how do I get on anti depressants like Valium or something robots
what kind of doctors do I go to / how do I schedule appointments or whatever
how do I get on anti depressants like Valium or something robots
what kind of doctors do I go to / how do I schedule appointments or whatever
Other urls found in this thread:
Valium is not an anti depressant
benzos willl end up making you even worse off if you don't die during WD"s
Just go to a regular doctor and tell them you're depressed and whatever else
I did this and got prescribed 50mg of zoloft
spoiler: Antidepressants suck and in my case just make things worse
What's wrong with benzos and why do anti depressants suck
I have anxiety / depression or something I'm just kind of a loser with no friends can drugs fix my problems
no i'm afraid you're just gonna have to improve yourself and get a life
Meds won't fix you
That will take years of work
antidepressants do not make things better, they just numb you not in a good way, or if not they're no better than sugar pills. i take lexapro, for about a year now, feeling very little change in mood, but i could have just done basic things like going to the gym, eating properly, etc. and they would have done much more than taking anti depressants
>no i'm afraid you're just gonna have to improve yourself and get a life
ok how do I do this
Eat enough
Have an actual sleeping schedule
Do some sort of exercise
Extra hobbies especially art stuff
Meds to help especially at the start
This should really be a sticky
This is all good advice but it's also stuff I've heard before
idk I think I will start by signing up for some physical education class at a local community college tomorrow
In like karate or something
>eat enough
My dad tells me to do this too but I want to lose more weight so I can disappear I'm like 100 pounds right now
also what's the point of having a sleeping schedule when I can sleep whenever I want
>but it's also stuff I've heard before
Because it works
> but I want to lose more weight so I can disappear I'm like 100 pounds right now
Not healthy
>what's the point of having a sleeping schedule
Better mental health
I know this is gonna sound stupid but the reason I don't wanna eat more is because I wanna transition eventually idk I have a good size and aesthetic for it
I know I sound really mentally ill in this thread considering it's about me wanting valium but I may as well air all my grievances with my life or whatever in this thread idk I've been thinking about starting HRT for a while now it's not just some "huh I am depressed might as well transition" thing
>I know this is gonna sound stupid but the reason
Not stupid
Still 100 lbs seems unhealthy(unless you are tiny of course)
Good luck
yeah I'll probably start sleeping at more reasonable times and enroll in some exercise program or class so it's harder to quit
I've always wanted to get better at drawing as well
>how do I get on anti depressants like Valium or something robots
>what kind of doctors do I go to / how do I schedule appointments or whatever
You will experience:
Decrease in brain plasticity
A study, published in theBMJ, identified a mild link between ongoing use of benzodiazepines by people over 65 years of age and anincreased riskofdementia.
The long-term use of benzodiazepines can also result in physical dependence. The withdrawal symptoms of benzodiazepines include trouble sleeping, feelings of depression, and sweating.
Should I just smoke weed instead of trying to get on Valium or something
fuk off square
>fuk off square
alcohol is a better alternative
just smoke meth
>just smoke meth
Bad alternative desu
I'm trying to get my shit life back on track not fucking die
I have been on a roller coaster of a ride on anti depressants and anti anxiety meds for years now. All I got out of it was permanent erectile dysfunction causing me to have delayed ejaculation. Seriously takes an hour to fap with this bull shit. Take this poison at your own risk user.
Taking longer to fap seems like a good thing
Don't take drugs faggot
Quit the addiction before you start it, kick alcohol too.
>Don't take drugs faggot
>Quit the addiction before you start it, kick alcohol too.
I have never actually drank alcohol before
I don't take any medication either
Don't start.
Just fucking don't.
Don't get yourself addicted to expensive bullshit, the "good feels" or lack thereof are temporary and not worth the trouble.
I don't know what to offer as an alternative. I suppose getting yourself addicted to living a certain way instead might be the way to go?
Convert to like Vedic paganism and become a monk idfk
Get a hobby other than staring at a screen all day?
Maybe lift (and become a sickcunt like Zyzz)
Go on a long journey abandoning everything in the process?
Throwing shit at the wall here but yeah if you're feeling down and out enough to want to take shit then consider changing up your life to stop feeling bad.
>25 years old
>no job
>living with mom
>no cellphone or car
>no govt assistance just leeching off mom even though she only makes 15/hr
how should i go about getting medical help?
ever since i was 16 or so i've been dead inside and i haven't cared about anything and it shows
I'm fat, friendless, KHHV, NEET, with bad teeth.
How do you not have a phone?
Do you have any savings?
Your life is significantly more fucked up than mine (OP)
Do you have your own room at least? I sleep on the couch in my dad's apartment
hey post your contact, us complete fucking losers need to stick together
ew fuck no i don't wanna hang out with a loser you're just going to want to talk to me about your problems i don't care about them
every cent from jobs i've previously worked i spent on snack food, video games, alcohol, and buying groceries for the house
fuck you but I agree with you desu
I have never had a job
Is it even worth it to get a job
My dad wants me to apply to 5 jobs a day
>My dad wants me to apply to 5 jobs a day
such fucking boomer logic
if there's factories near you just go through a job agency they literally do all the work for you it's their job to get you a job
it'll be temp but it'll put stuff on your resume
but that's only if he'll provide transport
my dad doesn't work and he does nothing all day but he won't drive me to jobs but he wants me to get my life together so i just don't talk to him
I think I am just going to lie around and post on Jow Forums all day instead actually