Is living life as an asian manlet on hard mode in the west?

Is living life as an asian manlet on hard mode in the west?

even if you get buff, people will still think your compensating and girls dont like short dudes, let alone short asian guys. this is why you dont lift for girls. lift for yourself.

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How many times are you gonna post this kind of thread? I mean I guess it depends on the kind of girls you’re looking for.

As an Asian male living in Canada, you have to stop being so fucking insecure. its fucking pathetic and it makes Asians look bad. Now stop posting these threads and do something about your life.

Not OP but I have an Asian guy fetish so I'm hijacking this thread c:! Please post your pic if you're asian and muscular, thanks

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>even if you get buff, people will still think your compensating
this is the most cancerous mindset you can have

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Yes it’s bad. All Asian college students I’ve fucked had commented how they prefer a tall white guy to their own kind. Some could never squirt or achieve orgasm with Chinese males but me.

Never hit up the asian frats?

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Jk I don't have much of my collection on my phone :^(

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Ugh the Kpop look...

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half white half asian here, will they still think I'm compensating if I'm 6'6" with a good frame? (I'm actually lifting to compensate my autism)

Post pic

of what?

Of yourself. Also you’ll only seem like you’re compensating if you seem really insecure.

the last progress pictures I have are from when I was 17 in 2012 lol. still look pretty much the same as a 23 yo boomer though

I’m sure you’re fine plus you’re really tall which helps. You just gotta have more confidence in yourself.

What kind of asian? Do you have any white features? Hapas are pretty interesting mixtures sometimes.

half chinese, I personally think I look more white than some mixes but that's in the eye of the beholder. My nose has the same pronounced nose bridge as e.g. henry cavill, which is a quite distinct look I got from my european side, so that might be the reason. Some people I've met have just thought I'm some kind of russian

How tall are your parents? I assume you got your height from your white side

6'3" dad, 5'3" mom (males in her family around 5'9"). My european grandmother was 6' and married my 5'11" grandfather, so I think I got it from her, rip. I guess I got lucky with that.

saying u were a leaf was enough

Are they from the Netherlands?

Post photo faggot

no, south bohemia
as said, I have old progress pictures with my face cropped out (Won't post face). Not sure how that would contribute to the thread though

What bf percent do I need to have abs like the guy on the right but be bigger.