Hey robots in your opinion what is the biggest problem in the world right now

Hey robots in your opinion what is the biggest problem in the world right now

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poverty and poor people

Ligma, no doubt in my mind

Nobody cares about what is to come. It's all reactionary now.

wealth inequality

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>w-whats ligma

Greed orginalio

The illusion of progress desu

Ligma balls, haha you gay nigga

Alles die juden

Sin is the biggest problem in the world.


capitalism and the degeneration of western civilization

capitalism, as a result of
psychopaths running the world

The Jews and their bullshit

why it would be niggers of course

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Ethics in video game journalism.
But originally.

Current plague of summerfags and plebbit niggers.

Me being alone and not having a gf (that also wouldn't want to cuck me)

Tripple threat parenthesis

African overpopulation
The countries that can support the smallest population simultaneously have the highiest population growth.
Not only does it destroy the continent but it also floods europe with people who cannot contribute to the economy and leech on the welfare system.

oh fuck that was sweet

its continued existence

The lack of love.

>implying it isn't jews

the existence of me
I am the worst thing in the world

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Environmental collapse and runaway greenhouse gas emissions.

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Me still being alive.

Too many fucking people.

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Too many fuckion people

For me personally? Women

Altogether I would agree with
Plain economics really.
The more people there are, the less any human is worth to another.

We need to either kill off a lot or spread out.
Guess what, we fail at spreading out so far.

Let us ask an actual robot:
well, you heard the AI. Eat less meat and ride a bike.

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superbugs and their steady progression toward becoming immune to all known antibiotics, inciting a pandemic the likes of which we've never seen before


Nope it's you crackers

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Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.

Originally do this

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that most of us the robots are useless trash that will never achieve anything and will keep being trash until we die a we become useful as fertilization

the rapist inside every man

ecological problems

human is

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>i-it's definitely going to be global warming
>not murderous artificial intelligence
>please d-don't unplug me

Every act that goes against the Bible. We should all become like Jesus, serious.

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Very touching, Patrick.

The tendency of stupid people getting more children than smart people. If we don't start some sort of eugenics program very soon the world will end thanks to all the retards overrunning the actual capable people.

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does a more domesticated, beta outfit exists?

>end apartheid, oppose racial discrimination, promote civil rights, promoting equal rights for women
>encourage a return to traditional moral values
Pick one retard.

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Autism discrimination

Climate change without a doubt.

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Nope, still niggers

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Female sexual revolution and feminism. It's the root of all current social woes

Isn't this more of an overpopulation issue?
Inb4 edgelord economies just need to focus more on long term stability over short term gains

>Muh welfare
>Muh feminism
>Muh open borders
>Muh made up genders
>Muh destruction of muh bloodline
>Fug everyones' rights when it comes to muh feelings!

>We need to either kill off a lot
The elites will make this happen sooner or later, most males will die off as we are the expendable gender and no one cares. Leaving large harems of women for the elites to fuck.

Not really. Most of that is caused by fossil fuels we release.

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the kikes at the top are destroying the world

>shitskin countries dry up and die out

Not a bad future desu


A lot of people are mentally ill because of it.

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If they stay home and die off with it I wouldn't have a problem with it either, but alas...

Women. Seriously all problems in the world can be traced back to women.


And unfortunately it would take a Holocaust a day, every day, to keep that population in check.

4 billion Africans by the end if the century if the projections are right.

White population going down while non white population exploding

fossil "fuels" is a misnomer though. Shit won't get better by sitting everyone fat ass on a bike.

You need petrochemicals for medication,fertilizer and what else not. As long as population is only growing we continue releasing more.
Can't even grow enough food for the people we have RIGHT NOW without the fertilizer afaik.

But yeah guess eating eachother up on the internet is a good training for the future at least

Unelastic demand for short-sighted, greedy, selfish, inefficient use of resources that leads to unhealthy living styles in a globalized world.


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>You need petrochemicals for medication,fertilizer and what else not.
Then we need to give up those things. Our modern lifestyle is simply not sustainable and we will pay dearly if we refuse to give it up.

