ITT: black pills on women

>finding a girl which had les than 5 different bed partners is considered a high standard nowadays

Post more blackpills, ruin my perception on women. Please do not post the usual tinder catfish screencaps.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody cares if she has had 5 or 7 or whatever partners, you autistic brainlet incel.

yea who cares if she had 7 or 9 partners. it doesn't mean anything

It's actually quite normal for a healthy young girl to have 9 or 11 partners before she settles down.

You should be happy if she's had 10 or 12 partners, it means she spend time discovering what she likes and now she can be comfortable being herself

Is there anyone under 400 pounds who uses these -pill terms unironically? It's the verbal fedora.

I do, it's the reason why I dumped my gf of 3 years

Yeah it sucks man, the biggest pill you're going to have to swallow is a good girl is hard to come by and you're going to have to adapt to the new world. Not by marrying the dump whores, fuck no, by pumping and dumping them like the worthless sluts they are

She wasn't your gf, you never met, you only chatted via internet.

I'll give you the blackest pill I got senpai
>what you think does not matter

based black man

Skelefag here.

It is if you want to marry her. The chance of divorce, STDS increase with body count

Lol we meet on tinder and I fucked her for a solid 3 years before finally letting her go. Despite what you cucks think, you don't have to be a neckbeard autistic to have standards.

Roasties on damage control

white men and black men are better off together and with some roastie

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Not sure if troll or angry roastbeefs

You don't seriously believe in those incel memes?

>real stats
>incel memes
I guess the world is an incel meme

Those are sourceless and biased stats, though.

If you white knight for stacy enough, she will stamp your 'good guy' card

there is a clear relationship between promiscuity and higher rates of divorce plus lower rates of life fulfillment with women

Obviously it's not real, it's literally pic related in reverse. It's either a troll or (or possibly and) a psyop to make you a major cuck

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>fucking a girl and then complaining that she's had too many dicks
You're only making the problem worse user.

Real blackpill?
>for 17 years more young women are remaining virgins; average age for virginity loss has been going up
>Gen Z girls are more interested in young marriage
>Hypergamy means women value status, wealth, intelligence, humor, and ambition MORE THAN appearance

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Weak men and sluts doing damage control
>N count average for women is 4 - LIFETIME

No there isn't. There is only that one old meme study done decades ago by a rightwing religious group.

But if she's clean when you start dating, you don't need to worry. Adults get tested, you know.

You guys actually give women the beta interrogation? No wonder you're virgins.

Everything you say makes 0 sense. I don't know where the fuck you live but in reality in see the exact opposite in western countries

Leachman study; Ohio State Marriage Study; CDC Sexuality Study. There are more.
High N count = higher chance of STDs, depression, addiction, self-harm, divorce, victim of crime, cheating, poverty, and mental illness is more well demonstrated in scientific literature than most sociology people think is true

Which? Cannot be both

It doesn't say which causes which tho. :(

Who told you that, your Feminist Studies advisor?

Read a fucking book.
The NHS analysis, CDC analysis, the epidemiology Studies out of Burkbeck and Princeton, incidence and frequency of abortion, Sociology, Anthropology, etc.
Stop looking at Jow Forums, Rabbi-t, and twitter and thinking it is reality

>I have NO IDEA what correlation means
I will simplify this for your limited intelligence
>sluts = bad, science proves it
Adjust your thinking

Common, this thread is still weak, I want the nuclear pills like:
>the only person who may ever love you is your mother

Jow Forums would rather justify doing nothing than doing anything.
>given choice of a wide variety of gf
they will close them off until their only choice is some hambeast who would cuck them, they then copy past this hambeast on to all women to justify why they are alone
they read an experience another user has and then copy past this onto all possible job choices they could have and then wonder why they have no motivation, passion, or drive to work
Jow Forums will scream about how they have mental illness but in the same breath attack institutions that create the definitions about their mental illness and forms of treatment. If allowed to discuss it they will reveal they are still teenagers and don't wish to work with their therapist to improve so the therapist will assume that they are a special case which makes them use their last resort which is medication. Jow Forums will then cry about how those who try to help them force pills down their throat.
Jow Forums will only adopt a religion or a dogma if it is against the norm.
Jow Forums screeches about its need for one partner and how all others are sluts while also jerking off to porn created by these sluts or having "degenerate" fantasies do to their sexual needs not being fullfilled.
Jow Forums will never improve because it means they will not be able to relate with other anons on Jow Forums. The fear of being truly alone (even while bitching about how they hate being social) is to much for them to ever do anything worth working towards the good life they deserve but believe they are not worth.

Like your mother could love a loser like you

>>the only person who may ever love you is your mother
if you think parents are incapable of losing the love for their child you are wrong. Your nuclear pill is closer to self loathing and bitching than an actual secret that society wishes to keep from you.

Kys cuck. The thread is called blackpills on WOMEN. There is no room here for your retarded rant. I bet you're a bitter roastie anyway.

>Makes fun of someone not understanding correlation
>Doesn't actually explain it but instead 'simplifys' it so that it's still not true and basically the same thing the person he made fun about thought it was
Good job, ya dingus

CDC only collects raw data. They don't produce studiea that endorse incel cuck fantasies.

im a cuckold and a roastie? Does this mean i get to watch you fuck another dude while you make me lick his cum out of your ass? Because that would be hot

How fucking stupid are you?
That moron will never grasp the hand of a girl, let alone correlation.
You tell simple people simple rules - do not eat paint, do not trust car salesmen, sluts are bad news - because that is what they can grasp

let me guess, you can't even explain it and now you are embarrassed....

