Anyone else bisexual but only want to have sex with woman?
Anyone else bisexual but only want to have sex with woman?
Dicks are alright, but the masculine form is repulsive.
I wouldn't say its repulsive, but its not arousing at all.
yeah its just common sense, faggot
Yes, but I've the urge to suck a big one desu.
I know that feel
I want to fuck a girl and then lay in bed with a guy afterwards
Women are not people
i want a qt trap, but irl most are subhuman monsters
I seem to be the opposite. Sex with dicks seems more fun but girls are just so pretty and give me those romantic feels.
This is the hardest form of closet gay.
Straight, unlike the other compensating faggot.
The hardest form is when you want kissing and hand holding with the same gender but nothing to do with the genitals.
Damn mysogny made me gay
>Women are not people
protip: save yourself from absolute misery in your late twenties and thirties by not completely buying into the 'all women are whores' brainwashing.
Protip: it doesn't matter if you know you're the problem, and not them, because you're still miserable and alone either way.
What do you mean? I know all woman aren't whores, but it seems like men have nothing to lose by thinking so as long as they can deal with being alone.
I guarantee this post is from a woman
Whose hobbies include "shopping" and "hanging out with friends"
Bluepilled and pathetic
Here's you (You)
Well you have to admit, it would have helped us not go all prison gay and shit. My frustration with woman is partially what made me want to go gay.
I keep thinking I'm bi and find men irl attractive, but generally do not enjoy actually sleeping with them. Sucking cock is a lot of work and the last three times they haven't returned the favor. I just want to rest a bit afterwards, ya know? I've done it four times, only really enjoyed it once.
I'm a 31 year old NEET of 7 years whose hobbies include tending to his tomato plants, anime and anxiously worrying about my future.
Luckily I still get outside and away from the computer enough to see that the blackpill shilling is not how real-life works in all cases.
It probably helps not living in America.
This. I like traps on paper, but most of them are just too manly irl.
>t. woman
Don't think we can't see through your trickery you vile wench
That doesn't even make sense. Fuck off and stop tarnishing our name.
It makes perfect sense when you look attraction in terms of pros and cons. With woman, the pros outweigh the cons, but with guys the cons outweigh the pros.
yea but im worried im just a lesbian at this point
i'm scared to have sex with women
they are very soft and pretty so it's like, wilting a flower, so to speak