Make Chad Tinder

>make Chad Tinder
>within 2 hours this happens

Just more suicide fuel

More pics of convo in thread (it gets way better/worse)

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Sparkle is dtf already

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just go meet her up OP

Why do I torture myself by doing this. I suppose it's better to know the truth firsthand.

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chad tinder meaning it's a catfish for more suicide fuel man
>TFW looks mean more than anything
feels bad tonight bots

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Record here reaction from a distance when good old chad doesn't show up

I'm tempted but really don't want to go to jail/do even more creepy shit

best you can do is to try to get some nudes

Looks like a catfish herself but you may as well go the worst that can happen is she makes you pay for the lapdance/drinks

she's literally a prostitute you ape
supposedly she's hinting at "meeting up and fucking for money" but doesn't say it out loud since it's illegal
has nothing to so with your "chad profile" she's just looking for costumers

she's real. instagram linked

Doing the whole chad tinder or super stacey tinder thing is dumb. Of course really hot guys have plenty of sex. Of course really hot girls have plenty of sex.

Then why don't super hot strippers/model request non-Chads to meet up at 2am after their shift ends? Unlikely

Agreed. I think shes trying to set you up to pay for sex when her shift ends. Chad or not. Only way to find out is to go

first of all she probably does
second of all look at your conversation with her:
>she establishes what she does for a living (lewding herself for money)
>she waits for you to make a move which she then reciprocate to by still alluding to her work "meet me after work blah blah" like it's after hours, she could've invited you to her flat or asked to come to yours, but it's literally just going to be a "bj in the car type thing"
>she's assertive with you "meet me there" "text me" like she's giving you instructions for purchasing
anyway, she's a prostitute or a catfish, might just want to mug you at 2am with her tyrone friends, but if not the latter then most likely the former
how can people be so bad at this

I had a Tinder and had several women ask me if I wanted to hook up, but I was genuinely just using it to meet friends and maybe a nice girl to hang out with. Sometimes I feel too autistic or pure for this sinful Earth.

WTF I know this girl, is her name Sofia?

Sounds like a rpostitute to me, user, and not someone who wants to give her pussy for free.

Not OP but yes it says so on the first screencap above

hahaha omg then i do know this person

yes op meet up with "her" and livestream it

Kek oreg

THOTs have instas bro. She wants Chad Bux
with tinder not just super hot girls get loads of matches. Go to /s/ and find a SBBW thread and use those pics. You will still get dozens of matches a day guys are begging for poon

Its a trap or what?

Op is dead now isn't he..oops

>Do you??
Do you what? Dtf?

They do, you brainlet incel.

Guarantee OP's "chad account" is a 5/10 that most girls won't find attractive.