Be glad you arent the most hated ethnicity on earth r9k

>meet cute russian girl
>we match in almost every aspect.
>she loves me.
>i love her
>1 month getting to know eachother
>she says i should meetr her parents and i do
>when family lines come up at the dinner table i reveal i'm a fucking gypsy (roma for those kind of people) and they just all go quiet
>they mustve thought i was some southern euro
>1 minute later everyone of them tells me to get out
>check phone
>deleted me from contacts in every medium
>ive been bullied for it all my life
Should i end it lads? Its like i got the genetic red card. Theres no other people like me in this area.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>a month
> we love each other

>i reveal i'm a fucking gypsy
You played yourself in an innovative way

You deserve it. Your "people" have been nothing but a plague for centuries. If you really want to be free never fucking mention it, leave your family and live life as a normal human being.

Yes, please do.

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die you fucking gypsy, to the gas with you

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Stay away from Russians (aka racists).

Fuck you. white people made us like this. i wont ever forget it.
user you never felt it....It comes fast

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A gurl never really loves somone come user you should know that

Hahha sand nigger here, at least im not black

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If you can't live a satisfactory life with the cards you were dealt then yes

Stop being violent, arrogant, uneducated morons and maybe we'll change our minds.

we probably won't

I've been engaged and in a 4yr relationship as well as two 3 year've never been in love in a month you retard and she definitely didn't love you in a month lol

ive been talkin to a turk gurl....but i havent told her.

Why would you reveal you're Roma gypsy? You could have said Romanian.

Regardless, you've learnt that no one likes the Roma community

>willingly reveals that he is a fucking tsigan
Holy fucking kek. But, seriously, what did you expect?

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kys and stream on YouTube you gypsyfuck normie scum

Idk man some old women and old men are ok with it. especially when they havent met one before. but never younger people.

Hahaha fuck niggers btw, arab/lebo/Muslim girls love the niggers because of jewish nigger music but there family's hate niggers, you might get a root with the turk girl

Lol samefag here. Kek

Fucking die gypsie, stop shitting up europe
I won't give this creature a (you). He would probably steal it and then murder me for it if he could. I'm going to turn this into a gypsy hate thread.

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Its hard, bc romanians look different.
yea i heard leb girls r more liberal. ill see where it goes.
one day ill get my own time of retribution against u people. you really think the reason why we live in slums isnt ur own fault?

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You get less articulate with each word you write.

lmao fuck you. i can say what i want. living isnt a crime.

Just stay away from Christian arab girl you fucking ape, stick to the muslims fucks idgaf where you from btw you dumb nigger

why would the gril being christian make a difference?? still an arab girl.

Is this a larp? Are g*psies this stupid?

>horse stealing nomadic con artists
>scam people on the streets
>increase crime rates wherever they go
>now it's a native inhabitants' fault

You nigger cunts sold other niggers to white it isnt hard to understand you niggee Fuck you're so dumb

its just like blacks in america. EVERYONE of u people are against us. i dont get how im the stupid one.

>tfw no black slave to fall in love with

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Fact sheet about these subhuman filth. A good example is the Hungarian nation;
Guess what? Hungary's population will drop by half. That's right! There will be just 4-5 million of them.

As their population numbers are dropping dramatically - by over 50.000 people every year, or half a million in 10 years to be precise - their gypsy birthrates are BOOMING. Gypsy women are dropping kids so fast and there are so many babies in their bellies, they barely can squeeze them through their vaginas one by one, they come in duos and triplets.
Meanwhile multiple villages' worth of people disappear each year, whole cities are abandoned and become ghost towns. It's already happening.

Indeed. By 2100 there will be 5 million Hungarians, and 90% of them will be gypsies.

The same case is in Romania. The average fertility for an adult ethnic Romanian women is just 1.5.
In the gypsy nation, it goes from 3.2 to as high as 3.7 (that is higher than the Gabonese fertility rate) in some areas. Romania will become the third gypsy nation in Europe, first being Hungary and Slovakia. Slovakia has places where the gypsy fertility rate reaches over 4 in some areas, higher than half of African nations.

Forget muslims. Forget africans. Europe will become a gypsy continent. These people have average IQs in the 60-70 range normally if you are wondering.

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Amen. Nice dubs for the fact.

fucking freaks. say that shit to ones face. i would cut you up.


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literally just lie about it or stfu

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its not fair bro. lying about ur own would actually do that?

>white people made us like this
Remind me why your people were exiled from India again?

>lying about ur own would actually do that?
If I was a g***y, yes.

>Whites make you steal everything that isn't nailed down and arrange your daughters into marriages with old men.

Get fucked Gyppo. There's a reason no one denies that hitler tried to kill your people.

>i would cut you up.
Point in case

I'm not fond of gypsies but I feel bad for you OP.

>tfw dated an Iraqi and my whole family went mental when they found out

>its just like blacks in america
They're shit too.

The 0,1% of you can be decent people, but you gotta admit your kind is a fucking plague. Even worse than blacks.

Because the internet said so

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>White people made us like this
Yes you fucking thieving nigger, white people just started hating you for no reason right? Not like you steal, scam, attack others, live off of other people's garbage and do everything it takes to never lead a honest life. You are disgusting shit and everyone hates your kind here in the balkans. EVERYONE. In elementary school I even went with a couple of the hotheaded hooligans to best up gypsies for fun.

If I said that shit to your face you would start crying you fucking bitch. One of you niggers tried to steal clothes from my yard when I was at sea and when my sister saw it and called out to me I walked out and didn't even say anything just punched him in the head. What did he do? He teared up, gave me the finger and cursed at me while walking away and came back with 20 min later with 3 of his gypsy friends asking me to come out. And I came out with a knife and told them to get the fuck out of here before I get them. Told the major about the incident (a family friend of ours), he called the cops and they all got found and arrested because no documents.
You are a bunch of fucking rats that are tough only in groups of 10+, never alone. I hope you all get killed you disgusting sacks of shit.

White people won't care , besides everyone will think you are a terrorist

Atleast you're not a sandnigger op...

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Hourly reminder that Gypsies are the descendants of rejects from Poo-in-loo land.

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It's been a while that I've heard a story this unbelievable

gypsies are absolutely trash and only way you could salvage that is to leave your family.

I mean, quints do not lie

what does being a gypsy even mean?

Holy shit, i would rather be a nigger than a gypsy.

>i'm a fucking gypsy
>deleted me from contacts in every medium
>ive been bullied for it all my life
sweet justice
kek. this one's for you op. desu I kind of even feel bad for you

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just move bud some bitch 'll want you
(as long as you aren't fat and jobless)

GTFO from my russian quties,blackfag

Move to America, theres such a small population here that nobody knows and the Jews successfully romanticized the idea of gypsies.
T. American half gypsy

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It would be funny if it wasn't a grown man bullying a 6 year old kid. I am literally shaking right now.

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One my m8 telling me when he was waiter,that gypeses kids was such a pain in the ass,and he literally beat the shit out one of them.
He live in Moscow,btw

You can always date your own. That should be good enough for you.

>be gypo
>nog your way into Europe along with steppe horde
>settle in romania
>join eu
>flood non-gypo countries
>beg, steal, and shit up the place
>blame whites
replace gypo with nigger and tell me the difference
You are a blight on my continent and I want all of your shitskin kind to be expelled back to the plains

You brought blacks to America because you didn't want to do hard labor, you can only blame yourselves

>Internet access
I dont believe you, bad LARP op.

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I am a euro you gyponigger

feel sorry for you
99% of gypsies are subhuman trash but there are a few unfortunate fellows that arent
one of my best childhood friends was one of those
man i miss those times

Are gypsies white?

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>gitano subhuman (gypsy for anglos)
>anybody on this planet thinking you're southern euro
Immediately kill yourself.

Why do indians (gypsies too since they're illegal immigrants from India kicked out by indians for being savage mongrels) always delude themselves into thinking "yeah I'm southern euro, give me that white pussy"

Also, all gypsies should be melted into organic fuel.

Romanian = south-east european ethnic group, native to Europe, related to bulgarians and serbs

Gypsy/Gitano/Cygan/Tigan/Kipti/Zingaro/Tzigane/Zigeuner/Sinti/Cygani/Cikan =
illegal immigrant squatters from India who weaseled their way into Europe since the 14th century, when the Black Death came.
Gypsies are related to Indians, Pakistanis (they come from a region split between them).

The gypsy/indians in Europe have no ethnic, cultural, religious, historic relationship to Rome, Romania, Romanians or Romans.
They have been kicked out of India for being savage, by indian standards.

They have simply existed for 7 centuries as parasites in Europe, literal rats, vermin and cockroaches.
When they arrived, so did the Black Plague, as they spread all over Europe, just like the Plague.

why the fuck don't you say you're just romanian or balkan?

I'd do this if I found out too, even if we were only friends

We can literally blame the jews for this one.

Niggers can still get an education and be productive members of society. Impossible for gypsies. They are literally subhumans.

Gypos always have the latest iPhones and listen to loud and shitty gypsy music on it on public transport.

Yeah it's funny how many gypsies in here think of themselves as South Italians.

Gypsies are worse than niggers. If they had access to guns it would be the end of the fucking world. There are thousands of working educated niggers in the US. There are one or two educated working gypsies in the entirety of Eastern Euro.
Fuck gypsies man. They steal your shit and you can't touch them because they always have brothers that will fucking kill you

Yeah man. Romani is at least an offshoot.

You all don't know how bad it's too be me. I'm a thorough bred.

Why not just say you are southern Italian or Greek?

It's that simple

Gypsies must be hanged. They destroyed Romania and destroy other European countries.

Kill yourself. Or, at least, don't fucking racemix.

Why don't you go for a gypsy girl, then, instead of trying to infect other people's races?

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Their families will kill her if they even see her talking to a white guy.

Race is a social construct, edgelord

Racists are bad people

Stop being racist please, look how mean you are being to OP.
It's not cool

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Gypsy's aren't as hated as my people. My people are hated by all the people of the world. We are shown as the enemy in all films and literary works (either through symbology or direct representation). We are demonized in the bible and are genocided to this very day. Each day that pass I yearn to burn this world and all of it's inhabitants.

And no, not Jewish. Those people never had it bad. They lied about being the victim all throughout history to get ahead like the fucking snakes that they are.

desu where i live we don't trust gypsies that much

kad novica prolaziii sklanjajte se ciganiii

This never happened, you brown nigger. People are not that fucking racist anymore.

>lying about ur own would actually do that?
Are you autistic?
Who gives a shit if you lie or refuse to talk about your lineage? What an idiot.

>This never happened, you brown nigger. People are not that fucking racist anymore.
Look at these comments

Egyptians? Persians? Babylonians?

Bruh, this is Jow Forums. The edgelords here are not representative of actual irl people.


I'm a bit shocked someone actually got it.

I never ever heard anything about Babylonians. I only thought they were some cool ancient people who don't exist anymore

Funny thing about gypsies is that even my most sjw nigger loving friends still hate them.
It's actually crazy, the same people who pretend like everyone is equal and want no borders and an unlimited flood of niggers and muslims also absolutely hate "romas".

Imagine being the most hated race on earth, more than niggers, more than jews, and somehow you still blame it on white people.

Despite the non-stop genocide attempts that are happening even as I type this, we're still around. Spread across the world. I've never been able to visit the ancient sites of my ancestors. Which truth be told is my greatest dream.. If there is anything left at this point. If the Americans would stop creating shadow armies (isis) that focus kill my people and instead could just turn the muds and their sand to glass, I could just skate my way in.

Where are the biggest pockets of ancient Babylonian descendants these days?