Kinda gay. Take test and post results. Be honest:
Longest you've gone without masturbation?
Early morning drug thread
ITT: things that would improve Jow Forums
Oneitis just messaged me saying "men are horrible"
Reminder: you can't be a robot if you have symmetrically hanging balls
So what makes you a robot, user? Me, I am a 170cm manlet in a country inhabited by giants (Germany)
There are newfag bitches on this site born after the year 2000 who are annoyed by anime pictures and pretend the site...
Parents messing up your life thread
When was the last time you stood up for yourself after being disrespected?
If I was a girl I would be the biggest BBC slut possible
Some women were just put on this planet to be inseminated
Thoughts on white women getting BEANED?
How the fuck do people socialise online...
Tfw no daughter
Post all the fembot nudes you got
I'm 27 and never had a girlfriend
Why most pedophiles are gay? If you think about about it women faces are just more infantile than men's faces...
This leddit post actually makes me want to kill myself
Hey robots in your opinion what is the biggest problem in the world right now
That guy that walks around with his hood on
Jow Forums comfy Minecraft server?
Be glad you arent the most hated ethnicity on earth r9k
What is Jow Forums's opinion of psychedelic drugs?
Get your (You)s here! (offer valid until OP passes out)
Have any of you guys done cocaine?
You are a normie if:
Your life in one image
ITT: black pills on women
Tfw i will never have a trans gf
Why do normies get personal during conversations
Would you date a girl who has accomplished more than you?
Whats it like having have aspergers? ive been told it is one of the purest form of robot
Have you ever regretted fapping to something?
25 year old never had a job no degree
Has a cute nurse ever touched your dick?
When is the real point of no return for late in life virginity...
Suicide is selfish
Basedshaman Thread
How was your public school experience?
Gender Bender
Fucking based
Does talking to your family members annoy the shit out of you too or am I autistic?
You did nothing all day again
Why is it that you all just whine about girls here. Can't you do anything with your life without sex...
I'm a 27 year old man who has come to terms with the fact that I'm probably, by most people's definitions, a pedophile...
Why haven't you fucked your tight little boipucci with the gel handle of your mom's razor yet?
What gets you out of bed in the morning Jow Forums?
Acquired qt virgin gf
Why are straight people so ugly?
(^・ω・^)it's dangerous to go alone, user! take this
Anyone else fall for the meme of parents saying your special and smart
You are responsible for your own failures
Anyone else bisexual but only want to have sex with woman?
Just for fun, post the song you're currently obsessed with, if you have one
Youth General #9 (Age 24-18)
Finish a game
I need my rock
I fucking hate minority's
Chance to do crazy chick
Watching porno
How do I get on anti depressants like Valium or something robots
Make Chad Tinder
Height and weight and user will judge you
What poisoned this dude's mind?
Tfw timid and submissive personality
Any other anons try out a dna test? Post your results
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship