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Fitness #470
Now that i'm Jow Forums, i think it's time to make a transformation thread
/fph/ Fat "People" Hate
This is for the wholesome side of Jow Forums
How do I deal with gains goblin gf
Recently started listening to audiobooks for my long commute...
What hobbies do you guys have aside from lifting?
tinder never really worked out great for me
How long were you lifting for before you realized that strength routines wouldn't make you look good?
Of course I eat meat. I am a predator, after all. Look at my teeth, m'lady
See pic related
How to fix anterior pelvic tilt
Change your ways
22 years old virgin here...
Check. Your. Temperature
All meat
2g of carbs but still only 0 calories
That Song
Raloxifene and gyno
Is pic related achievable natty?
Been trying to switch gyms for over two weeks now...
Is this mode achievable within 6 mo - 1 year for a skinny fat guy...
Jow Forums Preworkout
Nofap for 2 weeks¨
Hello, Jow Forums. I question pop up in my head a while back and for the life of me, I can't find an appropriate answer...
Share your favorite Jow Forums recipes faggots
There are guys on Jow Forums with a jawline worse than the average woman’s jawline
Reminder that if you are attracted to women under 5’9 you’re part of the problem
Be me
Girlfriend says see like receeded hairlines
Can Jow Forums give me some inspo on why should i become a juicy strong woman instead of become a cardio bunny?
Why is Jow Forums so stiff?
Hi I think I'm a woman!
Autistic fridges thread
What the fuck determines core strengh on Symmetric Strengh? Also post yours
How did you overcome your povertybench?
Dubs decide boyos
We're all gonna make it brah
I'm going to a music festival tommorow. I'm probably going to get shitfaced hard for three days straight...
Summer is almost over
What do you guys think of my arms? I know my forearms need work
There was this cute girl at my uni gym who used the bench in front of me...
Unironically the best back exercise
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see someone in the gym dressed like this?
Used drugs to grow a beard to look more manly
Over 50% of Jow Forums likes dick up their ass
My current beard
What's the best Tinder bio, Jow Forums?
Why do I feel so fucking weak on some days when I should be fully recovered?
Rate my physique. I think my abs need more work what do you guys think?
Routine for my girlfriend
Why is a bro split seen as a bad thing? it makes going to the gym way more efficient...
If the chin up and pull up have similar back activation, but the chin up allows you to use more volume/weight
What is the best abs exercise for hypertrophy?
Why is kpop so good for lifting heavy? I smash PRs on the regular with some Momoland flowing through my headphones
Fit is a lie
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Raw meat eaters aren't insa-
Planning my second cycle
Thinks he made it
What's the worst thing you can do to ruin your gains ?
Why even lift if china dolls dont care about muscles?
Thoughts on leg press?
Post your favorite music you listen to while working out
Tfw a 71 year old man completely moggs you
Is Jow Forums circumsized?
go to gym
/fast/ #244 - Big mistake! Edition
Glove appreciation thread
Fatty Cardio Help
I never had a headache in my life
Meet a girl on Tinder
R8 us, Jow Forums im alpha enough?
Can a trans person get buff natty?
Pushups Thread
I forgot my keys in my apartment
I'M GONNA GET Jow Forums
starting strength
Is boogie bipolar?
"Sir, you're under arrest for having low testosterone levels"
Been training for 1 year and 4 months now. Hows my progress so far? What do I need to work on? Be honest, thanks
175 lb
Are you at a healthy weight?
Is Jimmy G peak human aesthetic?
Do you trim your chest hair?
Daily reminder that trips/vacations are the ultimate gains goblin
All these guys in the locker room with good physiques ruined by tattoos
Jow Forums metal
Holy shit
At what bf% do you upgrade from black girls flirting with you to hispanics and white girls?
Will they ever learn?
Gym drama - What Would You Do?
Falling for the cosmetic jew
What can i expect out of GOMAD?
When you reach the height of self-control, and get rid of all of your addictions and dependencies...
Why do you hate fat people so much Jow Forums?
Jow Forums in a nutshell
Dad threw away the protein powder
What causes femcels?
Why do heavy squats do this do my back?