>CDC collects data, how would they know if there are changes over time?
>CDC does no studies
Arts major before you dropped out?

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So this
was you.
Okey dokey

>MAY ever love you
You need to study more the English language, Pablo.

i mean, im not gonna be with no slut. a lot of these girls have a lot of irrational things that they dont like in guys, even if teh guy turns out to be good. it might be height, weight, some cahracteristic, bad habit, whatever. if tehrye allowed to have their standards, shouldnt we too?

I have nothing so I sperg out because I am not smart enough to understand facts: the post.

>Who cares if the typical 6/10 roastie sleeps with 10 guys
>If an incel sleeps with a 9/10 sex worker then he's a loser

I never understood this logic

Are you stupid user? I quoted his post

Where is the logic in your statement? I fail to see it.

>all women are subs who just want daddy to put them in their place
how boring

>I fail to see it

Me too

You're the dumb one, fren. I said your mother MAY love you, not that she definitely will. Sigh, this is what I get from throwing pearls to pigs.

"Incel cuck fantasies"
Let's break this down shall we?
Incel = can't get a girlfriend due to looks
Cuck = watches his girlfriend have sex with other men

So how does the term "incel cuck" make any sense?
You have no idea what you're even arguing about do you?

Microbrain, do yourself a favor
>open a browser tab
>tap on the search bar and type
>CDC Studies
>Go read some of the hundreds of studies generated by the CDC and CDC sub-departments every year
That will be a great start for you to stop being an ignorant loser

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Incel=doesn't want to have sex but is obsessed with other people having sex, fantasizes about the cocks his oneitis is riding
Cuck=wants someone he loves be fucked by other cocks

The logic is there.

Post one study from CDC that says "hurr sex bad".

Have you noticed yet that phonefags have no credibility? If you're gonna add to the discussion, at least hang incognito, without your name-dropping images.

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whatever retard good luck with that mom of yours she will probably be the last pussy you ever get

>Yeah, Joe?
>Last year the CDC determined that 68% of 19 year old women were still virgins
>Well, 11 years ago it was only 51%
>Stop! That is raw data! Without 25 PhDs telling us what it means we are not allowed to think!

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>confirmed failed art major

>not being a dom
this "daddy" shit is gay as hell though

does the pussy in your pic have two maggots staring out of it?

Look how fast that went from
>CDC makes *NO* Studies, REEEEEE!
>Show me a stupid one, REEEEEEE!

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girls calling their boyfriend "daddy" is old as fuck so you better get used to it

let the black pilling begin

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>file names mean I ignore reality
What if he copied it from here and kept the file name?

its all fucking hopeless frens

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False on so many levels. Most women now are not going to be virgins. Simple fact.

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dont fool yourselves, robots

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not where I live, thanks god. at least for vanilla women
for BDSM sluts this daddy shit is growing more and more, however.lucky me I get to choose both what I get called and what I call them

>do not be real or I might need to change


Post those please. Genuinely interested. The only study I know that links promiscuous behavior with divorce was done by a Mormon university.

Have you been on OKC though? 80% of the people there are fucking hideous.

>social pathologist
And search his site - tons of links to original data, studies, even tells you how to get access to journals

You can either love a woman, or understand her, but never both.

>Jow Forumslack blogspot
C'mon now. The CDC study I can find (that's also linked on some leddit incel board) talks about cohabitation before marriage leading to higher divorce rates but I can't find anything about promiscuity.

Glad Jow Forums still can be good, almost lost hope

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Because men pursue women. You're being a woman.

Yes but I was saying there is no CAUSATION. You know, the part that makes it science.

>You're being a woman.

That's a good thing. Woman shit test to filter out weak men, men should shit test as well.

>We are raised to fall in love with women that don't really exist

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Women, when they remember the existence of low-status male, feel threatened and disgusted even if he isn't in direct contact with them. There mere knowledge that non-Chads exist is considered "rape" by her.

Another one I found some time ago:

Attached: womenfriends.png (1163x684, 72K)

>pic related
Too bad real life doesn't look like stuff from 4K HQ cameras :/.

Up your game
3-7 on my google search

>correlation is not science
Art major, ahoy!

Fuck off. You spam this stupid wall of text on every thread. You don't belong here incel.

No one cares about you; men, women, friends, even your own mother would probably plant a knife in your back if it would let her live another day. If people keep you around it's because you have something they want. No one cares.
This is the most liberating blackpill you'll ever learn.

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Link the study then, pretty please?

nigga what the fuck does this mean? i should be happy with whatever im given? like im some slave who doesnt know better and i should feel good for whatever i get, because to me even shit is gold. fuck off with this bull shit.
>You're being a woman.
what about ur heteronormative gender roles, did taht shit jsut go out the window?

>verbal fedora

Even if you somehow find a perfect woman who is willing to be with you, you would still not be happy. After years of solitude, bullying and emotional neglect you'd have inexistant self-esteem and a boatload of trust issues. You'd still be paranoid about her being unfaithful. You'd still compare yourself to other men and decide they are better. You'd still think she has some ulterior motive. And this is the ultimate black pill.

Not sure if sarcasm or actual seething white knight.

>You will die
>Anything you have achieved and ever will achieve will decay
>Any pain and effort are ultimatly without justification
>Having children is the worst crime you can commit
>Death is peace from this hell

Damn I don't think I've ever read something so accurate before. I hate women, subhuman scum

True, and women never have to worry about this stuff cause there is no struggle in their lives.

Oooooh oooh ooh

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