I fucking hate minority's

i fucking hate minority's

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4 words, blatant grammatical mistake

you think you could put more effort into a shitpost

its just a 4 word shitpost

but no

you just


are you underaged, by chance?

Who are the minorities in your country? In places like Zimbabwe, it is white. In places like Europe, it is blacks and arabs. In the worldwide population, whites have the smallest population and are therefore the minority population.

everybody does, its a given.

is it bcuz we smell?

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>redditor accusing others of being underage
Nice joke post.

I fucking hate crackers and wish death upon all of them

>Didn't used to mind non-whites much
>Got a job working in the city
>All my co-workers are non-whites and women
>Bunch of shiftless, lazy, subhuman fuckheads who can't even accomplish basic tasks without me, a fellow employee (not even a manager) giving them constant instructions
>Blacks frequently skip shifts to rap together in the supply room
>Women start crying when stressed
>Arabs get mad when told what to do by anyone who isn't physically bigger than them
>Asians half-ass everything and try to scam customers

where do u work user, and how . were my fellow pajeet brethren

I worked at a restaurant/cafe/bar place. The one Indian who worked with me was a buff manlet with like... 5 kids and a wife who was taller than him. He was friendly all the time and tried to get me a better job, but the people he spoke to didn't wanna hire a white guy who didn't speak their language. He was alright, but his politeness was unnerving sometimes.

yeah whatever, #clonewarssaved

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>immigrunt pajeet with 5 kids
hes either a muslim, a traditional sikh, or just autismo

Here is the official ranking of minorities from my personal experiences in life:

>Arab(Non-muslms). Never had a problem with them ever. Act nearly identical to whites.

>Indians. Friendly and actually work. The only problem is they seem to lack...hygiene. Not washing hands after shitting and sometimes shitting on floors. That kinda thing.

>East Asians. They will work but they will they are greedy as Jews and will try to rob you blind.

>Native Americans. Pretty good and work hard. The main problem is they like to come into work drunk as fuck and then start whining about the white man putting them down.

>Arabs(Muslims) Bitch about every little thing. Cower in authority. Whine and throw hissy fits if they can't go pray for 20 minutes every hour.

>Blacks. You can get productivity out of them if an authority figure is around and much more masculine than them. They submit almost immediately and go quiet. If their boss is some women they will immediately sexually harass her and focus their attention on the woman. If it some pathetic loser guy they will act all tough in a group and act lad and text on their phones and mess around screaming.

>Latinos. The laziest pieces of shit on the planet. They won't do anything and refuse to speak English or pretend they don't. Worse yet they feel entitled to every little thing. ruly the only race worse than blacks for a work environment.

have u actully seen pajeets poop on the floor or r u just saying pol memes, cuz ifyouve actually witnessed them doing that it would be hilarious asf, and yes we do have a propenity to smell really fucking oungent. As for washing yer hands after pooing, we do that, but i cant speak for those who dont i guess, if they exist


I have been in a bathroom just after pajeet and found some fresh shit on the floor next to the toilet. They act scared of it for some weird reason. Almost like they think they are haunted or something.

thats another pol meme, le toilet witch, but if that really is true, my sides are in orbit




i know more than you could


Wait there is a toilet witch? It is true though I caught one Indian dude shitting on the floor 3 different times. Never washing his hands either...or wiping.

You're good by me I would shake your hand

>but his politeness was unnerving sometimes.
Maybe he just wanted a friend.

toilet witch came from an article where some (catholic) tribals burnt down a porta potty cuz they thought there was a witch in it, and yes im kekking really hard right now

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