How do i into this mode?
Is This Our New Guy??
Manlets... When will they learn?
Is this achievable natty?
go to gym
How does it feel...
Yo fit fags what are your thoughts on SARMS? Anyone got experience with them?
Roast me Jow Forums
What are your thoughts on this comic, Jow Forums? Is it ok to use your phone between sets?
Just hit 100lbs lost
What podcasts do you listen to while working out?
Let me introduce you to this guy. 34 years old, look like he is in his mid 20s. Proof that mixing races is not bad
/FPH/ - Fat People Hate
If I eat pizza and coke zero everyday @ 2500 calories will I still lose weight? Or is it never gonna make it tier?
Spiritual Health?
/plg/ - powerblogging genitals
Is fucking escort akward,worth it?
How does one get mired?
Fittest front-man?
What are some mental cues or tricks that helped immediately improve your form on certain lifts?
/fast/ #243 - Coffee is GREAT! Edition
Is weed beneficial for lifting
Grip strenght: How to train for strenght?
Is this guy stupid or he has shitty genetics...
Be sure to not round your back when you're deadlifting! Wouldn't want to develop a strong lower back or anything!
Somebody got experience with muscle regeneration and smoking?
1st of august
Where do i progress pushups after diamond pushups?
Woof! user you've gotten pretty beefy lately
Why haven't you taken the BodyweightPill?
IF gene therapy is available now, would you take it if it makes you looks instantly fit and keep you fit without work?
/ACNE/ general
It's been four days at least since i've had a shit, this fucking blows
Need some workout headphone recommendations
What's up guys welcome to Vintage Genetics where it's all about classiiic bodybuilding
Is anyone here truly extraordinarily beautiful/attractive? I mean causing car accidents when you walk by beautiful...
How many s|o|yboys could you take on simultaneously?
What do you think of tall women? 5'10 and up
‘Pshh, nothing personal muscleman, you’re just...’
Your height
How can I convince my gf to fuck her raw?
What tricks is he using?
Excuse me sir, I don’t mean to disrespect you but I was using that machine
Push Up Thread
Daily reminder to drink more water buddeh
What is it like to be short? im 5'10, the optimal male height.. i cant imagine being shorter and living happily
Anyone have a good way to make cottage cheese not taste revolting after a few bites?
Sexual health
Please help me get big, my last girlfriend broke up with me cuz im too skinny, what do i do? (5'10) 137pounds
Out of the athletes who are getting officially checked for steroid abuse randomly all the time...
Bout to turn in my natty card, what should I shout when my straight friend pins my butt no homo?
Why do manlets even bother to lift? Can't they just fuck off from our gyms??
Does being muscular limit the jobs you can do?
I'm afraid a guy in my local gym is attracted to me
Gained 15lbs due to injury while on holiday
Anyone here do muay thai/boxing and work in an intellectual field?
How to LOWER sperm quality?
How do you girls deal with being kind of weird looking?
Hello fit, I'm poor and have been using leftover milk bottles to work out...
How respond?
He doesn't take the garlic pill
Trap/CD Stories because of getting Jow Forums
Are Pendlay Rows some sort of internet thing? Everyone on here and even on leddit talks about it often...
Anyone notice that all the intermittent fasting essentially requires you to consume stimulants throughout the day?
What does /fit do for breakfast? Ive been going back and forth from just drinking water, to fruit and water, to eggs...
Physio here
Pic related are the types of people teaching guys to be 'alpha' and how to pick up random girls which never actually...
Shit normies say
Best cut of steak for maximum gains?
/fat/ - ottermode edition
Don't you know no one cares about your "gains"...
Should I be ashamed for being Jow Forums and fucking this girl at work for the past few months?
Willpower and discipline thread
What does Jow Forums do for a living?
How does Jow Forums season their chicken breast?
Tfw no asian gf
Just started benching a couple months ago and i’ve got these stretch marks
/litfit/ Mastercucks REPORT FOR DUTY!
How did Mac from Always Sunny get so fucking ripped?
I tried to explain to my mom what a "manlet" is. I told her I was feeling depressed because I'm short...
Reminder that hook up culture is degenerate as fuck
Used to be an alcoholic and gave up on life
Is Jow Forums marriage material?
ITT: post god tier female noses
Why don't fat people ever make it?
Test level at 204
Done with this gay world desu honest
How swole is your bae?
/fraud/ - junkies and personality disorders
If i can only do about half of my deadlifts before my grip strength gives out on me, should i
Average male height since the beginning of time has been about 5'3-5'6
Do the weights need to be in the right order?
After I work out...
REMINDER: this army of manlets nearly took over the world
What real evidence is there that low carb is better than low fat, given the same calories and protein?
Next school shooter? If you don’t know about this guy...
How do I know if I've "made it?"
Is he right?
I'm coaching my girlfriend on lifting. She's got bad knees, in part because she's got a rare form of arthritis...
Is there even a hint of doubt that he's on steroids?
Fucking apologize, faggots. HOW MANY OF YOU CAN DO A 145 LB PULL UP FOR REPS?
Why Are Plebbitor's So Unfit, Jow Forums?
Is this legit
Any fit dudes here dislike drinking a lot of alcohol (party culture)?
Do you lift for order and justice
Whats the correct way to approach a girl at the gym?
Guess my bodyfat % based on this exchange
Doing starting strength
Does asmr kill gains?
Am I gonna make it, bros?
Is NoFap truly a meme?
Old one's at 300
Tfw gf
We all know getting fit makes you hornier right(aka all the dumbass "now i wanna fuck fat girls")
Spend all day fantasizing about becoming dictator and reducing the obesity rate the zero
Ok Jow Forums, hypothetical. Let's say you were going to be locked up in solitary confinement for a year...
Are tatoos Jow Forums approved?
Why is it frowned upon ?
Where my fellow boomers at? Just picked these up 3 for $6
Just ran 3 kilometers and was literally about to die
On hour 12 of nofap
Rack pull 650+
Wed. Weekly Mantis Thread
What is the neckpill and how do I take it?
Female Goal Bodies
Would you give up a inch of dick for two inches in your height?
Vegan natties general
Is it possible to pull off a moustache as a manlet?
Pic related: the body of the biggest sex symbol of the 90s
Friendly reminder that you can never lift away ugly
Vox faggotry aside, how the fuck is america NOT suppose to be obese?
Since 01/2017, I've lost 63 pounds and went from BMI 33 to BMI 24.8...
My best friend is starting to get bigger than me and it's pissing me the fuck off. How do I sabotage his gains?
Its not ok to make fun of retar-
Can i use something like this instead of going to the gym ?
Which is more inpressive, 3pl8 squat or 2,5pl8 front squat
Should these be mandatory on every door?
Fat "People" Hate - /fph/ - Boogieposting edition
Do women really prefer ottermode?
Doing my workout
Why do girl like to do meme exercises?
/plg/ - powerblogging genitals
Hair loss on temples
3 times per week fullbody workout better?
2 day fast
Is there any greater feeling than being mired by a beauty?
Do you shower at the gym. Jow Forums?
/fast/ #242 - We Are Going To Make It Edition
In all honesty, what percent of fit has actually achieved 1/2/3/4 for 5 reps ?
TDEE bullshit
Is it true that women reach their peak-attractiveness at 18, while men only improve with age?
Good alternative sto BB bench presses?
How do rugby players train (besides playing rugby)?
Go to gym with fat bro, he brings gf
I want to try out being a vegetarian/vegan
What is the most absurd and amusing exercise that he ever demonstrated?
How do I into skin health?
What has BDH done to unlock the secrets of growth? She went from a little elf to being able to mog anyone
I’ll get a gf once i finish my studies
Have you ever gone to dark places just to lift more
Did shoulder shrugs with 225 lbs 20 times
Would you go to a gym that was guys only?
That gym who wears basketball shorts to the guy
Any Jow Forums approved cereals?
What mode is this?
Any fellow surfers here on Jow Forums? How does it feel knowing you participate in the most chad sport?
How you holdin' up, Jow Forums?
Body proportions
How the fuck am I supposed to eat 5000kcal every single day when even 4000 is a struggle, fuck my life...
