Suicide is selfish

>suicide is selfish
>suicide is for cowards
>lowest of the low
>think of your family!
>your parents fed you, bathed you, wiped your bum
>how could you even consider this!
>it'll get better! Maybe even *insert cliche impossible hypothetical future* could happen!
>you don't even know bro
>you have no right to do this to your loved ones! no right at all!

Suicide is for Alphas only.
When did you realize suicide is the end game of philosophy and most Alpha thing somebody can do?
Life is suffering and anybody who lives it because suicide is a social taboo or sky daddy says so are beta af.
>yeah im just gonna be miserable for 50 years minimum because don't wanna cause trouble and brad would think im pathetic (even though he already does)

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>And i don't give a fuck if you're hurt. You made my life hell, why the fuck should I care about yours.

>Deciding whether or not life is worth living is to answer the fundamental question in philosophy.
With that youve made your decision and said "fuck everyone. I'm finally doing something for myself".
I completely agree. They dont want to "suffer" the loss of a family member but dont realize that the one is suffering every second whilst he is alive.

Life sucks but I prefer to watch the state of the union decay from my room rather than an hero and be worshipped on r9gay

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Alright then go kill yourself. But i do love you, thats why i dont want you gone. Even if we dont talk much.

true alpha is figuring out how to live way you want
make your own world n enjoy it
you suck at the game so you don't want to play it

You forgot
>Why not go do (dangerous thing) if you don't care about living? See the world!

That should tell you philosophy is broken

The only reason suicide is frowned on and illegal is because it will totally break the system if to many slaves decide to opt out. It will effect the wallets of the rich and elite so we must live as their cattle.

Has anyone ever actually done this?

Except in this game the quest rewards are:
>Herpes and HPV
>More Work
>Lack of time to do what you enjoy if work
>Lack of money to do what you enjoy if not work

you will die one day eventually so might as well stick around to see what happens
in the end it probably doesn't matter if you die now or die later tho

I've seen redditor fags pull that shit. Also
>just do a bunch of drug lmao, you don't have to worry about anything

a true alpha makes society pay a toll for their crimes

yea i don't disagree that all of those can be prevalent in life, but that doesn't mean you will feel miserable all of the time
I only feel shitty a third of the time,
ok/ numb for another third
and happy/ fulfilled for the rest

if there weren't good experiences then life wouldn't be worth living sure

She's a shit waifu you know. Horrible taste.

Er and AM is for alphas only.
Everyone remembers er
Nobody remembers shuaby
Well they did but now they dont
Nor the former braincels mod.

Lain is not for waifuing

I tried to end it all a year ago only to be caught in the act. I got sent to some rehabilitation facility where I had to spend a week bullshitting my way out of it. I couldn't even fucking kill myself right why even bother doing anything?

>t. user who is too scared to go through with it and will eventually post in the 30+ generals

Even Loserbernd is too much of a coward to go through with it, even though his life has been absolute misery for like 20 years. He's almost 32 now and is still ((convinced)) he'll do it soon.

Real suicidal people walk the walk, don't talk the talk.

Then just do it already and dont kill threads for this dumb shit

Why not buy a gun user??

suicide is for betas, its like spitting on yourself after someone spits on you

Its like someone keeps spitting on you so you leave.

suicide does have a savage spirit about it, like being a wild animal in captivity. you either kill yourself trying to get out or you lose the will to eat and starve to death.

but we're not animals. we're humans and suicide is often a mistake.

lain is all our waifu
let's all love lain

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stupid smelly lainposter, no one cares if you kys

In my opinion, continuing to consume and use resources is selfish. The earth is overcrowded. With that said, my current belief sees suicide as ultimately pointless and it could possibly fail

>Suicide is the cowards way out
Never understood this argument. In suicide you're over-riding your own survival instinct and putting an end to things your own way on your own terms rather than running down the clock or getting fucked by chance. How is that cowardice? And saying "it's the cowards way out" to someone who attempted it and failed, how does that help the suicidal person in any way? It'll just make them feel fucking worse and want to try again. I'm starting to think the argument is just another way for normies to feel better about themselves but putting themselves on a higher pedestal than the person who killed themselves.


lainposters join

See, that's the thing that annoys me the most - when you aren't wanted by much of anyone, when you're existence is worth-less and totally negated by the ability to be replaced via automation/ migration, there is no real reason to be around. You are tying up resources and by failing to join part of a small society of agricultural specialists, doctors, engineers, nurses etc. you fail humanity and so to live is in itself selfish. The issue of suicide being selfish does not hold up to modern society where efficiency overtakes humanity and life can be replicated to a more genuine degree by the arts and artificial intelligence. When you work 9-5 blue collar labour outside of the third world there is no real point, you aren't clever enough to be useful or to control automations in the future that will inevitably replace you, even if you work your hardest you won't be able to hold a candle to a Chinese or Indian migrant whose been through significantly worse and has far greater motivation to usurp your role. Perhaps that's the frustration, how can we - with our free state health-care, universal education, adult educational programs, state pension plans, unemployment benefits, work-experience/ intern-ship programs and rent controls still fail to deliver what is straight-forward to someone who was born in a society with none of our luxuries? It makes being alive an embarrassment than something to be proud of.

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i have a friend that wants to kill himself

he died last week

I really miss him.

wanted* to kill himself

why kill yourself and not take others with you user

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just say youre taking a bath then swallow a fuck ton of pills if you have some

Yes to be honest not reproducing and killing yourself are the only true acts of a free will a person could do. Everything else is just biological programming

Thanks OP, you put in words what I have felt for a long time.

>Even Loserbernd is too much of a coward to go through with it

Yet, yet, but bit by bit I am getting there.

Just like being alive is optional, being happy is too. Just remember Sisyphus. At the end of the day it's your life, and you can do with it whatever the fuck you want with it.

Do you wish he suffered so you wouldn't miss him?
Makes me feel user. I wish it were true.
That story doesn't apply in the real world.

Sisyphus was in extreme denial no one finds happiness doing a meaningless task that has no purpose and that being there entire life, so more people should kill themselves

Maybe on an extremely abstract level that only a few people operate on, but I think it's mostly because people are obsessed with pulling weight and watching others do the same. Some people think it's gratifying. The more humane people are opposed to it because of more intuitive reasons involving grief, not wanting to see others come to harm, and etc.

Some people see life as valuable in spite of how difficult it can be. Some people see it as a challenge to define and assert themselves against all odds. From their perspective, suicide is giving up on doing so because you're afraid of the challenges involved.

There is a difference between being scared of a challenge and knowing that you have no chance of success

If you suck at the game that is, thats why you want to stop playing

you are useful as a blue colar worker, they are the modern day slaves, and we need slaves.
And when the day comes that automation takes over well then well all life happy lives in our post scarcity world. I dont see a problem here, just enjoy the ride as long as you are on it. Not like anything is waiting for you at the end either way

you should've killed yourself one day after as a last "fuck you" for making you go through this

>is free to do whatever he wants
>wastes time concocting asinine rationalisations for his weakness
You are ignorant and hyperbolic. No, your life is not 'suffering', not even most of the time.
If you really don't have anything to lose, why not just kick back, relax, and enjoy yourself for once.

>If you really don't have anything to lose, why not just kick back, relax, and enjoy yourself for once.
That would fit nicely in the op. People who have nothing to lose have no attachments, which makes life empty and boring.