Why do normies get personal during conversations

>be me
>Nazi and Incel groups come up
>every says "They are evil and a burden to society"
>I say "I wouldn't call them evil. No one wakes up one day and says "I hate minorities and women"
>"What do you mean?"
>"If someone has radical views, it's mostly because of bad experiences in the past, people with moderate views didn't experienced suffering at an early age or had enough built up self confidence to deal with sufferin in general"
>"WTF? Do you sympathize with Nazis and mysoginists now?"
>"This wasn't my point at all, my point was..."
>"Yeah we got your point you fucking Incel, no wonder no woman wants you"

And so on and so on. Why do they use ad hominem at literally everything? You can't even argue against that because they think they are in the right then else you, as the one who got attacked, wouldn't be so "triggered". This is mostly the guys with women or guys in long term relationships, are they all fucking sociopaths?

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*mostly the case

Sorry for all those typos bros.

i don't know why but
i know the solution, just shut up and talk to them as if you were retarded, i improved a lot my social life by doing this

normies are not very smart and are very prone to emotional manipulation by media and they lack conceptual thinking skills. Trying to have intellectual conversations with them is basically pointless.

But robots are generally pretty dumb. OP for sure is.

I believe people do that because they push their own morals and beliefs while talking out of their ass at the same time. I know I have before.

When i read greentext like this I fully understand the disconnect between you tards and the real world. You have ZERO self awareness. Having no self awareness at all makes it so you may as well be a psychopath you just have no ground no foundation in reality for you to stand on

This desu OP. People are brainlets, they are incapable of meaningful discussion or debate. They could never make a point with logic, so they result to name-calling and declare themselves 100% right.

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Well, if you are that bad at expressing yourself no wonder they think you're an extremist.

>>"WTF? Do you sympathize with Nazis and mysoginists now?"

What you should have said is "no, but I understand why they think the way they do".

You don't have to agree with someone's beliefs to understand why they have those beliefs. A lot of people seem to forget that.

Normalniggers are all sociopathic to some degree, they're also prone to outrage and as another user said above - they're not very smart.

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No, normies are just illogical and retarded. They respond in set ways to certain phrases. Sanity is NOT statistical.

The issue here is you were trying to find nuance and weren't seeing everything as black and white, meanwhile they see you as being part of an out group for not agreeing with them completely, and I don't know how many of them there were, but the more normalfags agreeing with one another, the more likely they will be to try and cast out any wrong think in their mind to make the group more cohesive.

basically this, normies have an unspoken but very rigorous set of rules
you never make them question dearly held beliefs
you never make them look wrong
you never try to justify the existence of ugly/sad/miserable people or show sympathy to them
you never bring in the group ugly or outcast people
you never bring up something that might not reinforce their superiority as a group
you never try to feel empathy

basically OP broke these rules

Even that isn't good enough. If you disagree with someone, it's supposed to be completely unbelievable that they could wrongthink. You can't understand why they don't agree with you, you just know that they do and they're wrong because of it.

Fortunately I'm stubborn as they come and don't fall victim to group think that easily.

If you really can't talk any sense into them, then fuck them.

What is a "normie"? Remember that 50% of the population is smarter than average. And robots are usually dumber than average.

Do you expect us to believe that this was a real conversation you had with real people in real life?

Oh and change the topic from incels/Nazis to blacks/Jews and your argument is analogous to the normie view ("they're a product of their upbringing blah blah blah") whilst theirs in analogous to the typical Jow Forums view ("fuck off niggerloving kike blah blah blah"). Logic does not enter into it for anyone bar a select, pure few; expecting fair play and consistency from anyone is naive. Most people will go to any length, cut any corner, invoke any nonsense fallacy to prove they're right and browbeat their opponent.

You mean like them? Nazis and "incels" do that exact thing.

>"If someone has radical views, it's mostly because of bad experiences in the past, people with moderate views didn't experienced suffering at an early age or had enough built up self confidence to deal with sufferin in general"
This is the point where you started to fuck up. Should have said "they have one bad experience, they're hurt and in pain, they go on the internet and find other broken people, and in a year's time journalists at Slate are writing articles about it" and made it clear you weren't talking about yourself.

>"This wasn't my point at all, my point was..."
This was where you fucked up irretrievably. It sounds defensive. Should have said some dumb mildly edgy shit like "just saying, if Hitler had made it into art school...".