Sexual health thread
Goal bodies
Eternal Skelly user checking in, I've went from 133 to 140.2 in just 2 months...
Have no social skills
Any UK /bros/ help me out with consuming meat for my diet...
Jow Forums approved salmon recipes
Guess I shouldn't ask this, but will lifting/fitness help a guy get a pretty, somewhat slutty girl(s) like pic related ?
I'll never get over her
How to get bigger balls
How much do i need to lift in order to defeat a bear? Black bear for starters...
Is direct arm work necessary?
I'm a 400lbs fat fuck
I feel like i have multiple personalities
Just exactly how many onions have you been eating, Jow Forums?
Anyone from the uk? What’s the cheapest way to eat low carbs I can’t afford to even eat 2 chicken breasts a day...
Starting my first cycle, what am I in for?
How do you youthmaxx as effectively as this?
First time doing bench press today and I did 100kg x 9
Sleeping on the floor
Strongest man in the world
What does having fake tits feel like?
Studies show that if your ring finger is shorter than your index finger then your mom didn't eat enough plants and just...
How do I get a physique like this?
Is it better to lift in the morning or evening?
He has larger ass and thighs than his girl
Why do you lift, Jow Forums?
Is this the perfect body?
Hey guys just finished reading the sticky & enter the iron church for the first time
Is it true that milk is really bad for you, Jow Forums?
Friendly reminder that people unironically take advice on liffting and dating from this guy
Fraud clickbaiter?
Visit bald brother
Pretty buff I guess
What mode is this?
Antidepressants (SSRIs)
Thoughts on the Sauna? Is it a gimmick or what? 6'4/265 and fairly active & fairly strong...
Has Jow Forums ever been lovestruck?
Holy fck just noticed I’m balding
The degenerates amongst you may not like it, but this is what peak breeding stock looks like
ITT: we post the PERFECT female body
/plg/ - powerblogging genitals
If i am doing omad what is the max amount of steak I can eat in 1 sitting...
Tfw bulking but have to do interval running for the police academy
How do i get this bodytype?
So Jow Forums, what is the best way to get these god like looks? Tons of Cardio and light exercise...
Is there a tasty way to fill up that is also low-calorie?
Where do you find the energy to lift after working 8 hours + commute?
I cannot think of any bigger waste of time than training legs for hypertrophy
What are the benefits of eating my own semen?
Why does Jow Forums hate tattoos so much?
Should I get a doorway pull-up-bar?
How can I reduce the size of my ass? It just keeps getting bigger, all of my muscle and fat goes to my fucking ass...
How many calories is this sandwich do you think?
Does Jow Forums swim?
This is me 1 year ago, when i started vs now. I've doing isolations and forced myself to eat more than i wanted...
/running/ thread
Hey guys can you reccomend me a routine?
Be me
To what purpose are you working user? How do you visualize making it?
How do i talk to women ironically haha
Gf's little sister groping your muscles
Had some small bumps between my toes that I thought were bug bites
Which artist gets you the most hyped up at the gym?
Faster speed, shorter duration
Do you guys actually take days off where you don't do anything physical?
I have a question for smart men on fit
$5000 nipple surgery
Be great
3 month supply of test-e comes in the mail tomorrow
Favourite lift
Enter gym
What comes to your mind when you see this man?
Push Up Thread
/fat/ - Soda Jew edition
Squats are total meme
An Important Lesson
Why boomers
So my test levels came back as 280 and apparently that means I'm a bitch...
Female Pull Ups
Who will win
Current fat fuck here. Plan to start lifting soon...
How do i into freestanding handstand pushup?
Is there any health reason not to drink this?
What lifts do I need for her to become my gf? She is literally perfect like an angel I think I'm in love
Why are women so obsessed with tall guys?
Gym manlet starts using the treadmill right next to you
The New Yorker
This determines your height
Elliot Rodger on Lifting
Starting Strength
Just robbed these from Holland and Barrett
How do "hard gainer" skeletons exist?
What is the ideal female body?
/fraud/ degeneracy central
Why doesn't fit/ talk about mental health?
What is the most powerful gains goblin?
