I'm a 27 year old man who has come to terms with the fact that I'm probably, by most people's definitions, a pedophile...

I'm a 27 year old man who has come to terms with the fact that I'm probably, by most people's definitions, a pedophile. I'm attracted to girls as young as 12, and while I try to mainly date late teens/early 20s girls who are young looking, I still admit that I feel like adult women just aren't as attractive to me as very young girls. I have never abused a child or done any kind of act with a girl who was underaged. The worst I've done is collect CP years ago and I've deleted all of it and don't seek it anymore. Now I just try to use loli anime and games to avoid ever going back to that.

I've come to realize that I have a certain affection for my niece, she's 6 years old. I have 9 nieces and nephews in total, and although I'd never say it, I know that she's my favourite. Even when she was an infant, I was always very close with her and she was very fond of me too.

I have had thoughts of loving my niece and forming a relationship with her once she becomes older. And yet, this very same thought revolts me, as I know it's both incest and child abuse. I have wondered if I could ever legally marry her, even to the point of checking if marrying one's half-niece (my sister and I have different mothers) is allowed.

Has anyone else ever experienced these thoughts? How do you make them go away? I hate this aspect of myself deeply.

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It's not your fault that you have these feelings. You have a real chemical disorder. You aren't a monster that most people instantly label you. You just have a problem, and like everyone else who has a problem, you need treatment.

Therapy, support, counseling, is what you need. You don't need to kill yourself or turn yourself in like most people are gonna say. You still deserve to live.

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>as young as 12
So when they hit puberty? So hebephilia? So completely normal? Jeez user, you got us thinking you were an actual pedophile aka someone attracted to 5 year olds.

Not saying it's okay to fuck them but I'm pretty sure that everyone is attracted to pubescent girls subconsciously.

>Not saying it's okay to fuck them
Why not though

I feel ya, I don't care much for 3D girls but I do love loli. Fucking sucks that it's banned everywhere besides /b/ now.

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Its pretty much the same situation for me too. Best you can do is just live with it knowing it's there and try to make sure nobody ever finds out.

It doesn't make you an evil person, as others have said it's probably fairly normal. Your actions define your character not your sexual desires.

nah, too old, get out normalfag

is that you gunjy

you dont need to feel guilty about anything as long as you dont DO anything wrong. what society thinks is fucking with your head user.

Being attracted to young girls is biologically normal, you should want to make babies with girls when they are in their prime.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one.

30yo here. I can get turned on by adult women just fine, yet I find children attractive in a way that adults just aren't. It probably has to do with them being small, cute, naive/curious and in most cases full of life. I also like the way that children try to make sense of the world around them in often hilarious and bluntly direct ways. And that you can entertain them with simple things that they still genuinely appreciate.

I'm mostly sad that there's also a sexual attraction going on. I didn't ask for this. Part of me would love to be a father some day, but would that be anything but grossly irresponsible? It sucks.

Like you I've also watched (but luckily not collected) cp in the past. I'm not proud of it and now that I got my life on track somewhat, I wish I never did.

I too dislike this part of my being, but I try not to worry about it all the time and just interact with the kids I know in a normal way. It helps that I'm not exclusively attracted to children, but it still sucks and I wish there was a pill out there to make the attractions stop completely.

The thoughts will never go away. You'll just have to learn how to cope. I really wish it was easier to get professional help with this, even though the shame and guilt would feel overwhelming at first.

Thank god for 2d loli though. It's a good outlet.

There's still the loli board on 4+4 chan but sadly it moves way too slow. Yet /b/ is much too hectic and mostly attracts retards.

>most men would rather fuck a 9 year old than a 50 year old
good taste desu

Mind sharing any specific things that help you cope? For me it still feels like a nasty secret, and I have a tendency to deny myself happiness because of it.

CP is really awful OP. a child has to be harmed to make it and downloading it perpetuates the cycle. it will never be okay. gratened you should have the ability to vent to someone. there should be professional therapists who can help (dont tell them about the child porn). just do some research it. i understand life has given you a shit situation but please understand how awful it would be to harm a kid. OP i really do wish you the best though, you seem really nice and remorseful.

Hurtcore is just as uncommon as in normal porn.

Don't listen to him OP, never ever tell a therapist or even a single soul about your feelings.

OP, where do you find these late teens/early 20s girls when you're 27?
Asking for a friend

This a therapist will report you.

What about anal with girls? Kids shit, so I assume it would more accessible than tearing up a vagina.

there are therapists who specialize in helping pedophiles. most of them are not in america though so if user is in the US they're fucked. admitting to watching CP is a crime so dont tell anyone that.
if OP wants help on controlling and regulating his urges he should see a therapist. if he just wants to throw himself a pity party because he only feels bad about getting caught if he were to act on his urges then he lacks sympathy and therapy probably wont help.

America is backwards like that. There are anonymous programs in Germany and The Netherlands for people with attractions to children who want to seek help.

Only being able to receive treatment after you've already spermed a kid or being v& is ridiculous.

I think I have a cure for your kind.

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Kids take tiny poops, so only gonna work if ur pencil dick

it doesn't really matter if the kid was abused or enjoyed it.
I worked with prisoners at this church thing for a while where we council ed ex cons and one thing that struck me was like 9/10 of them were sexually active before puberty, some rape and some consensual.

I have this theory that children who get molested by adults become distrustful and fearful of authority figures for the rest of their lives. that and I think a switch flips in their brains when they get molsted that makes them more angry and reckless in general. I think it's some kind of evolutionary survival mechanism.

go back brainlet

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If you find those girls attractive in any way possible, you are a pedo...... according to American thought.

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>Jow Forums right
Uhm I have some bad info for you.

that's gay and retarded, stop trying to normalize subhuman criminals with boohoo sob stories, some(most) humans are just shit even in the best environments

I'm kinda pedo and those girls are ugly tbqh, please get a better example

>sex is bad, it makes little children stop believing the authority figures even if they enjoyed it, and it makes frogs gay

Number 2 is the best.

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4 or 6 for me.

>I have this theory
Meh. The more controversial yet plausible theory that is supported by some researches is that the way society reacts to the abused child, regardless of his/her personal feelings about it, plays a huge role in worsening the trauma. Or even creating trauma where there was none or very little.

Not all abuse is created equal.

that's like the same libshit argument people make about gays and trannies
I don't believe it. they'll still kill themselves and do drugs even if society accepts them.

Kek I know.
But search for zhenya in Instagram if you find that girl attractive you are a pedo.

Who cares, user? Just make some OC with her and share it with us.

In what world is being anti paedophile considered politically incorrect

>have pencil dick and am very insecure about it around adult women
Guess I'm destined to plow 8 year old butts, then.

Not that I'm planning to do that, officer.

Get necked pedo freak you should not be aloud to live you should be killed you subhuman

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You are a fucking retard, pedos are by far the most demonized group. You are as normie as they come.

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nice try fbi not fallin for ur tricks

Rolling for bellyrubs

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>be american
>search something
>go to jail


>The most demonised grop
Yes and for a very good reason

Not sure on 6, bad angle.

>kid gets touched in no-no place
>enjoys it for whatever reason
>the ((horrible abuse)) gets found out
>everyone goes apeshit and guilt-trips kid that something monstrously terrible has happened to it
>kid forced into therapy
I can see this happening in cases where the abuse was non invasive and 'playful'. Though don't get me wrong, it's still not a right thing to do.

She's ugly. She's in that disgusting 13yo+ phase where they get gangly and unproportional. Sad.

Isn't this what Richard Dawkins gets a lot of flak for. He got jacked off as a kid and says it wasn't that bad

What a Lad

It looks like you have not seen the pictures of her in a bikini and doing "that" look.

10-16 is the absolute peak of female beauty in general.

>as young as 12
You have no idea what a pedophile is.

Cause they're not emotionally mature, and might not fully understand what are the consequences of sex.

What was the deal with that muhammed? Was he buttfucked as a kid and still anal about it? lmao

Pregnancy? STDs? Stop treating sex like some magical thing.

Richard was basically saying being a muslim is worse than being a pedo. The muhammed was buttflustered because he couldn't think of an actual counter argument.

what the hell are you talking about? literally all movies, music and tv shows treat sex like a magical thing. because it is. it's practically the meaning of the life. why do you think everybody is on here whining about tfw nogf?

I think you should try to avoid her and stop thinking and talking about her. At least try if you really want the thoughts to go away because you can get really obsessed with her. When fantasizing about your future with a toddler stop thinking about that train of thoughts and distract yourself with something else
>but im suppressing my thoughts! i will become even more obsessed with my 6 year old niece! I need to watch loli porn because I need an outlet!
that's not true people who make the suppressed ball underwater argument have not even tried the other side which is actively trying to stop thinking about obsessive thoughts and avoiding anything related to children. It becomes a real discipline problem in the mind and you should at least embrace the idea to have any progress in your issue.

