why are so many gay dudes into fitness and muscles? on the other hand a lot of lesbians are obese and looked like they've never exercised in their entire lives.
Why are so many gay dudes into fitness and muscles...
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Ruthless sexual market.
Because being lesbian is a mental illness.
Being gay just means the guy has transcended heterosexuality
Cus we trying to cop a thicc gym guy
that guy is pretty juicy...
Because they're conditionally lesbian jailhouse cases. Female incels. Women-children. WGTOWs. Joining the "inclusive" LGBT community for belonging is their cope.
Juicy justin
Guys like being healthy and aspire to be better
Women like to drag others down to their level
Muscles are attractive and increase your sexual desirability
Hollywood stereo type. Most gays are unhealthy lowlives that drink all the time and take a lot of drugs. sickly and riddled with STDs and suicidal depression
You are now aware that the term incel was coined by a lesbian feminist to describe her position.
And in some reason, out of the people I've personally met, biseuals are even worse. I live in a liberal as fuck city so I meet all kinds of degenerates.
Every bisexual I ever met was out of shape and either brags about all the drugs he used to do or still does
Men are extremely physical when it comes to wanting sex. You can be an uggo /older with a good body and still get pretty much as much fucky fucky as you want.
>t. 33yo 6.5 face fagboomer with muscle
even when homos are in their prime they still have depression and other mental illness
Kill yourself you fucking AIDs infested pedophile scum
SJWs and feminists always project.
In 1970 the Kinsey Institute interviewed 565 white gays in San Francisco: 25% of them admitted to having had sex with boys aged 16 or younger while they themselves were at least 21.
This means that 1 in 4 gays are child molesters. Now take two gay men who want to be ''parents'', there is at least a 50/50 chance one of them is a child molester,now factor in the fact that those are the only the ones who admit it, you now realize that just about every fag is a pedophile
It's not even that ''edgy'' to say pedophiles should be executed by law. So why then do we tolerate homosexuals?
Femanon here
I’m SO tired of seeing hot gays ugh. A lot of straight men have so much potential but they don’t put the effort
And don’t say I don’t because I work out everyday, take care of myself
Being gay is a fucking waste when you’re hot
Unfortunately you can’t be redeemed because you’re dicks have been in poopooholes so ugh no thanks
But in the next generations poopoo sex should be subject to capital punishment except for ugly fags
This is why there is literally no such thing as a committed lesbian that is good looking. They are all ugly. All the ones that are good looking at least occasionally fuck guys or permanently pass the phase
Pretty good troll. You tried to hard at the end to sound like a woman and dialed up the retard a little too much. I chuckled though, better luck next time bro.
bi femanon here, i have never seen a fit lesbian. the more masc they dress the flabbier they are usually
But who would you fuck with on Jow Forums then?
Probably something to do with being able to appreciate the male form on more levels than a hetero. No clue why lesbians aren't the same way with the female form desu.
>cargo shorts
Been reading too many infographics?
There are plenty of very fit lesbians. They are very butch and very often on steroids and are more or less FtM trannies even if they haven't officially said so
bi femanon also here, and i've seen fit lesbians, but they're normally lipstick and not butch, considering lipstick lesbians tend to take care of themselves more, and butch just get fat as fuck so they "dont have to appeal to the male gaze" and the only shit that fits them ends up being guy clothing.
Jow Forums lez here
fuck you
Because the majority of lesbians hate their body and were let down by men at some point in there lives. I've hung out with tons of lesbians and every single one was either molested at some point, had a dead beat loser dad, or a really shitty highschool boyfriend. They don't want women, they just are scared of men like children that get bit by dogs. Their self confidence sucks, so they let their body go to waste and then try to emulate dumpy men so they can at least have some form of identity. A lot of them don't even fuck, they just shack up together and kiss in public because pissing off religious wackos gives them a sense of purpose.
Fuck you too
Jow Forums cishet wm here
Every "lipstick lesbian" I've met, has abusive tendencies and dates women because they are easy prey, but fucks dudes on the side,
Ideal: Oh she's a lesbian? That's cool. She likes what I like. No pressure.