Tfw refused to listen to Jow Forums's advice and asked the gym desk girl if she had a bf to which she responded, "yasss...
Daily reminder that you are only half a man if u don't know how to fight
Hype music you work out to
Boxing vs MMA-style wrestling for a street fight
What is the ideal weight for a 5'7 woman aged 20-25?
Convinced the local gym braphog I'm some sort of Chad
Deadlift how do I progress faster
Fitness Humor Thread? Fitness Humor Thread!
Ok. This is my first time posting on Jow Forums but i gotta do it
Achievable natty?
So, why are you working out exactly? What's the reason? Be honest, we're anonymous
/uni/ Thread
Salvageable? If, how? Detailed advice appreciated
Fatty chest/gyno, not sure
Be european ancestry
This is the physique you can expect when you reach a 600 pound deadlift
What's she whispering, Jow Forums?
Post some good AGGRRSIVE, TESTOSTRONE INCREASING, PR INDUCING, purely caucasian metal to train to
Is it normal that brosplitters in your average gym look way better than the memeprogramm followers?
In 12 days I will travel with my gf and will surely bang her at a hotel during the night...
You come out of the gym locker room and about to go home when this girl comes behind you and says
Sup lads, saw this after getting my haircut today
What am i suppose to fucking do to get women??
Why do I always get sick when I try to get back to lifting?
Post goal bodies
Is it possible for a super fit manlet to beat a kinda fit man of above average height?
How to cut belly fat Jow Forums?
I tried eating lean but then I crave fatty foods like bacon and cheeseburgers. I suppose that's normal...
I'm a literal skeleton...
"Big" Ramy
Are genetics really this important for natty lifters?
Ab doms
Drunk/drugged up girls hit on you while going out
How do you girls deal with being kind of weird looking?
What are the most Jow Forums tattoos to get
Need advice
Yo who said you could touch these weights? Beat it or your bitchass gon' learn today, whiteboy
How to get hot gf if I’m ugly?
How do i make sure I dont catch Staph at the gym?
tfw just measures my dick for the first time
Pick your poison Jow Forums
Do I look like I overdosed on onions? I look like an ultimate bata
Just be confident, bro. I don't know why you can't get a GF, it's that easy
Let's talk about shit that actually works and is legally readily available
Friendly reminder that fapping causes hair loss if you're susceptible to it
/fast/ #241 - Dry Fasting Edition
Is my beard low test?
Cold or hot showers?
Planet fitness
Does it look like I lift?
What mode is this?
What does Jow Forums eat at the movie theatre? I want to get away from the lung cancer popcorn
Tfw she will never choke you with her toned thighs and lecture you about your sulforaphane intake
That guy who has to roid to hit 545
Maggie Steffens
Big dick but 5'9 or 6'3 but small dick
Bros, am I making it or not?
When did you realise women are nothing but distractions, Jow Forums?
Do I look like I lift?
What are signs a woman is crazy?
What are the benefits of nofap?
What is the absolute best novice/intermediate routine? I hear SS is a meme
New ideals thread
Start getting in shape
How many hours of sleep does Jow Forums get?
ITT: ask broseph anything
What does Jow Forums think of deadlifting for back mass? Are rack pulls more effective?
I’m trying to bulk with a 100% clean diet, but even with peanut butter and cinnamon added, I fucking hate oatmeal...
Squats, Deadlifts and Rows ruined my life
Isolation is as physically bad for you as cigarettes. If you’re dedicated to your health and fitness, stop isolating...
Mire thread - the hard mode version
What kind of body does Jow Forums prefer?
Poorfag here, guys is there any real way to cleanse my liver, kidney and stomach cleansing without going to a doctor?
How useful will your muscles be when someone pulls the blicky on you?
Can we get a bulking Jow Forums recipe thread going?
Let say you move into a new house with a room mate who's also into fitness, but your room mate looks like this...
Where do you see yourself in 10 years Jow Forums?
Time to diet or is this still alright fit?
Good feels thread
Just finished my first 12 week cycle. How'd I do?
Fasting 3x per week (to lose fat)
How long should I do Stronglifts for?
5 days into no fap and nothing. You faggots memed me
Someone pls redpill me on this bad boi
You dont have an ugly girlfriend do you?