Normies vision of life are very black and white, they often don't have to deal with things that aren't just straightforward or given right to them. The fact you tried to reason with what they see as an abhorrent puts you in a bad light. They follow what they're told because its easier to do and hate than take a moment to think "why?"

just don't reveal your power level if you are talking with friends you know can't handle the devils advocate you brainlet

>not realizing that your so-called "moderate" views are extremely radical by historical standards and are only current because a small group of revolutionaries have succeeded in pushing them onto the populace through propaganda and state force

normies have hivemind, robots arent as susceptible
also normies have trouble accepting views contrary to their own because doing so would mean that their beliefs are wrong, which makes them hurt

and humans dont work off math which is why you get btfo in your conversations. A real life conversation is not a debate you can win with facts, numbers, or evidence it is won by arguing emotionally. If they insult you insult them back and btfo of them until they submit. Only fucking beta males will use evidence off the back before their opponent is forced in submission because all a normie cares about is that they can parrot your words and be seen as respectable.

You seem to lack self awareness.
You have basically taken side in a conversation with a group your social circle had strong feelings against.
What else could you expect?

Normalfags just repeat what they read or hear on the biggest media site in the country without thinking twice. Also saying you might get why Nazis think the way they do their thought process goes smth like this : "hmm I recognized the word nazi, that meanie hitler was a nazi and I heard he was not very lit, so this guy as well is practically also hitler"
There is no point in "debating" or saying something remotely different than "nazi, rape, guns and drumpf bad!" If you try to get them to see things from another pov they just say "no but didya hear about trump and hitler bad?" Or they will repeat some lies from they heard on the news. They dont educate themselves, they dont do research on topics, they just like to repeat again and again what they heard, and in a group where everyone is doing it, they feel safe, smart and validated. If you want to socialize just nod your head or say yep, or just say nothing if those topics come up.

>he still thinks normalfaggots are human

kek user

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>how could you possibly expect people to hear you out and not have a retarded kneejerk reaction
>you're the dumb one here

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that's why I only talk to people who understand nuance and know the value of evidence

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He is. So are you, and everyone else not understanding how to play social situations to your advantage.
You coud try pulling that here or in Jow Forums with roasts, jews or niggers, and the result would have been the same.

So normies are just inferior, retarded subhumans, is what I'm hearing.

>conversing with normals
>having verbal conversations with anyone but yourself

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What do you mean? By "most people" I meant just that - most people.

>Incel=Normies think it's a choice
>Minorities and women=something out of their power

It doesn't work that way. Although that's a rationalisation they'd like to believe.
It's simpler that that.
Nazis, incels etc...=unfavourable
Minorities, whatever else you can think of=favourable.
Consider drug/alcohol addicts, for example.

>trouble accepting views contrary to their own because doing so would mean that their beliefs are wrong, which makes them hurt
It makes everyone hurt. It's cognitive dissonance. You just have to be strong and mature enough to deal with it and not ostracize people for wrongthink.

Just avoid talking about politics at all, it makes life so much easier

But incel is a choice, that's a fact.

I think only like 0.0001% of the world can be incels and most of them aren't here

I like to shit on people here a lot but talking to normies about this sort of stuff is just painful.

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Try playing devils advocate for SJWs on any part of Jow Forums and you'll get the exact same response, dude. Both sides of the neo-political dumpster fire coin are just as lacking in perspective, hence why you do the exact same thing without knowing and will probably dismiss me as an SJW for simply pointing it out.

Pretty much why I stopped browsing Jow Forums. Normies don't actually care about politics as much as the internet wants you believe. Most of them are simply ignorant and couldn't care less. The SJWs that Jow Forums likes to put on blast are the SJWs who are equally batshit insane as Jow Forums, the only difference is the political spectrum.

Most of my normie friends are fairly bright and they'll concede or agree if I make a good point. To explode at someone in a conversation is pretty embarrassing, I think most people I know would feel bad for acting like children

And thus we have a thread full of faggots using the same normalfag tactics and thinking the same way as them and so we pray to God to bless us all in a orderly fashion

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This includes the SJWs of Jow Forums (incels).

when talking to people who jump to ad hominem attacks you have to attack them back and when they get defensive you dismantle their faulty logic and win the argument

t. roastie

originally get out of my board whore

cryptonormie here
they're not trying to actually hold a conversation when topics that are even vaguely political in nature come up. these topics are more like a conformity ritual: someone brings one up so that everyone has the chance to chime in and agree with the "right" opinion so that everyone can confirm their group status and, if soneone doesn't belong, they get exposed. normie libs do this with whatever the days trump news is or about the current bad guy group (altright, neonazis, incels, racists, etc). normie conservatives do it about disliking liberals or loving Jesus, or maybe about liking guns. point being, if you don't actually belong to their caste (ie normies) the best thing to do is keep your mouth shut and wait for someone to change topics