Thoughts on white women getting BEANED?

Thoughts on white women getting BEANED?

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The term 'beaned' just cracks me up so much. I would let my sisters date a latino guy if he wasn't an ese desu, better than them getting blacked

I made this thread out of curiously because the girl in the picture got arrested for harassing a black couple and saying racist shit telling them they dont belong in this city yet she dates a Hispanic

Yeah it's pretty much common how opposites attract. Racist/Conservative women tend be more into race mixing while SJWs like white men

Those were just black people, why attack them when niggers are the actual issue

i see another single mother with a fatherless child?

>thinks he controls his sisters sex life

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taboo plus when you demonize a group of men the women on the opposite end willl just view them as more dominant and threatning which is attractive

>he thinks there is a difference
Maybe reddit is a better place for you, yeah?

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>Racist/Conservative women tend be more into race mixing while SJWs like white men

Minority SJW date white men because they genuinely believe in a racist patriarchal establishment, snagging a white guy is a ticket to success in their minds. Kind of like how Alex Jones rants about globalists and banksters, but has a Jewish wife at the end of the day.

Conservative women who are into race mixing reminds of how the most homophobic guys are usually closet faggots.

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What the fuck do you call bad white people, crackers? And what about bad Latinos, Wetbacks or spics? Just fuck off man this shit is retarded.

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Nobody cares about Asian and latin dudes dating white women. But the amount of single moms I see with their disgusting half breed monkey kids and no father to be seen are why BMWF is abhorrent

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better than a negroid
i cant even look at a woman the same way if she got blacked

That's Tim Pool dude he's half white half Korean.

>thinking I don't
i can't choose who she dates but I can choose who she doesnt. Most guys don't want to get their ass beat

i have black friends and I've made them ashamed of their race, there is a clear difference between blacks and niggers

chavs, white trash, wiggers etc
spics are what you call shitty latinos

they are closes to monkeys
a woman dating a black guy is like her having sex with her dog

I don't have a problem with it because I'm not a retarded Jow Forumstard

But fuck chads nonetheless.

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i never said i approve of them dating whites, i do tell them constantly not to dilute our gene pool. But they are still decent people and have a white mindset even if they are a monkey

the only time a race fucking white women bothers me is when they're black. asians and latinos don't get under my skin at all.

More proof that spics are basically Asian-White babies, maybe with a bit of nigger thrown in there.

Asian-Latino mixes on the other hand just straight up look Filipino.

bro it's the mustache let's keep it a buck. i'm white but if i grow a mustache like that and catch a tan i look mexican too.

Nah you would still have the pink lips and the pink little dicks white dudes have

You faggots are truly retarded that's like saying two coyotes in different environments and have different coat patterns is wrong, it's fucking stupid who tells you this shit

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Why are you comparing us to fucking coyotes? Human society and civilization (which niggers dont even have mind you) are too complicated to compare to different breeds of coyotes interbreeding

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Better than white women getting CASSEROLE'd (the D is small) or whatever the fuck you pink skins eat now

Do they make you feel ashamed of your race for constantly shooting schools

I'm not even American and it was a fucking analogy you fucking retard everyone is classed under the same fucking species and now that I think about it I'm stupid for even arguing this shit here. Jesus Christ neck yourself if you actually believe your shit psuedo sciences.

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As a brown guy, I like the notion. I really like white girls.

Same its great we have our own women and white women to choose from whereas nigger women are literally unfuckable so they have no choice but to fuck other dudes women

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Agreed. Black women are fucking disgusting

White girls age like shit and tend to still look ugly plus their bodies are either formless hanging blobs or pancake ass and non-existent tits, so what the fucking is so good about them.

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Well, its not all that surprising considering a lot of latinos are heavily racist/homophobic. I would know since im a beaner as well.

do you know how ignorant you sound?

t.retarded poltard

Kys dumb shit

they are idiots ugly animals and the only someone would date such a creature is a big dick
it coal burners are less than human in my eyes

ofc, they give as good as they get it
don't know why people have a problem with racism its so much fun

black are 10% of the population in the us and commit 80% of the murders and rape

Black violence is 80+% directed at other blacks..same as white violence is directed at whites and so on. Not to mention theres a difference between who is committing crime and who is being caught committing crime because the police know it's easier targeting poor people who can't afford lawyers. Get off pol idiot

black people are disgusting they destroy beauty in the world

Im keeping all the cute black women for myself then

What do you call it when a white woman gets with an arab man?

Remember when Elliot's sister got beaned?

i feel bad for the kid, he won't fit in with white kids or spic kids
>t. mutt

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