She told me she loved me as a brother
Veganism is heal-
Post your dindins
When the time comes, would you be willing to sacrifice your life for the weak?
Be the man you were destined to be Jow Forums, rise up and take responsibility
Why is it so acceptable to be downright evil to fat people? You can judge people solely how they look like, bully them...
/plg/ - powerblogging genitals
Tfw can bench 1pl8 and squat 2pl8 untrained
How does one increase his punching speed?
Which one Jow Forums?
Name a more Jow Forums character
Progress Thread
Aajonus Vonderplanitz
Getting my calorie count up
How do i get a good posture?
Why aren't you a cannibal fit/?
If I lift first thing, before breakfast, will my gains be slower because I had less energy available to do the workout?
Why do fat people always try to act saints that can do no wrong?
Boomer health
Isley, Isley, Isley
Do I have a normal amount of body fat? Also is this gyno? Cheers brah
PTSD and mental health
What do you recommend for a lower body like this?
Fuck is wrong with me Jow Forums
/fraud/ - crippling insecurity and self loathing general
First Routine
I have chronic fatigue...
The pull-up
Always eat chicken, bro. steak is too fat
32 lbs of pure muscles!
Be me, pic related
Friendly reminder the eat sardines and kefir for anti aging benifits
Just maxed this machine out. Did I do good backbros?
6' flat
Negative canthal tilt
I had a folder full of these kinds of infographics type pictures on my old computer
How to fix being skinny-fat?
What does Jow Forums do on their off days? I usually have work to keep me busy but they only give me 40 hours a week...
How did early bodybuilders get so big?
Are these worth it?
What's the best way to train these? They're asthetic as fuck
Fuck, gymbro, marry
Jow Forums memes over the years
Got moderately fit
How did Vitaly do this transformation in 60 days?
The manlets worst nightmare
Is there any way to make my beard grow normally?
Sup niggers
Natty motivation
Fit related jifs pls
Hair loss is genetic isn't it?
Post brutal moggings
/gbg/ Gym Bag General
How do I approach cardio bunnies like pic related in my gym?
Can a skinny guy be weaker than average women if he consumes almost no protein in his diet and doesn't exercise at all?
Dae phimosis? I have it and it's fucking awful desu:
Be honest Jow Forums... would you keep lifting if you knew it was never going to get you a qt gf?
Post your goal body lads
Enter gym
Bar cope
What are your life goals brahs?
Alcohol is a meme
How to lose the hourglass shape?
I train because I refuse to be a soft ambassador of this Age of Atrophy. And I refuse to be shuffling, slobbering...
Can you cold approach qts on buses and the subways if you are jacked?
Just turned 18 boiiis // help me Jow Forums family
Should i lose weight first or try to gain muscle?
Back thread
Bigger penis
Sperm Donor Meets His 19 Children All Together
Jow Forums approved books
Why should i bother working out my legs
Girlfriend is getting kinda fat...
Coffee thread
/fat/ - Smile through the pain edition
Is it possible to be a gay Chad or its a oxymoron?
Vegans can't get b-
Daily reminder you're not fit if you can't do at least one muscle up
Daily reminder that this is what Jow Forums lifts for
Is this considered big?
Jeff N
What happened to the Delray Misfits? Why's it so shitty lately?
Body Dysmorphia Test
I have no friends
Has exercise fitness helped your depression?
Why do you lift? Pic related
Why does normie society demonize a fit lifestyle?
Usa southern user here. Does anyone else have to deal with moms that intentional try to sabotage their keto?
My son is cross eyed, was anyone here cross eyed as a child? Does it ever go away?
Tattoos aren't mentally or physically healthy
New boss only hires milk trucks
That guy who listens to music while working out
Anyone else think its ironic that humans have the easiest access of meat out of any other species on earth...
How many loners here?
"It's called bulking, doc. My internet friends told me it was safe"
How Jow Forums do I have to be in order to get sponsored by gymshark?
Is it worth it?
Does anyone here do Squats and Deadlifts and Barbell Rows and has absolutely zero pain back?