Didn't you think that through?
We WILL pay dearly, no ifs or buts about it.
The question is when and how it happens.

if you feel like it.

People like Griffith are.

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Nope still crackers, don't stick what's on you

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You have to work for food,water & shelter.
Absolutely disgraceful.

Degeneracy, mostly degenerate women. It gives men nothing to strive for and causes so much wasted potential, need a carrot on a stick to motivate people.

I know if women weren't an issue for me I would be able to think about other problems.

>Muh drone work
>Muh 12 children
>Muh hatred of immigrants
>Muh obsession over sexual dimorphism
>Muh tribalism
>Muh rights that came out of nowhere except for big dady government who I will gladly service and die for hurr durr

Preferable not an old wrinkly carrot that was up Tyron's ass before and wants to be respected for it.


I fucking hate them.

I can't wait for artificial wombs. If we have only men, and hot robots, then no one will become a robot like us. Women are the cause of all evil.

Religion OriginaIly.

I mean standard of livings are at an all time high. Things are pretty good for humans
>improving standard of livings
running simulations to better plan our economy is a hard problem computationally speaking. we can't predict big changes in the economy tomorrow
China and India industrializing and Africa not industrializing. These are gonna create some complicated problems
>from a philosophical perspective
same as always, whats the point? In some sense, we are all lying to ourselves by pretending that we exist for pleasure, love, ect. These are all just biological mechanisms created by natural selection

>Plain economics really
This meme started with Malthus (an economist), but its just wrong.
economics says the opposite. Economics says that people specialize, innovate and adapt to their scarce resources

Doesn't matter if people adapt. The system itself we're living under is unsustainable


t. Ashkenazi

>The system itself we're living under is unsustainable
people have been saying this for like ~300 years. tell me the specific year the famines will start causing global economic collapse. In the meantime, I'll use conventional logic to predict economic output next year.
Wiping ourselves out with a nuclear war is more likely than overpopulation

Sephardi is okay?

>people have been saying this for like ~300 years.
That doesn't mean shit though. Rome wasn't built in a day and it didn't collapse in a day either.

>In the meantime, I'll use conventional logic to predict economic output next year.
This is why you're retarded. Only caring about what will happen next, but not in the next decade. You need to think long term.

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Jews breathing

In terms of existential threats, climate change is definitely the biggest because of the profound and long-term implications on the environmental inhabitability of the planet, our ability to grow food, and the potential ecological collapse of large portions of the world (creating biological and literal deserts).

However, the cause of climate change is undeniably the industrialisation of the world's nations combined with the prevailing consumer-capitalist economy which promotes the creation of superfluous goods for the sole purpose of profiteering - and thus the exploitation of natural resources at unsustainable, accelerating rates. This means that climate change could be considered under the umbrella of implications caused by consumer capitalism at large.

Second to this is the risk of nuclear annihilation. Third is anti-biotic resistance, fourth is the rise in global political corruption and the undermining of democratic systems by media, private interests and foreign powers.

>he still thinks climate change can be reversed

oh boy

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This. Only thing you forgot is automation.

>big daddy government
u wot

Humans being a plague and a virus upon the earth, spreading while consuming everything in their path as they do it.

Third World shit holes not getting with the program and First World morons allowing the Third World to behave like infants.

greed and failure to change

People like Griffith build industrial societies that can maintain a population of billions

70% of the world are soulless animalistic secretly morbid deviant normie sociopaths and that percentage increases with overpopulation

Human privilege.

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It all links back to the jews, desu

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Individuals are afraid to fight, and would rather be complacent.

social media and its effects, directly and indirectly.

Confirmation bias, probably.

World peace lad. Unification can lead to all else.

You just repeated what user said.

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If we reduced the world population we could have this lifestyle. I'm not preserving resources for some third worlders who can't stop breeding so much.

It's sustainable if we drastically reduce the world population. I don't want a lower standard of living just so more people can crowd the planet.