whats it like having have aspergers? ive been told it is one of the purest form of robot
Whats it like having have aspergers? ive been told it is one of the purest form of robot
Sucks but I'll live.
I bought one of these hats from sodarncutebrand,com
It feels like I react at the world and not with it. I see everyone from an outside perspective.
Imagin everyone thinking youre up to something or off withing speaking to you for 10 seconds, also having a fuck shit cramp in the left side of your brain 24/7
Like you are locked in a small room where those on the outside only hear muffled noises and perceive you as a weird retard.
You have those brain numbness feeling as we'll?
yes, only getting plasterd drunk makes them stop shortly
What does it mean if you feel so disconnected that people your age are just as foreign to you and a mystery to you as people 30 years older are a mystery to you?
How do you react towards intimacy/love? and have you improved with eye contact since being much younger perhaps?
Never got it from non-family members. Think it's cringy overall.
>improve eye contact
I can force myself to make eye contact but that makes people more weirded out. Especially females.
It's all or nothing for me. Either deep love or no connection at all. I make eye contact when I pay attention.
>get diagnosed with aspergers as an adult
well that does explain a lot.
I just freeze and make an AHH noise, most people take it as "I am uncompfortabale please stop" but in reality I just get overwhemed by it and become somewhat drunk off the momment
I'm incapable of feeling cringe. What's this mean?
you become overwhemed with a feeling of embaracing anguish because somthing is happening
It's fucking horrible. Every day I'm reminded that I'll never be able to live like a normal human because every behaviour I exhibit is artificial, and learned, and it's exhausting. I have to try, really really hard, just to have a casual conversation with somebody without devolving into mumbling or saying something really odd. And normies always give you -that look- when it happens, like they know something is wrong with you and they don't understand why you can't just be normal.
I don't know either
If you don't have Asperger's then you are a lazy normie. At least you're still human and not a soulless AI that's desperately trying to imitate the most basic hominid behaviours to try and fit in.
I don't care about fitting in. Other people suck.
I want to talk to people and be normal but I can't think of a single thing to say. Even on the rare occasion someone tries to talk to me I freeze up and say something extremely brief and retarded making it look like I'm disinterested even if I'm not.
I am disinterested. I'd rather be in my own world than talk to people. I feel no desire to socialize or fit in but that's needed at jobs. I also don't feel empathy nor relate to most people. They're like space aliens to me from another planet. Is this typical of Asperger's?
You feel dead inside all the time because every behavior you exhibit is trained. Some of us are able to hide it under multiple layers of irony, but most of us just can't function because it sucks all the time.
They do, but since most of us aren't born to rich parents we have to do things like get jobs and go to the shops by ourselves.
Besides, don't you ever feel lonely? Don't you ever feel like there's a big, gaping hole in your core where most people just store their friends, family and lovers? Where we have just nothing?
And, like, these wouldn't be issues if it weren't for the fact that normies will ridicule and harass you for not being like them. If you were a moron you could say it's their fault, but really it's us that are defective humans.
You're defective for wanting to fit in with people who harass you. Why should I want to side with them? What benefit does it bring me? If they react to people being off like that it's just proof they are illogical animals.
No because I have and grew up with people who love me and are close to me. I also have family that's doing financially well. I got that love from an early age. If someone bullies me I just want revenge. I feel rage not the desire to fit in.
Because you can't live without society. I'm guessing you're some kind of NEET that's sponging off mommy or the gov, either living in somebody else's house or in your own shithole.
Either that or you're still in some form of education, internally writing your own Elliot-esque manifesto about how normal people are "the enemy" because the chads in your classes made fun of you.
>normal people are "the enemy" because the chads in your classes made fun of you
why was it justified for them to do so?
>Because you can't live without society.
Not that user, technically true but you can live while minimalizing interactions with other members of society whereever possible.
the joke will be on them when i actually snap
So? I can still take what I want from society without fitting in. Also I plan to create my own tech business. If normies want to harass me I'm the boss and can fire them.
Yes. There's no connection. If I don't fit in the food or the plumbing won't suddenly go away. The electricity won't be gone.
And I can get them fired for doing so. Then they have to live with the consequences of messing with me.
Why do you feel anxiety when going to a shop? Most people are just background figures to me.
Fucking sucks man. Im super horny and have a high sexual tension, but the thought of sexual contact scares the hell of me and triggers some inner sperg uncomfortableness , which keeps me away from anything social setting like that
Are you mad, Wagie? Better get back to work.
Why are autists born in the 90s and diagnosed in the mid 2000s and later such uncle Tom's? Not all but many are. We Aspies born in the 80s and diagnosed in the 90s were for neurodiversity. Most Aspies were for neurodiversity in the 2000s. I spent my youth crusading for it. Why do you 90s born autists side with neurotypicals more often? You want to undo the progress we've made for you.