Falling for sluts
Stretch marks
Whats it gonna be lads?
Be me
Are martial arts a meme? or is brute strength through lifting a better weapon?
Jow Forums feels
Bulk or keep cutting?
How does Jow Forums feel about soccer?
Is this salvalgeable or should i kill myself rn? I just want to look normal
Ideals thread
>Do you go to the gym?
Has Jow Forums had an increase in homicidal thoughts since you started lifting?
Am I gay if I have a fetish for muscular women?
She's not coming back user
It's my birthday
A little reminder that if you don't know how to fight you are not even near in fulfilling your potential and you will...
What's your excuse?
That feel when you're texting a girl and she says "kek"
How do I look, Jow Forums?
Have a nice Sunday Edition
How can we compete?
He isn't training neck
Ideal Incline for Bench Press
/plg/ - powerblogging genitals
How's it feel knowing a video game streamer is more swole than 90% of you twigs?
Why is working out so underwhelming nowadays? 15 years ago they actually had originality and some gains put into them
Punched my friend
The guy who just got into fitness and thinks they know more than you
Do you eat breakfast?
Theory of Women
Does lifting help deter aggressors?
Jow Forums reading material
Mirin my gf’s hip to shoulder ratio
Should i drink muscle milk and is their any side effects?
I'm confused about fasting
Open can of monster in public
I'm leaving this fucking board forever
Where I can find males only gym? No woman
Women have a 6th sense for testosterone?
Do you sexy fit men like girls who go to the gym and are fit aswell or do you like normal weight and or chubbier girls?...
Ejaculating too quickly
Chad exercises
What’s up brahs
Is this legit?
Where are my /kefir/fags at?
Let's do push ups in this fucking heat
Motivation thread
About jelqing
Any thoughts on this Jow Forums?
Bye Jow Forums
Just turned 25 lads. I decided to develop anti-aging autism now because the sooner the better...
No pushup thread. Pathetic. Roll or die user
Why can't I gain muscle? 6'4", 29 years old, male, somewhere between thin and skinnyfat...
Jason is literally at his best shape ever since coath Adam and basically, you're a loser
Jow Forums approved musicians thread
What mode am I
Let's play how many calories
Is there any cure for klinefelter or they're just fucked since birth?
Are contact lens REALLY harmless ?
It is NOT gay to like dick more than pussy
Should I skip leg day for a while...
Tfw womanly hips and broad shoulders
What is the difference between someone who is "naturally" skinny and other people?
WHAT is this mode called and how do I into???
Want her
Femanons of Jow Forums, what are your Jow Forums goals?
Best way to meet 18-21 year old women as a 30+ year old?
How do you eat your oats, Jow Forums?
Be 6ft
User, why are you always in the gym? Despite all that lifting you never talk
Can a total weightlifting noob do this routine? Or should I start with SS or SL
/fraud/ - Cheating Frauds General
/fast/ #240 Mark of Cain Edition
Make sure to eat a low-fat diet if ya wanna look like a lean mean killing machine just like Arnie used to in the good...
Cold Showers
Will getting Jow Forums help me court a woman?
Reminder that if you didn't play sports as a kid you are never gonna make it
How does this make you feel?
Why do people obsess over 'strength lifting' routines if they ultimately are aiming for aesthetics?
Mom touches/slaps my ass
What is this shit? I can't fucking work out because its driving me insane. started on my legs now its going everywhere...
Do you know who this is?
How to boost test
Anyone else actually kind of excited about becoming a boomer?
A nazi gym has just opened in Albuquerque and this is not OK
Do you guys really only lift for girls or do you have other reasons to lift? For me it’s to get stronger and feel safe
Been browsing Jow Forums for years
Encourage me bros i am desperate for good words
Help high-inhib incel understand steroid use
Guranteed way to tell if you are decent looking
Why is it so hard to get women in college these days? no girl likes manlets...
Why can’t he just drop the fake personality and talk normally in his videos?
Whats someone or something you dont like at your gym? Let it out user
What does this board think of Jack Donovan?
That guy who’s has to roid to hit natty numbers
Manly body vs. faggot body
What are your favorite ways of mogging rookies in the gym?
