You are a normie if:

You are a normie if:
>you kissed a girl at least once in your lifetime
>held a steady job for more than a year
>have an active social life where you socialize at least once a week
>you abuse any drugs including weed
>you have a tidy room
>you own a house or a car
>you do sports
>you are in a great physical condition
>you personal hygiene is on point

If any of the above applies to you, I want you to fuck off my board.

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>you have a tidy room
my mom clean my room everyday am I normie now?

why does smoking weed make you a normie?
my problem is that I can't talk to women, not drug dealers.

Yes 14% body fat desu

What now friend

>have an active social life where you socialize at least once a week
>you have a tidy room
Just these two.

And by active social life I mean having one friend I talk to once a week or so. Room's tidy because I don't get out of my chair other than to eat, walk around, or go to the bathroom.

>you kissed a girl at least once in your lifetime
betabuxxed a landwhale onced and kissed her
>held a steady job for more than a year
Held a job for a little bit over year before getting fired from there
>have an active social life where you socialize at least once a week
no social life at all
>you abuse any drugs including weed
done that, not anymore
>you have a tidy room
>you own a house or a car
>you do sports
>you are in a great physical condition
skinny fat
>you personal hygiene is on point

What do you anons think? Am i a normalfag?

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Yes but only because of nepotism
Only socialise once every 2 weeks at most so by your definition no
No although I do smoke weed if anyone is offering which is almost never these days, I don't know how to buy or roll it myself
Sometimes but most of the time no (does this only make me a normie SOME of the time?)
I rent a flat and I own a car but I'm renting off a parent and I didn't buy the car myself
No lol
Fuck no
Not always but I try

No unless discord counts

Being able to brush my teeth and wash my body doesn't make me a normie you lazy prick.

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>having some semblance of hygiene and tidiness makes you a normie

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By your definition I'm at least a Chad
Most of the time
Good condition
Wash after sport

>Only socialise once every 2 weeks at most so by your definition no
Oh yeah forgot to mention. I play games and talk online to my friends pretty much every day but we only meet up IRL once every few weeks because we're all lazy depressed fucks

no you are not. Let that normie bitch do your dirty work.

>you kissed a girl at least once in your lifetime
>held a steady job for more than a year
>have an active social life where you socialize at least once a week
>you abuse any drugs including weed
>you have a tidy room
>you own a house or a car
>you do sports
>you are in a great physical condition
>you personal hygiene is on point

It's my board you dirty fuck.

Lmao unexpected kek

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If you are able to get drugs easily you are a normie. It means you have connections. Unless you live in a country like The Netherlands where you can buy drugs on the market.

I have a gf and I do a lot of drugs

but i am an ascended robot and i will vehemently defend my right to post here

you can buy weed on the internet in canada or maybe places in europe or america

plus you can order from the darknet

One demeaning comment at a time we are going to make R9 Get Pussy Again

>you kissed a girl at least once in your lifetime
>held a steady job for more than a year
never had one
>have an active social life where you socialize at least once a week
only 1 discord friend
>you abuse any drugs including weed
drugs give me panic attacks
>you have a tidy room
looks like shit and smells like piss
>you own a house or a car
european poorfag
>you do sports
>you are in a great physical condition
walking to the kitchen and back to my room makes my heart race
>you personal hygiene is on point
I shower once a month

Am I some kind of ultra Robot ?

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I kissed a girl and held a job but they were both over 10 years ago. Am I a normie?

>doesn't do drugs

what are you a cuck?

>you kissed a girl at least once in your lifetime
>held a steady job for more than a year
>have an active social life where you socialize at least once a week
>you abuse any drugs including weed
>you have a tidy room
>you own a house or a car
>you do sports
>you are in a great physical condition
>you personal hygiene is on point

Oh shit, waddup. This is my board, though, so you'll have to go, Reddit.

You're a "normie" if you throw around the word "normie." Now fucking leave my board you faggot.

I fullfil none of these.
Well sometimes I clean up my room but thats in order to get over the boredom.

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>tfw I am not a normie but I wish I was

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So basically you're a normie if you're not a complete cretinous slob. Ok fine I'll take being a normie then.

Fuck off my comfy thread.

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This isn't comfy at all you skidmark of a rotten fruit salad.

nah I took everything I wanted to take back in college at this point it's way too risky job wise

Take away the second one. Many of us robots are wage-slaves who couldn't get on NEETbux.

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You need to work on your insults guy that was really shit.

You will not survive the normie genocide you cunt

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I am the same. There are minor differences
>you are in a great physical condition
I am 5.67 feet tall and weigh 123 lbs. Running makes my heart race and I can't catch a breath, I am not exactly the fittest person, but maintaining physical health is very important. I don't participate in society either, but you shouldn't be a burden to yourself by destroying your own health.
>you personal hygiene is on point
I shower once a day, sometimes twice a day. I shave myself once day. I wash my hands before and after a meal. I love hygiene. I don't do it to get pussy, because I consider girlfriends and women in generally as useless, I do it, becasue I love myself and hygiene is very important for health. You shouldn't be a burden to yourself.

