your life in one image
Your life in one image
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when I get drunk being sad feels good. I like to watch sad anime and cry
>please no this is not real hydration
Actually laffed.
Minus the giddy expression
alcohol is a shit tier drug for degenerates
Image says all I really need to.
Does this make sense? I have a Sisyphean relationship with my own brain, I keep looking up ways to help myself, asking people for advice, going to therapy and trying to self-improve but all of my progress goes tumbling down. I don't know what I have but it's ruined me.
Booze make me happy.
it explains itself
try something like these user
they'll set you straight
What is that? LSD? Would that really help?
This. Always this. Oregano
Yes, and it probably would
I've hit new lowes I never thought I could get to
I think this goes for most of us.
Your post reminds me of this for some reason.
says "rubbish"
I can relate to that.
What animal is that?
I'm hijacking with aesthetic seinfeld
Keep trying user, you will make it to the top one day.
a deep sea crab
Sums it up pretty nicely
oggiggnaly this
pretty awful overall originally
I think this is the basic gestalt.
"Deny Liability"
you already posted it op
r8 ploxx dont h8
Y'all are losers. Take a page outta Brian's book.
here I go here I am original post thank you ma'am this will be a treat original post here I am while you eat
Brian is the one true god
the only difference is that i don't drink
Well, LSD is a great tool for self-inspection, you won't be able to lie to yourself for the duration of the trip which is about 10 hours long based on the dose.
I recommend you do this on your room in complete solitude, hopefully with the lights out, and don't go out or you might panic.
Also look for more tips and tutorials on LSD, you need to do this shit carefully
Special Meme Fresh is a fucking artist
The ultimate fucking failure and then my parents telling me it's okay even though they hate it
i wish i wasnt like this
Me browsing Jow Forums all day.
Truly an image that screams me
I am trapped
This is my second favorite painting.
Look at him, boxed away between the bare white walls, looking out and longing in a city filled with thousands of strangers.
this hits home, I live on the top floor of an apt building right downtown
A B S O L U T E Downward Spiral
Tell me which dose would be sufficient for an enlightening experience? My first trip was more fun than inspiring.
Everything good around me is an illusion.
To me, it's the idea of those bare white walls more than being high up.
My room is really bare and sometimes I look out the window at the same unchanging view... I can't see anything but a few trees and some rooftops, but at least it's not a white wall.
My life is going great
>things I never ever said
Yeah bro some minor wavy visuals and euphoria will kill his depression.
Microdosing LSD every 4 days may actually help but good luck with that. Psilocybin is the one you want here.
still holds true
I had a perfect picture for this but it apparently didn't save to my phone. Just imagine a year and a half old forgotten giant can of piss turned black from lack of light. It almost looked like watery oil.
That is my life summed up in one picture.
this about sums it up originally
nothing wrong with bare walls fellow user, my walls are white too. If I want to look at art I can do it on my computer, I would get sick of anything I put up there.
Literally me, a full time office wagecuck.
My heart stopped first time I saw this meme, it's me.
The sad thing is that user barely even touches my shit. 542 days of anime, calculated by the spreadsheet I made to keep track of completed series. 437 days of games, calculated by my Steam library and likely barely touches upon it. God knows how long I have spent online, but for Jow Forums it is 12 years with month or two gaps here and there.
do you have the full chart my dawg
Here fren
what's the H button do?
Tfw a perfect mix between cerebrotonic and super autist.
literally me organelle
But seriousky what did i do to make it like this lol