Reality: [pic]
Ugly both inside and out
i'm soft butch and fit
>t. one of those "transmen" that looks like a fat 10-year old boy and goes by some variant of the name "Aiden".
both men and women find me very hot, but thanks
post body.
Why is it that literally every trans"man" looks like this
FtMs on hormones actually tend to pass really well. "he" obviously isn't
The why are they so easy to spot?
based and redpilled
That’s what they promote in places like lolcow farm, it’s full of angry feminists
Probably not on hormones. The ones I know are both hairy with beards and severely receding hairlines.
Because tumblr-kin think this is what masculinity looks like
that girl isn't ugly
why are lesbians always so angry?
tfw this chick gets pharma grade test and guys with around 200 or lower T cant get it
A woman would never say the last line. Most women either enjoy anal sex or aren't super judgemental about it. Even less so with gays because women are compassionate to a fault. Also, pretty much every woman has a gay friend they hang out with because they can get male attention and observe the male mind without any sexual tension.
I wasn't angry. Saying fuck you is just a rung down from saying hi for me.
fuck you.
what the fujck did you say about lgbt , you little bitch.
Lol, there's this gay guy at my gym who comes in everyday and sits down at the peck deck machine, half of the time he isn't doing shit and he's just looking at other guys.
I see him out of the corner of my eye looking at me while I workout and I swear I feel disgusted. I suppose this is how girls feel like kek
Nice quads.
But this has been covered. I should add this is largely a fucking stupid North American and western culture sphere thing and the French and Japanese are actually feminine and normal and generally aren't complete fuckups.
Gay men are just like straight men in that they desire sex with the most attractive people they can get, so they improve themselves so they have higher quality mates.
Lesbians are almost exclusively the rejects of society that can't get male attention. Since women are overly emotional creatures they get coddled by other women until eventually they confuse fellow female compassion with love. It's the same kind of instinctual spoofing as loving your cat in place of having a child.
Boomer Gays keep 'mirin me at the gym and I feel like they are eye fucking me like if I were a thot or something.
Fuck you, let me work out in peace fucking degenerates
>Lesbians are almost exclusively the rejects of society that can't get male attention. Since women are overly emotional creatures they get coddled by other women until eventually they confuse fellow female compassion with love. It's the same kind of instinctual spoofing as loving your cat in place of having a child.
Why do people think like this? Do you seriously think we don't love our gfs? Or that we couldn't get bfs if we wanted to?
same here
although i am gay, i still fucking hate that shit.
maybe you should stop being so sexy you fucking slut
>Why do people think like this?
So what?
In 1970 significant numbers of straight men over 21 were fucking young girls too. It was a different time.
So when you all look like fat 10-year old boys, people assume you have a difficult time getting laid because no one (outside of the most depraved pedos) wants to fuck fat 10-year old boys. Jesus Christ, is your binder cutting off the blood flow to your brain?
That pear shaped windbag Hannah Gadsby, is a cookie cutter for an entire subset of people these days that only make it more and more apparent with every breath that the entirety of their social development took place on Gaia online forums.
It's cool that you lot are having your stupid shitty circlejerks invaded by disingenous ugly trantrender "lesbians" because quite frankly you deserve each other.
You know too many degenerate women.
Not sure if you're just using a shitty reaction image with no argument, or trying to imply that (((goldberg))) is gay(she's not). Regardless, you're a vapid cunt.
lmao everyone was fucking underage people. Low quality bait.
*molests ur sister*
I feel the same about weemin.
They can't properly appreciate the male form.
Why is this board so overloaded with faggots?
I know straight women who look like her with husbands and children. Do you think all men are going around banging supermodels? Most women can get a man and most men can get a woman.
Who here aiming for H E R M E S mode? God of gays.
what does this reply even mean
Im a straight dude who seems to attract lesbian girls who want to be friends, and i mean that legitimately. Is there a mode that lesbians like to hang out with as far as straight dudes? Is that even a thing? I'm honestly confused, but also pretty cool with it.