Have you ever fucked a gym thot? If so how did you pull it off?
Have you ever fucked a gym thot? If so how did you pull it off?
she was a gym trainer
balls drainer
swallowed my protein
like a hard gainer
im bumping this thread, i wanna hear those stories anons
find somewhere else to jerk off, faggot.
Honest question: do you think gym workers are actually allowed to have any sort of personal relations with clients?
Based and red pilled
fucking retard
people go to the gym because they're ugly, so they're driven to work out to improve themselves just enough to look good.
thus, it is not a good idea to involve yourself with gymtrash. they are just trying to mask their own ugliness.
Just. Talk. To. Her.
Girl's aren't impossible to figure out. Just learn to talk to women.
fucking this lol
you shoulf still try to befriend them to fuck their friends lel
happens every day dumb ass
Are you honestly asking this question?
How the fuck do you talk to thots at the gym? I can't think of a single scenario where talking to a grill is more difficult. Even cold approaching a group of girls gathered together like pioneers in circled wagons is easier.
my cousin is a personal trainer and he fucks female clients regularly. Lot of MILFs
I did, twice.
I was 18, fairly muscular but nothing amazing by any means.
The first girl was flirty from the start, so I asked he for her facebook, we chatted for a while and then I kinda just straight up asked her if I could come over. She was a fucking freak in bed, fucked me senseless, looked amazing. She was 22 I think.
The other was just a few months after that, I was still 18, she was 26. She was mediocre, 5/10 face, 8/10 body, but I figured why not since of the age gap. She basically hunted me down on instagram, started sending me seductive messages and some pics. Fucked her, she was pathetic. Like a starfish. Just spread her limbs and did nothing. Pity fucked her, got dressed and left.
Moral of the story is, probably don't do it. The first one was amazing, but I don't even want to think about how many guys from the same gym were there before me.
There's this girl in my muay thai class that I really want to fuck.
No idea how to take it to the next level though. We flirt all the time and there's a bit of sexual tension, but I'm also older than her by 5 years.
It all depends on the companies policy. I had a 8/10 personal trainer that I would occasionally grope her ass and slide my fingers on her vag while she was in leggings. We went out on a few fuck dates. We had to keep it low key as it was against the company policy to have any relationships with customers. Hell the company didn’t even want their employees to follow customers on social media
i have once. Might fuck another girl too but that remains to be seen.
i basically just became her friend and got on regular speaking terms with her before anything happened. When i noticed she started seeking me out in the gym to talk is when i asked her to grab a drink and when i texted her later she just flat out told me to come over to watch a movie instead, so i went over and fucked her
theres really not much to it. Obviously not everyone can do it though, you have to be physically attractive to her of course. I've got more or less mediocre lifts and im not really lean but i've got a relatively good v taper and been told im good looking. Some dudes obviously have an easier time than others with this shit but you never really know until you try though.
pic related, her ass. but her tits were way better
yeah bro just walk up to that gym thot you've never spoken to before and make awkward small talk. she won't think it's weird at all
if they're interested in you they'll smile at you or stare from a distance. thats your cue to act.
or talk to them and judge it based on that. if they end the conversation quickly, forget it
I slept with a chick who was the female equivalent of otter mode
Squeezing her ass was unironically like a bag of sand because of muscle it was kind of off putting
This was a bad thread to enter on no fap
True Jow Forums haiku
Literally this
Just talk to her casually, don't spend much time, give some sexual energy, respond accordingly. Stop over analyzing over every setting you can approach people and just do it.
That's what social skills are for.
>ywn never molest her
feels bad man
Ask her out dumb dumb
>but im also older than her by 5 years
Get your test levels checked faggot
Yep. Still fucking her regularly. It's pretty cash. She's on the university volleyball team and gyms a lot
I've never had sex at all