Parents messing up your life thread

> be working comfy part time minimum wage job
> mum hates the fact I'm not some massive success at 20
> comes to the shop and creates a huge scene about how I should quit because the job is shit
> get fired because of it
> dumbass mother invested in a pyramid scheme a few months back
> she used my inheritance money from my grandparents to invest in it
> boomer father now threating to kick me out since I can't pay for anything myself and they don't have any money
> he doesn't understand jobs aren't easy to get anymore
> can't even move out because no job or deposit from inheritance money

It just keeps getting worse and worse robots. I was on the road to getting my life back on track and now my parents have completely fucking ruined it and keep blaming me for it. Is there any point in continuing to live?

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How did they take your inheritance money? Also don't give up now man.

>work part-time
>Mother says I should work full-time so I'd earn more for my pension
>Take opportunity to work full-time
>Tired and don't feel like doing anything in my free time now
She memed me hard. I just wanna die.

They had full control over the account since I got it when I was 10. They could take what they wanted from it

your only hope is to literally find a job and move out and cut all ties with them

other than that you are fucked

Full time really is lifes way of cucking you

unironically try asking on a reddit advice sub
people here are bitter and don't want to help you

People here may be bitter but I love you guys. This board has been my home for years and I see my fellow robots as family, autistic as we may be

Can you cut your parents out of your life?

Do you have a degree in something or are you studying As if that's ever going to happen

I honestly think cutting your parents out of your life or distancing yourself from them is the best solution. They have nothing to offer you beside retrogression.

>my parents were missionaries and brought baby me along to a foreign country
>Country itself was fine, I loved it there. They just made so many incomprehensible decisions that screwed us as a family
>They'd always just screech about it being "part of god's plan"

Obviously I've made lots of bad decisions, but I do blame them for the majority of my issues. Selfish, self righteous, ignorant, and careless is what they were

we are all a big loving familia dont worry OP!

Damn I replied to the wrong post that is awkward.

>boomer father
You dad is over 55 years old?

dude honestly no joke you might have to turn to crime

or move to iowa if you're in america because we have lots of jobs available

My life got better once I stopped asking my family and especially my mother for advice, or telling them anything about what I am doing.

If you are stuck on this site in a rut, as a virgin or meet or whatever with no sign of hope, then your family were never thinking of your best interests in the first place.

Don't be like me and let the damage be done over 26 years, become independent as soon as you can.

Get the fuck out of there as soon as you can

>turn 18
>want to get a job like the rest of my friends
>no user you have to go to college to be the first one in our family to graduate
>Get a job and go to college
>hate fucking college and drop out
>job was only seasonal
>become neet for 6years
>mother tells me one day she wakes up in the middle of the night crying saying she doesn't know what she did wrong
Fuck her she put to much pressure on me and should have supported me trying to get a job instead of forcing me to do something I'm not smart enough to do.

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>for my pension
>young enough to live with mother

I kekd lmao talk about getting fucked lmaooo

This. If your parents can't be observed making logical decisions and worse they try to force their bad decisions into you it's time to move out asap

Jobs are easier to get now than ever. You should be working full time at 20.

Boomer is a derogatory term for anyone who is successful through hard work.

>tfw live in the middle of nowhere in Yuropean shithole
>tfw close to 50% youth unemployment rate where i live
having a minimum wage job is a privilege now

This seriously fuck modern parents according to them if you fail your failure was yours alone and they are blameless if you succeed it must have been due to their perfect parenting skills and they parade you around like a trophy. Most parents became fucking cancer after the techno boom for some reason.