Have any of you guys done cocaine?

No /drugfeels/ tonight oh well
The high
>imagine the qt of your dreams 3.15 sucking your dick or being ball deeps in stacy
>lasts about 30 mins to an hr

The comedown
>now you wake up to find stacy is cucking you with Chad while your getting ass fucked by tyrone

Now I kinda get why normies like this stuff, and why some get addicted. Becareful with this stuff brobots...

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Also apparently it's over priced in comparison to the high you get.
I'll stick with Weed, LSD, MDMA and DXM thanks.

Tried it two times, hated it.
Brings to the front exactly those traits I hate most about myself.
Argumentative, overbearing, sense of being correct and having to prove it etc.

Who are they??? Succi Succi five bukki

I use cocaine fetishistically, with great ritual, in complete solitude. It's a favorite pleasure of mine, but the cost can be prohibitive.

A robot does it alone while watching indie qts. Fuck man, this felt so good...

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Sounds very interesting, and probably something I would do, but then again the price. Fuck this.

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Similar to this for me.

It made me angry and aggressive and I could recognise that I was not behaving like myself but couldn't stop it. Didn't like it at all.

I much prefer to chill out with some weed or feel really happy on MDMA etc.

Cocaine is a shit drug unless you are already a 6'4 Chad with thotties to fuck, or a rich banker who can feel like an alpha as he splooges $40k on hookers

Yes the confidence and euphoria is arrogant, compared to that of mdma which is empathetic. But it just felt so good for a few mins. The roof of my mouth went numb then I was hit with one of the best feelings.
I can only compare it to the first and only times I've
made out with a roastie, which was like 8 yrs ago.

Had a huge bender last weekend. Am now paying the price for it

Somebody describe me their molly experience.

I hate these girls so much. They're so ugly but have such nice asses

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I think they have nice faces but terrible asses.

I did coke when I was younger, from age 15 to 17, or something lile that. Was great, I loved it, it was the only time I felt actually happy, all my problems were gone and I felt genuinely happy, it also worked on my shyness, suddenly I could talk freely, I was Chad, it was great. I end up quiting it after my mom send me to the mental hospital because of a mental break down. Anyways, now I'm clean and stay the fuck away from it, because I know how good it is and how much I like it, so a single shot could ruin me.for good.

Also, kids now a days only wanna now about MDMA, even saw it in this thread, fucking faggots, all MD users I ever seen looked lile raging faggots, squirming and overly touching one another while jumping to really bad music. At least people doing coke remained themselves, nore energetic, true, but not delusional and out of control like MD. If you felt out of control or somebody else, it wasn't coke. Coke is so much better than this faggatory MD that this thread made me sad, fuck you milenials.

This, weed and acid are good for robots since it allows us to engage in escapism, whereas coke is only good if you're already chad-maxxing it at life

I know the answer is most likely the dark net, but how do robots even get drugs jb the first place? I live in a small town in Germany so there's no obvious spot to go to where dealers hang out and being a robot I don't know anyone who knows a dealer and if so I'd be to autistic to ask.
Last time I was ready to buy online the Bitcoin pricr dropped significantly after I obtained enough Bitcoins so I thought I'd wait for it to normalize but it hasn't and this was months ago so I'm reluctant to buy more. Plus, I'd be scared out of my mind giving someone my real address for shipping and dropping it somewhere else isn't really an option

The one on the right has an odd face.

Doesn't work for me, I take a very big line imo but feel like I took a small line amphetamine minus the usual euphoria of wanting to do something, if I take a smaller one I just feel like I drank some coffee. FeelsBadMan

I don't know about that really.

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I've done cocaine but it wasn't really my thing. I preferred psychedelics.

I sure would love for them to sit on my face and gyrate haha
And yes I have, when I got out of the Navy I went back home and was NEET for a year before starting college and hanging out with old friends. Was drinking and doing coke constantly and god the coke was great.

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Jade grobler and derrion keller