Any info on the server anons? I remember seeing a post about it saying robots with cracked Minecraft can also join
Is the server still up and can someone give me the IP if so
Jow Forums comfy Minecraft server?
Yeah I'd like to join one too
this is a comfy r9k server, not minecraft, just chatting to people mainly. i guess theres some people there that play minecraft
Completely absolutely original originalio bump
please I want to play MC with lotsa friends
shilling """comfy""" discord server uwu pls lemme suck ya toes
I don't want a discord server I want a MINECRAFT server
i dont think theres minecraft r9k servers, just join a general r9k server or a normal minecraft server for little kids, you want something that doesnt exist
just join this lmfao
Why not make your own? I'd be up to join for a bit but I don't care enough to open one myself
Fuck off discord shills nobody wants to join your shitty server. Can't wait until discord posting is a bankable offense.
if u make one, drop the link in here, ill join
it is already you fucking newfag, and no1 is shilling in here, we're just talking about it
fucken kys discord jew nigger
Both go to the archive fucking gay ass traps fuck off
There was a post about an r9k Minecraft server like 2-3 days ago retard
It's not cracked but clubr9k is god tier.
1.12.2 (1.13 coming soon)
RIP me I don't have a premium acc
is the server down? whats heppening
I own a server but it's not for cracked versions, buy the game already fsggots is the one i found here.