ITT: signs you are getting old
>make noises for no apparent reason when sitting down on a bench
> DOMs for longer periods of time
ITT: signs you are getting old
>make noises for no apparent reason when sitting down on a bench
> DOMs for longer periods of time
Other urls found in this thread:
>unironically saying back in the day to newer/younger coworkers.
Stop this train
The brakes have fallen off
>wear mismatched socks sometimes
>brag about how much you could lift when you were younger, say there's no way you could lift that amount now
>thinking Bud Light is boomer tier
when I piss I have to lean on the wall with one hand. it just happened naturally, didn't even notice it, can't remember not doing it
>Driving a nice conditioned 93 crown vic with 60k miles
>Drinking a sugar free redbull listening to BACK IN BLACK
I don't even care, shits too cozy.
t. 27 year old that wants the boomer life but fit
>being this new
I was doing this as a kid lol
>we need the rain though
seeing young children playing and grin like a 80 year old person while staring at nothing
my 2003 corolla is still going strong at 230k miles. i have enough money saved to buy a $40k car for cash without really feeling it but i'm not an insecure nigger. when this car goes i'll probably get an early 2010s VW
Jej, fucking accurate
Watching old videos of you doing athletic things and imagining how much you'd hurt if you tried it now
Right on brother, I'll probably drive this vic to death, its maximum cozy and then either buy another vic or small truck. Maybe a sportier (Miata) car and joyride to eurobeat. Wherever I am when I'm 30.
Like what? Chances are it's in your head....
>t.28 yo who still mountain bikes and plays sports
"Hahaha man but back in the d-"
*immediately acknowledge how fucking boomer you are*
Let me off this wild ride
Kids born after 9/11 are driving.
People (like store clerks or general younger people) calling you the polite version of you (non English).
I hate this
Are you guys me? an American, this is interesting to hear
From someone who has owned Toyotas and an Audi; you'll hate your life going from a Toyota to anything euro. Get a Lexus.
how the fuck did you manage to get one in that condition
how much was it?
Remembering back to my childhood, it wasn't weird for cars from the late 70's to still be everywhere
I'm 24 and earlier this year I briefly dated a 19 year old. I really didn't think much of it (I've dated the same age gap, but with her older than me) until we knew each other well enough to talk about some more personal stuff. She was telling a story of a big life event that happened in 2009 when she was in elementary school and I just went "I had a learners permit in 2009..." in my head. Felt weird.
Also, high school aged people have started calling me "sir" instead of "hey man".
Forgot to put: she couldn't remember 9/11 either. That's what triggered my blogpost.
i dont remember 9/11
i remember being sheltered beyond all recognition as a kid and only learning in like 3rd grade what actually happened
everyone looked at me like a fuckin idiot when i said “bro did u know 9/11 was a terrorist attack?!?!?”
such is the zoomer life
>tfw I'm 19 and deliberately don't card roasties (who are clearly over 21, but definitely not older than 40) when they buy alcohol and say "Ma'am" to make them feel old
5 years isn't bad
>terrorist attack
Dunking a basketball. I have no doubt I can still get that high, but im worried about the landing.
chaste and redbulled
>feeling old at 24
comeback when you're 30
This is what we're teaching to our children?
>mfw half jap
>mfw will look prepubescent until my forties
>tfw full jap
>tfw missed out on the "look young" genes
>tfw look 15 years older than I am
We're all gonna make it some day
Tendon problems that just dont go away
>5 years isn't bad
I actually caught a decent amount of shit for it from my friends girlfriends. Who are all our age.
I kind of enjoyed the snippy comments, actually.
Some electronics are fucky but not intrusive.
AC doesn't work and only the driver window works (power windows only)
Oh and the odometer stopped working a couple weeks after I got it.
I'm unsure rather to fix it up more or just drive it as It is, it has little rust for something of its age, I believe its been kept in and out of a garage its life.
Either way it drives wonderfully and I'm not paying out the ass on insurance.
Fuck them. Men almost always date down. Your future wife hasn't even turned 18 yet.
try being 30year old diabetic, leg day doms last for 4 days minimum
I hate having to show my ID everytime I buy alcohol.
I recently injured my shoulder by washing my hands too vigorously.
Why? Been driving nothing but Toyotas since I was 29 now ;_;
And I've been thinking of going for a jeep, or maybe a big Toyota pickup or suv for the future kids
Buy more often and make conversation until the clerk remembers you. It's probably just policy though. If ATF sees them not card you even they know you're over 21 they can get fined. That said I haven't been carded in my town for so long because I'm friends with all the bartenders that I forgot my baby face would get carded when I went on vacation.
