Anyone else fall for the meme of parents saying your special and smart
Anyone else fall for the meme of parents saying your special and smart
>You can be anything you want to be, son.
The bigger meme is when your teachers all say it and you never have to apply any effort in school
>your special and smart
you're special alright, your parents weren't lying.
>mfw i unironically think im the smartest person to ever exist
>flat out tell my family members that i'm retarded
>they insist that i'm not because they all think i'm so much smarter than them
>i can't prove it because i'm so reserved and only speak when i have something worth saying even though it's literally just a meme
No I Never believed them one single bit
t. 30 year old perma- NEET hermit shut-in never had a job, high-school drop out
My mum still says im "smart" even though shes a lawyer and obviously knows im a retarded, but shes a woman and you know how women cannot into logic when emotions are in the way
How can I not believe I'm special when all my peers are NPCs? How can I not believe it when they lack depth and almost none of them are interesting?
Somehow, even in my sorry, dependent state, my family still thinks of me as a kid with tremendous potential. The day they learn, I am fucked.
I realized at some point that "special" and "different" mean "autistic," but I am at least intelligent.
I was told I was smart but never told I could be anything. I was given low expectations of the future and harsh truths but also a high view of my own intellect by my parents. What does this upbringing lead to?
Yes but this place dashed the last of my hopes. I now hate women and feel genocidal towards them. Especially femanons. Especially that one Asian femanon who I hate the most. The sociopath pig who takes pleasure from purposefully making bait threads and making my blood boil.
Intelligence isn't based on wealth. It's based on IQ and aptitude for tasks.
They'd constantly tell me I was smart and would try to tell me that the ladies would be all over me soon. I believed every word of it for a couple years, but then I realized that the girls all thought I was revolting and that the only reason I passed any of my classes was from the teachers feeling sorry for me.
>What does this upbringing lead to?
You're the one who received it. Shouldn't you know?
My parents told me groups were mean and hated different people. I was black pilled early on. I was also told it's who you know not what you know and college is just there to check a box. I was so black pilled I can never be disappointed in myself.
What good is any intelligence if it is not applied?
I want other insights on what mentality it would cause. For me I don't connect success and intellect so I never learned the same lessons my peers did. So I had no reason not to believe in my own intellect considering the people around me were dumber than I was.
I use to subscribe to the "smart but lazy" meme. I realized I'm just retarded and lazy.
I honestly envy that very much and wish I had been told that my whole life instead of the lies I was fed. It would have saved me from the extremely crushing disappointment when I finally realized everything your parents said is true.
You don't have to apply it through work success though. You can share your theories with people and spread a system of belief. You can slowly change the world even if you have no money.
Same as my upbringing it just shatters your confidence
I still ended up behind because I realized some things were futile. I didn't even care though because my expectations were low. People on both sides beg me to join them in their crusade to change society but I see their solutions as worse than the problem. They're disappointed so they want to tear it all down to build something worse. That scares me.
'Sharing theories' and 'spread a system of belief' are very vague, user. Besides that, doing either of those things would still be the application of intelligence, which I am incapable of.
I have lots of confidence in my own intellectual superiority. No confidence in thinking life will play out fairly.
I was reading at 3, adding and subtracting at 2, doing pre algebra, multiplication, and division at 5, and doing Mensa puzzles at 8. I had intelligence at an early age and my parents kept pushing me to learn more.
Yeah. I actually got decent education and a job and look at me now - I'm lonely because all my fucking life I didn't have anyone. I'm still a nobody. I'm unhappy. Every fucking day I think about killing myself but not really because I don't have the balls to do it.
Same thing happens to me, and like before I fell for it before realizing how foolish it is to go on some quest to change something just to try and make yourself think your life has a little more meaning. I didn't even care what I was actually supporting, but now looking back at it if put into effect it probably would've made things worse than they already are.
My question is how do I not believe the meme if most people today are vapid and stupid in contrast to me? Most of them are NPCs.