Steroids have made me fuck up big time
Size MATTERS in a fight
Can you be Jow Forums and have IBS?
/fat/ - Eat your veggies edition
Can Jow Forums dance? or do you stand in the corner?
What does Jow Forums think of online dating?
Get 5 days into nofap
Is there even a reason for me to quit smoking if I run a 5:20 mile
Is it possible to have too much estrogen and make too much progress?
Who do you lift for, Jow Forums?
Current body thread
How do I fix this?
Does Jow Forums stretch as part of a lifting routine? Afterwards, of course...
The winner is?
Tfw black and much more naturally explosive and powerful than white dudes but I always burn out the fastest and can’t...
Weak chin/struggle beard
Should I drink Gatorade if I sweat buckets when exercising?
Would anyone currently on this board be able to inform me as to how'st I can become such a large fellow as this fine...
Finally reached 1pl8 bench for reps after 1 year
See girl that looks like pic related at work that has done CrossFit for 5 years
I’m 23 years old and I have no social life at all. I’ve tried making friends but nothing has worked...
Heartbreak and depression
Finally got a 30 inch vertical jump at 165 lbs doing 2 months of jumping training and deadlifts
I'm goin to stay up till 9pm tommorow
Does getting fit balance out being bald?
When did you realize that no matter how much you lift or what goals you reach...
Congratulations you're buff. How long do you wait between your dates to not seem beta?
Is this achievable natty?
Who's more fit?
Mires thread
Is this salvalgeable? I just want to be a Chad
Jow Forums Would you ever date a girl who has dated black guys?
Cant do more than 200lbs deadlift without losing grip
Is there a trick to this or am i doomed to swollow the chucks like a faggot every goddamn time?
How do you come to terms with growing older?
How to grow taller
Daily reminder that lifting won't do shit for you if you're ugly
ITT we pretend it's the peak of bro culture, mid 2011
What's your view on Jeff Nippard
Curl variations vs. weighted/bodyweight pullups
Humor Jow Forums bread
Is bouldering the most Jow Forums sport?
So I met up with this kinky 18 year old bitch from tinder and fucked the shit out of her
My battery ia dead, user :(
Routine thread
Why is Arnold's son a fat piece of shit?
Does Jow Forums just hate CrossFit because they’re all stronger and in better shape than you guys?
Where the fuck can you get Ephedrine online if you're living in the US?
How do I out-lift loneliness?
Clarence Kennedy anime opening
What are the boomers of Jow Forums up to tonight?
Ss and weak upper body
Masturbation 401
Feels bar is open Jow Forums
How has your sex life changed since getting Jow Forums?
How does one get a cute musclegirl gf? They don't go to any gym I've ever been to
That guy bobbing his head up and down to his music between sets and then initiating his next set when the breakdown...
Should I start No-Fap?
Squatting in gym
How do I achieve this mode?
Is living life as an asian manlet on hard mode in the west?
Does Jow Forums play any sports?
Quitting weed
Why are so many gay dudes into fitness and muscles...
Greetings mortals. King Ronnie here and im going to treat you to one fit related wish. What do you desire user?
Power is the only thing that matters
/plg/ - powerblogging genital
Have you ever fucked a gym thot? If so how did you pull it off?
What's the most Jow Forums way to kill yourself?
So pic is me, Iv lost a total of 107 pounds in the last year, WHY cant i SEE a difference?
Me body
What's up Jow Forums...
What's the best way to achieve a butt like this?
Post your personality goal
Drumming - good, solid cardio for musicfags looking to do something while they're not lifting, or just fun?
ITT: signs you are getting old
Want to be big, fit, dominant, masculine, eating right and lifting all the time
Powerlifters of Jow Forums, are Nazis common in powerlifting?
ITT bodies 99% of normies would call ripped/lean/greek godlike, but Jow Forums calls pathetic dyel
Legoposting General
Adjust brightness settings until the image on the left is barely visible
Jow Forums, what is best in life?!
Who here /AscencionAugust/?
Most Jow Forums sex position?
/fast/ #239 Blood Moon Edition
Vegan/Vegetarian General
Advice Jow Forums?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship