Does talking to your family members annoy the shit out of you too or am I autistic?
Does talking to your family members annoy the shit out of you too or am I autistic?
Yes, no doubt you are correct
tattoos look cool but there's no way i can get them.
i write on my arm instead but that's probably gonna just give me liver failure.
i can't win.
Anyone here wanna take out their anger by fucking their own mom in the ass? Raise your hands
it would be more accurate to say that i am inconvinienced than annoyed. id rather be alone in my computer lazing around all day long
Yes I cant handle it man.
i say one or two word answers
Those tatts are terrible
I have a twin brother who is annoying as fuck and literally behaves like a child despite both of us being 18.
We were travelling together and came back from a small spa town by train. The walk to the city center was 2 km from the station, and our Airbnb was on the way. He wanted to go directly to the center and meet up with a family friend for dinner, but I attempt to convince him to stop by the apartment, drop our bags off for 5 minutes, and then just go to the city.
This motherfucker flips his shit for no reason, tells me I'm fucked in the head and basically abandons me. I had to go look for the apartment on my own since my phone was charged out.
Literally a grown baby. I'm travelling on my own now and I haven't felt better
Thats what i try to do my dude but i cant help but snap some days. It happens probably once every 3 months
lol thats a funny way to put it
okay. enough of this facade of a thread, post more blacked
You mean the same extremely tattooed, ugly man porking women of a different race because it makes a certain Jew a lot of money?
t.assblasted gay viewer
is it true user? are you gay?
t. samefag who thinks someone who hates his daily dose of bestiality is a biological anomaly
Stop posting these images nigger
that wasn't a samefag that was unbridled curiousity
>didn't deny viewing gay porn
Busted fag
That's for Of course
I just hate being interrupted when I want to fap. I fucking told my dad the room is locked after 8pm and that is my private time and I am not to be disturbed unless its an emergency of course. Naturally this gets violated for asinine shit like asking if I am going to take a shower or where his fucking towel is or some other bullshit.
One of these days I am going to just answer the door with my dick hanging out. Being reasonable and talking about it isn't working so traumatizing him is the next step I guess.
This is when I am most annoyed with interacting with my family members.
The keks that were had
You disgust me. Please kys as soon as possible.
is that why you bumped his shit?
how can this feel good for anyone involved?
Gonna need you to ring up a source bud.
My mom is too ugly to wincest
You're both still bratty children in my eyes.
t. 30 year old