25 year old never had a job no degree rejected once again. even when I lie on my resume no employee want to hire someone like me 0 confidence no experience khhv
25 year old never had a job no degree
Same, except I've never tried to get a job. Where to go from here?
Bullet straight to the head.
You should really start considering suicide faggot, move your fat ass and start working at McDonald's and if you still refuse to work then jump off a bridge cunt
McDonald's only hires up to 24 years old in my area.
>le kill urself XDDD
One of the most unfunny, non-edgy, pointless things spammed here, probably by 15 year olds, unless you're one of those retreads in the 25+ threads claiming you're going to off yourself every day and obviously never will.
What the fuck did you put in your resume ? I find it hard to believe that you can't find a shitty job somewhere
how do you want robots to improve if all you tell them is to kill yourself cause there is no hope? it really doesn't help anyone
You're going to need to get basic level jobs, like super basic
Manual and/or boring as shit ones to work your way up
Look for work in factory districts, you aren't gonna land anything at a register. You might have luck in a plant/warehouse
How do I work my way up from there? Aren't these basically a dead end jobs?
>how do you want robots to improve
>kek we want natural selection to take its course for humanity to improve
Just work for a while in one of those dead end jobs to get some experience and to stop being a robot then you can start looking for something else after finally having some work experience
Its something to have so you dont have an empty resume
Depends if you are useless at work in general then you have a problem ahead
You don't, and they are.
You spent years on end sitting on your ass, presumably watching anime and jerking off, instead of getting a degree or work experience, and now you think you deserve a cushy high-paying job?
Take what you can get, because otherwise you don't get shit.
who cares anymore. you did the right thing. good luck getting a comfy job if your parents weren't rich and paid for your successful path through life basically. even people who've worked their entire lives still can't get a decent job, and still fall into the same shit jobs that everyone else does
After getting a dead end job, dabble in other shit to find out what you really want to do. Once you've made the decision, get the skills and exp necessary to get a better job.
Thanks user, I'll try to do my best
same but 30 years old.This is the era where women get all the good jobs. I hope you still have money to order some helium OP.
If you want to learn to draw, there are thousands of resources out there to help you. Same goes for programming, fixing cars, anything.
Also keep in good contact with coworkers, friends and family. I learned the importance of networking far too late.
27 kv neet here op
im trying to get a job as a security guard. got my full drivers silence, got my cpr-c license, working on getting the security guard license and taking the exam for it
i dream of getting a job and saving up enough money to live far innawoods, even if i have to squat and live in a tent or something
i just want to leave the city and live remotely
Real response here. Start volunteering. It will give you some legit experience in the real world, will give you some legit references and will probably improve your social skills so you're not stuttering and spilling your spaghetti during an interview for a paid job. Plus you might make a friend or two.
>Start volunteering. It will give you some legit experience in the real world, will give you some legit references and will probably improve your social skills so you're not stuttering and spilling your spaghetti during an interview for a paid job. Plus you might make a friend or two.
LOL grats on giving him the most braindead normie reddit tier response i could possibly imagine
fucking retard, thats GARBAGE advice. why would he want to volunteer, aka waste his time helping other people for nothing? fucking normies are so fucking stupid, honestly
heres some real good advice: look good and take care of your physical appearance as much as you can, groom and dress well, get fake references with your parents or fake reference services online, and just apply to jobs that dont have much people interaction. night shift work, security guard type work, whatever. lie ruthlessly about your personality and tell them everything they want to hear. you work well with people, etc etc. dont be rude or do anything stupid and just keep to yourself. be polite and never admit you lied about anything
i had this one normie bait me into admitting i had fake work experience back when i had a job. he casually said "you did work for those companies, right?" and i just said "yeah of course" and that was that. if i admitted i lied you can be guaranteed i would of been fired. in the world of normies you LIE about everything you can get away with. its just how it goes
volunteering is a massive waste of time, and its so demoralizing and mentally draining gaining "real world experience" aka helping others for ZERO benefit or compensation. fucking tier 1 "just look them in the eye and give them a firm handshake and just be yourself" garbage advice
>It will give you some legit experience in the real world
yeah in getting fucked in the ass by someone enjoying free labor for no compensation. also automation is going to automate all jobs soon anyways, in the next 10-15 years, so hurry
My brother started volunteering, he asked them to put him on policy work, which he wanted to do as a career. Less than one month later he gets a middle level policy job, starting. The work experience as well as the reference got him the job by the skin of his teeth. I volunteered at a English cafe in Japan for free drinks, the owner liked me enough to hire me. Volunteering leads to opportunities.
Most underage post I've seen in a while
crying on r9k isnt going to change anything
I had to volunteer for school, ending up getting a job there, they ASKED me to work there, no resume or any referances needed.
I agree with this, volunteer to atleast get something for a resume and a referance.
If youre in the US, find a temp to hire agency like Penmac.
Why don't you just start farming? Farming is the most robot thing you can do.