Why are straight people so ugly?

Why are straight people so ugly?

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>Why are straight people so ugly?
Breeders are like dumb apes who can only act on their biological impulses

It's not surprising they are ugly as shit

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gays care more about their appearance, this has been known since forever

But lesbians too?

The straight guy is more handsome than the gay guy, and the lesbian is more attractive than the heterosexual woman but lesbians don't exist in the first place so who knows what the fuck that means anyway.

>gays wear glasses more often

what did life mean by this?

Often they do. Most just imagine all lesbians to be butch short haired dykes because, well, I don't really know why. I guess because those types tend to be the most vocal about their sexuality. A lot of bisexual and lesbians girls often go unnoticed because people assume they're straight since they take care of their appearance.

That being said. You all should maybe ask for a source before going off an image to make sure the study was well conducted.

user, that man is not handsome. If you think he is handsome then you may not have a good grasp on what many consider handsome. He's ugly. The gay guy isn't 'handsome', but he's definitely cute. Straight guy is neither cute or handsome.

Straights are more sexually dimorphic

Guarantee if you compared those two to women, most would say they prefer the one on the left. More masculine mid face, stronger jaw. Guy on the right looks closer to your average nerd. Only knock on the guy on the left really is that he looks older. Pro-tip user, most women don't really give a fuck about "cute" when compared with "handsome".

i dunno i'm bisexual and i like the straight guy. gay guy looks too much like a child / androgynous

The composite straight man's cheeks resemble a chipmunk, his chin is bulbous, his eyes have a downward angle, and his forehead is strangely recessed. I promise you that if you showed this to women that they'd agree the gay man's composite is cute, and the straight man's composite looks like an ugly man who spends his days sitting in lawn chairs drinking with his beer gut on full display. He's not handsome.

Although, regarding your 'pro-tip', I did say that neither was handsome. I only said the one was cute.

Alright user, well if you care that much to save and repost this picture and make this thread then why don't you test that out yourself?

>resemble a chipmunk
They really don't look much different from the guy on the right. He just looks older.

>his chin is bulbous
It's more square than the guy on the right.

>forehead is strangely recessed
These images just do that when there isn't good data for a certain area of the head. There isn't really anything wrong with either of the foreheads in this picture. If anything, the guy on the right has a larger forehead than normal which is usually seen as an unattractive trait.

>his eyes have a downward angle
They don't have a "downward angle" at all. They're more narrow, and narrow caucasian eyes are an attractive trait.

>ugly man who spends his days sitting in lawn chairs drinking with his beer gut on full display
That's just the imagery in your head that is clouding you from being more observant. The reason he looks like this beer gut dad guy to you though is an ironic statement in and of itself though. This guy looks like a dad because guys with that facial shape fuck and have children. Guys on the right don't.

Eh, each to their own. Despite what I've said about the straight one's appearance, one thing that may be influencing the appearance of the straight man's composite is weight. Often, gay men do care more about their appearance including weight, but even then there's fat gay men. It was likely just a poorly conducted study. They may have only approached men who seemed noticeably gay to take part in the study. Often, the men who look noticeably gay are 'twinks'.

The composites may have turned out quite differently had they been careful to make sure all the participates, both straight and gay, were around the same weight and, maybe, age.

His forehead is recessed, his cheeks do look like a chipmunk, his chin is bulbous and puffy looking, and his eyes are certainly angled downward. However, see what I posted here . There may very well be a reason that the composite turned out this way, and it's likely not accurate.


This is a very small sample size

Also the heterosexuals look like they maybe older than the gays, which would not help their appearance often

>Gay people weren't born from fornication

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>Straight people are white trash
>Gay dudes are soibois
>Lesbians are hot
Really makes you think.

Gay people are all virgin births. Jesus Christ was the first homosexual.

Yeah, that's why I added that maybe age could be taken into account too. There is the possibility that they picked the participants for the lesbian and gay composites from a college or night club which is often all young people under 30. Meanwhile, they may have just picked a good deal of straight people off the street. You would end up with a larger number of overweight and older participants that way. This difference would skew the results.

I guess everyone is big gay

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>tfw gayface

I just wanna be a slayyyyayerrrr

i just want to fuck a fat nasty sloppy bitch like virgo peridot or mazzaratie monica and be at peace with existenceeee

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Straight dude is handsome
Gay dude looks like a soiboy

No girl wants the "guy" on the right

Ok user, well I guess you just have different eyes than me but it looks like every single person in this thread disagrees with you, so there's no real need for me to get scientific with you about measuring things out. You're just wrong.

ugly kids don't get molested

I may very well have different eyes for a good reason.

fuuuuck i want to lick his body all over and grab him by his hips so badly ~o~

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>If you care that much to save and repost this picture and make this thread...

I should likely clarify that I'm not OP. I'm not sure why you're implying I'm OP.