Acquired qt virgin gf

>acquired qt virgin gf
>can't stop thinking about her cheating on me.

It's funny, when we started my first thought was "I'm still broken and my insecurities will surface and destroy this at some point.", and here it is.

I am so delusional and obsessive that I genuinely feel like my paranoid thoughts are true, even under highly implausible circumstances. I understand this, but I cannot control it either. I often act cruel or make up excuses not to see her because I want to spite her for WHAT I AM IMAGINING IN MY OWN HEAD.

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quit being a retard and treasure her, dude. love her.

i'm glad op posted this, i always figured if i ever got a first date with a non-roast i'd screw it up, seems about right

>get slut gf
>had terrible luck with guys, only wanted a cute relationship
>don't have to worry about her cheating on me
Feels good man.

>get slut gf
>loves me like no tomorrow
>dump her
>now alone surrounded by whores anyway at least that one cared and loved me

I know I should hate you and myself but fuck you had point

because you know it's true

nearly every relationship is all bubbly-wubbly and roses and shit for the first few weeks / months, maybe even the first year or two, but eventually the fire dies out and you get so bored with eachother that sooner or later someone's going to cheat or one of you is going to cave in and breakup with eachother, this is only exaggerated the younger you are, however, because you took her v-card i'd add maybe an extra year or two to your "relationship"'s life span

your obsessive paranoia and deep seated mental illnesses will show, in fact i'd go so far as to say that they're already showing and you're already doing things differently, however so slightly they may be, you're literally a pathetic mess and mental excuse of a masculine man, i'd recommend to get your blood tested, do a CBC and hormone panel

nothing personal man, it's just statistics, and statistics don't care about your feelings

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>loves me like no tomorrow
Same here, sometimes I feel like she's worshipping me.

If you are having these worries it means she is giving you reason to worry.

If she was truly pure and devoted to you there would be no thought in your mind to contradict that fact.

She's not doing shit. This is self-inflicted. How do I know? I've done this my whole life with everything. I sabotage things out of a need to avoid emotional pain.

It doesn't get better user. After my first relationship ended with me getting cheated on (for quite a while) I've never been able to trust my partners since. I end up having these episodes where I just get worse and worse, until I get so upset with my own nightmares that I snap at them. And people only have so much patience with that shit before they stop caring about you and they just let you go.

Well, I've never been cheated on, but I still have these trust issues. I imagine it has a greater connection to my overall insecurity. I often do not feel like a man, and so I expect her to cheat on me for someone even a little more alpha.

I just can't rule out the possibility, and since it would literally break me as a human being, I can't stop thinking about it.

I've explained a few times to her about this after snapping a bit, but I've never REALLY blown up.

How long have you been dating and why haven't you had sex yet?

We do had sex. She was a virgin when we met.

Seriously, why would you ask Jow Forums for help? For every person that genuinely wants you to be happy there's a bitter person that wants you to fail to validate their own suffering. If you have trust issues maybe visiting a therapist would be a good investment?

make yourself into a man then you mongol

Stop placing so much emphasis on her virginity. It has no effect on whether she will cheat on you or not.

>In addition, advice threads should go on Jow Forums - Advice

Women tend to attach themselves to whoever they lose their virginity to. It's irrelevant anyways, since it was me who took it. I don't place that much emphasis on it, just that I had acquired the ideal and so my fears are even more intense.

I've really wanted to try for a long time but unfortunately I'm a bit pathetic.

I know this to be true. I suppose I'm looking to vent and discuss. I'm not looking for solutions. I have been going to a therapist for 1 whole month now. He has yet to help me with my girlfriend, but he seems to be going for more foundational corrections atm rather than that. I have no faith but I must try or I will lose her.

Yeah, it's all about your self image, I think.
I genuinely don't understand what they find appealing about me at all, so I naturally expect them to leave me in favour of somebody with better qualities which would mean... Most people.

If women attach themselves to who they lost their virginity to, how come almost no girl stays with that guy?

Guy gets bored of them sexually.

Every single time a couple break up, where the girl was a virgin, is initiated by a guy? Doesn't make sense.

having a gf/wife is just not worth it for us, more so if the woman is high quality like OP's
it is like having a Ferrari in a city with no secure parking, unless if coming from an absolute carefree mindset, better get a toyouyouta corolla