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>shave once a day
Do you have really fast growing hair or something?

>you kissed a girl at least once in your lifetime
What if I stole that kiss from a girl I thought liked me and I got slapped for it? There are people who can't read social cues.

>have an active social life where you socialize at least once a week
This is mandatory if you're in uni though.
Inb4 "being in uni makes you a normie too"

>you abuse any drugs including weed
I've never taken drugs ever, not even tobacco or alcohol, but wouldn't taking hard drugs like cocaine or heroine be literally the opposite of being a normie? I mean yeah weed is normie as fuck, but hard drugs aren't. Same with being an alcoholic.

>you have a tidy room
>you personal hygiene is on point
>you are in a great physical condition
Some people have OCD

>you do sports
You aren't necessarily good at sports just because you like playing them.

I dunno, OP, I don't think you suffer from anything besides some mild form of depression and are just projecting your situation onto others. You don't really seem to have any dehabilitating form of mental illness or else you'd understand how some of your points are retarded. You just seem like a lazy failed normie with generic interests and habits to me, in which case get the fuck out of my board

Yes. I hate hair fuzzes, especially at my chin and I hate hair at my cheeks (peach fuzz feels disgusting). I wanted to have a mustache a view years ago, but it failed, so the hair around my lips has to go. Every two weeks, the armpit hair has to go, too.

I only came here to remember how much of a loser I used to be, it makes me happy when I get sad in the normie life

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>im so retarded I dont know what the darknet is

youre a far bigger normie than anyone youre trying to put down here lol

a qt girl gave me a peck on the cheek while her two goons were holding me by my arms to keep me from running away after she politely asked if she could give me a kiss and i declined because i thought it was weird and was a prude in the 7th grade

...did i have to do the kiss, or does this count??

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Fuck man i hope you are still young if so it gets way bigger after highschool



>you kissed a girl at least once in your lifetime
>held a steady job for more than a year
Not yet
>have an active social life where you socialize at least once a week
>you abuse any drugs including weed
>you have a tidy room
>you own a house or a car
>you do sports
>you are in a great physical condition
>you personal hygiene is on point

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>you are a normie ifyou abuse any drugs including weed
>you are a normie if you are a fucking junkie
Yeah ok OP

This is not and has never been your board. Fuck off cunt.

>you kissed a girl at least once in your lifetime
kissed 7 or 8 girls so far. most of them werent real kisses but more of a wet peck cause i was too much of a beta to go tongue
>held a steady job for more than a year
nope. worked on a fast food as a cleaner for a day but got fired at the end of the shift bc they were looking for a waiter
>have an active social life where you socialize at least once a week
i go to college so im forced to but i get umconfortable if people talk to me for a long time ie the conversation/interaction lasts longer than 1 minute
>you abuse any drugs including weed
dont like weed bc makes me anxious. did it bc wanted to try, can get cocaine from people at uni but afraid of having a heart attack or getting my life destroyed. only smokes cigarettes and drink alcohol
>you have a tidy room
nah. mom works too much to do the cleaning and i dont have a lot of stuff in my room anyway
>you own a house or a car
nope. i want to get a bike tho
>you do sports
only gaming
>you are in a great physical condition
sort of. do exercise in room listening to stuff that makes me want to punch people or shit like that so i force myself to do pull ups and sit ups so i dont get bored and miserable.
>you personal hygiene is on point

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heh I'm a real robot you're all just posers heh my life is worse than yours

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>not yet
>no, not too bad though
>no, but not terrible
>not 'on point', but I shower daily and brush my teeth twice a day

>>you abuse any drugs including weed

>I am a normie because I take adderall and masturbate for 10 hours every day

okay then

yes if i get my hands on them
yes I stay fit in case niggers jump me in my area

Am I a normgroid Op?

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There are literally places in California you walk into and buy legal cannabis from a shop, retard. Plenty of autismos do this

>whaha fuck of normies
>Iam the real victim!

Robots clean ur fucking rooms, breathing in stale smegma and mildew only hurts you and not in the fun way.

>have kissed girls before
>have held job for 11 months now
>socialize less than once a week with friends (sadly)
>use drugs whenever the opportunity arises, except weed because weed is lame
>my room is a disaster (if I posted it it'd unironically get saved and reposted elsewhere)
>no house or car (or even license)
>sometimes do half-assed lifting at home
>I'm not in shape
>my hygiene is alright
Damn I'm so normie, feels good man
All this time I thought I was a mentally ill loser

>>you kissed a girl at least once in your lifetime
>>held a steady job for more than a year
>>have an active social life where you socialize at least once a week
>>you abuse any drugs including weed
alcohol so kinda
>>you have a tidy room
i have OCD tendecies so yeah
>>you own a house or a car
>>you do sports
sometimes if forced to
>>you are in a great physical condition
>>you personal hygiene is on point