>tfw the ytmnd memes are still up from that time period.
>tfw sometimes sing whos the nigga from time to time.
Get a Tacoma from whatever the last year they used the 4.0 before switching to the 3.5
they wanna be the young perky hottie
is there more of her?
everything was based until you brought up ac/dc. i can't stand that boring ass shit
>i don't remember 9/11
Google has the answer.
>keep forgetting I'm 30 and not in my mid twenties anymore
>have a mini panic attack when I remember
>it's always when I'm doing something stupid like rolling out muscles and wondering why everything hurts so much
>Kids call you 'señor' on the street
There is no reaction image suitable for this
People actually say usted? All the Spanish (Spain) exchange students laughed at me when I thought you used usted for strangers.
yea i did a reverse image search.
she's who i lift for
Spaniards are filth. They think they're so fucking amazing. They'll laugh at you for not having their faggy lisp
It sucks because there's a window of time in your 20s where you get used to saying "back in my day" style stuff to younger kids and you are seen as the normal one and they're the young little shit. But then it all changes
>tfw was a freshman in high school when 9/11 happened
spaniards are such fucking faggots. mexican in america here
That too. In school we learned Mexican Spanish and they were cunts about c pronunciation. once vs onthe
Maybe GAYC/DC is more your speed, faggot
ac/dc sucks my dude. get some goddamn speed metal in you
25 is 40 now
I bought a new vacuum cleaner and it was the highlight of my week. It's fucking amazing.
jesus christ
watch shit like this
Beater bar for carpets or just really good suction? Either way, I'm happy for you, user. There are few things more pleasant than treating yourself to nice practical household goods.
thats your body and mind telling you to get your act together
get your act together user
I can't get blackout drunk anymore and be perfectly fine the next day
>See parents playing with children as young as my neices
>They do something funny and innocent
>Parents smile
>Same look on the child's face my nieces give when I play with them or colour in with them
>I smile
>Carry on doing what I was doing to avoid looking like a percentage
>you are only allowed to like one type of music
delete this
You know how few years ago we used to talk about the old internet, message boards or chan and were the cool ones. The others were underage b&
>ad/dc sucks
I am a boomer. The truth cuts deep.
they're dumb boring twangy dadrock shit. a couple good songs but thats it. also every singer they've had sounds like a screechy old woman
Spent my weekend extending my RO water line to my new fridge.
Did it because I didnt like dirty ice residue in my scotch.
Boomer life is best life.
>he hasn't listened to an album with Bon Scott
Absolute retard. Listen to Dirty Deeds you dumbass.
i've listened to all their shit. dirty deeds is no different. its all screechy dumb shit over mixolydian chords
Get your ears cleaned. Bon Scott sounds NOTICEABLY different
>coming home from my job to my beautiful house
>realize I have to finish cutting down a tree, repair the playhouse, mow the lawn, weed the flower beds, water the plants, sweep the walks and driveway off, install some wall clocks for my elderly mother who lives in my basement with my disabled father, lift, sleep and go to work the next day
>wife then gets home in a bad mood from work
>guess no sex again tonight
>go to bed mad and exhausted
Then you know you are old.
stop trying to get me into ac/dc, boomer. ive made up my mind, they're shit
This so much.
Doesn't sound so bad.
I'm only 24 and this life scares me so much I don't think I could handle the repetitive stress. Godspeed fit bro
I'm not trying to get you into anything, your argument about why they suck, sucks.
Just started raining. Lawn's in for a treat, boys.
Oh I'm also in graduate school full time and working full time. Eventually you get fairly accustomed to having very little actual enjoyment in your life.
>why is everyone so sensitive these day? god damn PC culture, in my day we had to earn our trophies and bullies made you tough. a little racism is normal
lol tell me they're NOT twangy dadrock with whiny shit vocals, NO good solos, NO dual guitar harmonies, NO good basslines
spoiler: you can't. ac/dc is 100% dadrock nostalgia bullshit
When you hear new slang for the first time...
... only to find out it's already outdated.
Adulthood is picking up the ice cube before it melts under the fridge.
>Not /fasting/
>Not healing at Wolverine tier rates no matter what age
>Not progressing physically and mentally regardless of age
Looking forward to attending your funeral where I will be setting personal PRs in vertical jumps (while clapping), faggot
Your argument is getting better there, but it's still garbage. All of those things are either subjective, or do no apply.
See: why does their need to be dual guitars?
Why are you so angry?