>movies are his measure for reality
oh nonononono

fiction is a measure for culture

Pedophiles can never find love user. She'll just fucking grow up and then you'll be alone. Lmao

Sorry for late reply dunno if you're here OP but some things that have helped me whenever I get urges I immediately stop what I'm doing and go take care of an errand id been putting off like grocery shopping or the bank or whatever, it dispels the horniness as I have to focus on driving and a task. If it's so strong that I absolutely have to masturbate I will immediately try to find something of one of my other fetishes to finish off as soon as possible, loli if I'm absolutely desperate. When I was younger I dabbled with CP and I'm not proud of it, been on the chan a long time, back when that stuff was fairly common on /b/. That stuff is like a drug for people with you and me, it gets addicting and is like a forbidden fruit sensation. Stay far the fuck away from it, get it out of your system as soon as possible. Just jerk off asap and poof like magic the urges are gone, for a while at least.

If you're desperate and think you might relapse, use one of those kiddie scripts that pretends you ddos'd a website but just makes you unable to connect to it without fucking with the registry or whatever it does, use that on the tor download site and don't keep it saved on your PC. Yeah you know how to undo it but in the heat of the moment and when you're that lustful the frustration of having to get around that when you need your fix might be a good enough deterrent to find some other shit to fap to and get it out of your system.

And if it gets so bad that you think you might do something irl, well, just try to remember who you want to be as a person. Are you going to let this define you or will you overcome it and prove to yourself you're not the monster society says you are. That's all on you mate.

Good luck bro

Nobody can find love by that logic. What does a "normal" guy do when his gf turns 40?

Jack off to porn of 18 year olds getting fucked. Try find me a man who doesn't when their wife is 40 and has well and truly hit the wall, I dare you.

>30 year old man falls in love with 5 year old
>still possible to be sexually aroused by her 30 years later, even if she isn't prime cunny anymore
>30 year old man falls in love with 30 year old
>She's mouldy beef in under 10 years
really makes me think

That's my point. The problem of women aging isn't exclusive to pedophiles

They suck it up because if they try to get a divorce the wife will take half his shit, probably more than half honestly.

In all fairness it's her shit too, they're supposed to be a single unit and if she'd gotten away with just leaching this entire time then he was a shitty husband to begin with

This. All pedos and people who defend them make me sick. You should all kill yourselves.

Woe betide any man that makes user feel sick!

what a retarded post, outed yourself as a woman with that, i feel stupider just for reading it

>I had a woman live in my house for 20 years and didn't extract any value out of her
>this is everyone else's fault
How manly

Surely not on . That seems like the board for a loli dump.

Never mind, it's banned even on /trash/. And they let all kinds of bizarre furry inflation vore type shit on there.

lobotomy is the only answer op

Number 5 legend-tier


Yeah. And he even says he does not extrapolate and thinks similar experiences by others can be horrible, he just honestly says it didn't fuck him up personally. And yet they shit on him. I don't get it. Man has the ability to move on and not let it bother him and we're pissed he doesn't diddle kids and attempt suicide?

Berserk reference??

>I could go to jail in my country for downloading this

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Almost everybody who has tried to get treatment for their pedophilia has been taken up to the police by their therapist, since they have the right to ignore doctor-patient confidentiality if they think their patient might commit a crime.
Anybody who likes girls as young as 14 or 15 is labeled a psychopathic monster that only exists to rape little girls, even though alot pedos on the internet will tell you they'd kill themselves if they ever touched a child. The only solution is repressing it and just praying that repressing it doesn't make you into an actual predator. The other alternative is going to prison and getting beaten to death in 1 or 2 months because you're a pedophile.

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What kind of stupid country is that?


You could always just kidnap a little girl. It seems like it would be ludicrously easy to do

America is a sick perverted country and attraction to girls as young as 12 is normal if they look sexually mature. They have successfully tricked everyone into believing that teenage girls aren't the gold standard of beauty in females and it pisses me off to no end how much americans try to start shit because of it.

Just stay within legal limits but honestly the age of consent should be 14 and 16 at most.

>. I'm attracted to girls as young as 12
this is not as bad as liking kids that are pre puberty.
this 100%, dont tell a therapist man they will FUCK you over man.
ummm im no pedo but ummm cute

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Is this all from experience?

No but I am not an idiot, if I told my pysch I liked 14yos she would try fuck me up.

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I've been thinking about this lately.

Is that kind of attraction just a misplaced desire for fatherhood? Like... you're hitting the age where it's time to raise kids, but none of us will ever become fathers and it weighs on us. Maybe it's more like you want to be around little girls because you wish you could have daughters?

Pretty sure any reasonable psychologist knows that that's normal

>online psychiatrist
>vpn, non unique browser blah blah
talk to a pro man but stay seyf

Yeah isn't the first thing psychs are taught that everyone wants to fuck everything?

Partially that, but we shouldn't forget there's always a biological drive to push the boundries of reproduction