Kinda the same here except I'm okay with the idea of sexual contact. It's just initiating it that I have no idea how to do. I have a gf but I have a really hard time understanding her boundaries
Feels like the normal world is on a specific radio station that my faulty radio (my brain) can just about tune into but not completely. There's a bunch of white noise/static over the top of the music and I can't hear it clearly. I have to try really hard to concentrate so that I can hear it past the white noise
We were given the message we had no future. Many like Ari Neeman were warehoused. Many severely bullied. We were given the message our differences were wrong. So we fought for our acceptance.
Now I see you people diagnosed after autism acceptance want to embrace you are defective and want to undo the progress of people like us. It makes me sick and livid. Why do you want to undo our progress?
What makes them objectively better without using muh majority arguments? What makes them objectively right if they abuse you for being different?
Yes. Why was it justified? Nobody here is able to answer.
Go on NEETbux. Then you don't have to.
>How do you react towards intimacy/love?
I'm very bad at showing or being intimate, even just something like hugging family members feels robotic.
> and have you improved with eye contact since being much younger perhaps?
Quite a lot, my mom was very strict when younger to make eye contract when greeting and for serious things like interviews, it takes a lot of effort and conversely when I focus on making eyecontact it means I can't look at body language so usually have to pick one or the other
How can one possibly express the feeling of being unable to emote or perceive feeling?
The feeling is this:
- I am not blind. I can see painful things but not good things.
- I am not dumb. I can speak ugly and badly put together things but not beautiful and well put together things.
- I must be dumb and blind: there is no sensation in this body, nothing to touch or be touched with, no feeling of warmth in the sight of another
same, just add religious conditions, fear of STD and sperm jacking to the mix
The central description I have for it is ultimately needing to consciously do what most people do without thinking about it, eye contact, emoting, reading body and facial language, these are all things I had to be taught and actively make an effort to do.
What's it mean if you're able to read people's emotions but unable to pass as normal?
>don't develop feelings like everyone else
>have to learn the feelings
>eventually learn how to mask myself well enough to get by
>constantly feel a beat behind everyone else because you learnt the feelings but you never UNDERSTOOD them
>it's too late to learn how to make it second nature now, just have to continue going through life faking it all
I feel my own feelings deeply. I don't feel the feelings of the group, especially if they dislike me. What does this mean?
It's kind of like being a scientist out in the field. I can blend in, and often times understand why others do and feel what they do, but I have to treat them like animals. Unpredictable, too stupid to know my intentions, and something to be studied so I don't get attacked. Now take that analogy and add on the fact that I'm actually one of them and I have to rely on these animals and their social structure I don't naturally follow to live.
There's a lot of manual thinking that goes into body language, tone of voice, words, and appearance that I personally don't get or care about. I just have to do it.
Dunno what it means but I feel that way too
Look up the video of Elliot Rodger and his day of retribution. Except I feel this way about both genders and nonsexually. This is what my Asperger's is like.
Same. They are like wild animals to me. If I have to fit in with these people who naturally despise me it's only fair I see them as tokens for getting what I want.
Aspies should take LSD or other psychedelic drugs to get them in touch with their feelings
I wouldn't say I hate or wish to abuse humanity. If anything, seeing them as animals makes most shitty things forgivable. They're just acting on instinct. An outsider can get the tribe killed.
It's being socially retarded to the point where I'd think a girl is cute and nice and she could initiate conversation with me nearly everyday but I'd be completely oblivious as to why she's doing it and forget about her existence within a few minutes of leaving
Even if they are acting on instict they are threats. They can decide to be rational any time and know the outsider won't cause a threat. They want us to make such great efforts for shallow wishy washy friendship. As they are threats to me I place material gain over them. There's no logical reason for me not to.
Aspies are just less domesticated humans. We're overstimulated by modern civilisation which is why we appear to act strangely and don't fit in. But this isn't a bad thing really. It means that we are more suited to barbaric, tribal life. Humans were never meant to socialise and interact on the scale that they do today, we have been domesticated to act this way. All in all we are more similar to our forebears than most other people
Why haven't you understood that THEY are the AIs?
Autists against autism acceptance I ask you this. Why did you go and ruin our movement? I spent my youth crusading for this cause only for you people who only knew of their autism in the autism acceptance era to spit on it. You have no idea how neurodiversity was such a liberating movement after being told our differences were bad.
You got that from Varg or his wife.
Like being in a play everyone but you knows the lines for
no one notices desu desu
im kinda smart/nerdy so for most people who aren't close it just comes off of being nerdy
Don't really feel anything notable most of the time, but I can fake it
Everything in this thread hits so close to home. I was never diagnosed with anything but I feel so different. It's so hard to function and my socializing skills don't seem to begetting a whole lot better.
I know what you mean frend. No matter how hard I try my only three modes are spergy retard, silent bob, and cynical asshole when I try to be funny