ITT: things that would improve Jow Forums

Anyone who has made a recent post on Jow Forums has a 24 hour IP block from posting on other boards.

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Merge /v/, /vg/, /vp/, and /vr/ back into one board. Implement Japanese captcha on /jp/.

shut the whole thing down

>Merge /v/, /vg/, /vp/, and /vr/ back into one board.
/v/ is already one of the fastest moving boards on Jow Forums, these would make it so not a single thread stays alive for more than a minute without a replay
glad moot didn't sell to you

pls, for my own sanity

Mandatory gender screening before you are allowed to post on Jow Forums, fembots are auto banned.

>penis inspection day is once a month instead once a year
i failed mine last year and couldn't post for the entirety of it, it's fucking retarded

That's actually a good idea OP

Racebait should be directed to Jow Forums and anyone who posts that shit here should get a IP block from posting anywhere else
>Implement this on trap shit in order to stop what happened 2 years ago

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anyone that post pics of a man ass up and calls his asshole a boipuss if banned for life

t. started browsing after 2011

/v/ was fucking awesome before the split. Now it's just a pile of trash.

nigger it doesn't matter what it once was
as it currently is it's already too fast, merging a bunch of boards with it would kill it
unless you have some magic way to go to the same amount of people Jow Forums had in

>unless you have some magic way to go to the same amount of people Jow Forums had in

won't happen
the authorities that allow this site to stay afloat need something in return and that something is the information they collect on people who most their edgiest shit on Jow Forums etc

I thought Jow Forums was the target because of the incel shooting and that paki an heroing, that's why they try to kill the board with nigger tranny shit and /r9gay/ shit

>faggot/trap/etc. posting outside of /b/ and containment boards is a bannable offence.

by posting on any board, you promote pol to the world. You give traffic to the hate machine, giving it credence.

Banning the faggots from Jow Forums wont solve the problems, you can ban people from there and still see their kind of posts on every board.
On the other hand, i still thank Jow Forums for existing, since it is the only thing that is keeping this website from getting invaded by redditors or stupid ass newfag /b/tards.
This site, and this board would change forever for the worse if you simply kill off Jow Forums and start banning racist posts.

kikes are servants of satan desu

But user, Jow Forums is reddit.
It's where redditors go to be edgy and le redpilled xDDD because of the anonymity.
Then they come to other boards and spout their edgy shit, thinking that's what all this site is about.

Yeah this site died off during the 2016 elections

>Jow Forums is reddit.
Dont really know if i can agree with that, but i still prefer those edgy redditors compared to the usual normies that browse there and try to report any offensive shit and hivemind as much as possible.
The edgy redditors are still very small compared to the ones that dont like this place because they get offended when they enter here.
I dont like the idea of banning shit because that is what reddit does and is why i hate it so much, banning for something being "offensive" or "unpopular" is what kills the spirit and fun of a forum and im not talking about racist shit.

Reddit is simply populated by normies and most of them get offended very easly because they are only used to browse their shitty social media websites, so reddit uses up/down vote systems, strict mods and shit like reddit gold to promote hivemind as much as possible and censor everything the status quo doesnt like.

If they were to come here most creative boards would die out, boards like /mu/ would be even shittier since you cant shit on someone for being a basic bitch for not trying to find more music aside from the shit that goes on the radio, as an example.

If you don't like Jow Forums you shouldn't be on Jow Forums.

If the mods did their job

Jow Forums always had normies and there always will be
Most of them adjust to the board culture and don't really bother me that much because they usually get laughed out of threads when they post something stupid.
Jow Forumseddit on the other hands kills entire threads with their shitposting
Try to discuss any WW2 film on /tv/ or WW2 vidya on /v/ without it degrading to some stupid shit like Hitler dindunuffin and Holocaust Denial, I fucking dare you.
It's gotten so bad that I need to go on /his/ or Jow Forums to do that because there the mods actually do their jobs and ban all the spammers.

what a stupid fucking idea. so many general threads, there would be no more general discussion.

>create a /trap/ board, and posting trap content outside of it would be ban worthy
>text captcha
>allow webm sound on all boards
>anouncing you're a woman is ban-worthy

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This. One simple step and a giant portion of cancer would be cured.

but what if hillary clinton tries to run again? who will stop her?

i was quoting his idea and saying why it was retarded imo
not suggesting it myself

try again bitch

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Trigged again by le Jow Forums natzees again OP?

Ban israel china and the entire middle east and every white nationalist larper.
Also keywords based on current events in the media are banned and anyone trying to subvert this ban are publically banned and put in a "shilllers list" sticky.