Early morning drug thread

>early morning drug thread

I snorted two lines of meth and i was wondering something. Every site about drugs that isnt erowid or bluelight says the shit is so addictive but i cant even see how. I only ever "crave" meth when im already high on it. When im sober and even when ive got a lot to use i feel like putting my body through all that shit just for a high isnt worth the trouble. Is anyone else like this? I wanna know why this happens.

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thats funny, fren. have a (you).

Just wait a few weeks/months.

Same boat friend. Although I've only done the drug twice and by accident (thought it was MDMA) but the after effects are too severe for me to actively seek out the high. Severe levels of depression and anxiety for about a week after use. Just gonna stick with narcotics desu

Quick question bros, is weed tea (made with butter afaik) worth making? Smoking doesn't do much for me, I got bored of it and doing it too much just causes boring sleepiness. Also, if i do make it, should I just drink one cup and wait an hour to see how it goes? Is there any risk of nausea (I don't normally have any problems with weed, not even paranoia or anxiety)?

Original post and all since I asked this in a dead thread.

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that sounds like what real molly does

yes, edibles are great. i just melt in butter with a spoon and lighter and add to some milk. real nice 5hr high

make tincture. You can put it in tea and its flavorless(not really but less than butter would be)

Ive been doing it longer than that. My moms been on the shit since i was 9 and she feels the same way.

Any kind of shit made with the butter shit is good i guess but it takes a lot of weed. Worth it maybe just once. But dont take it from me because im not a big fan of weed to begin with.

It took me a month of everyday use of heroin to become addicted. It fills you with a love-like feel since the first use though. I also heard meth was addictiv to the point of getting into it at first use. Then again addiction is different for everyone and it makes sense that your brain takes a bit of time to get used to it to the point of changing your metabolism.

>doesn't like the sleepiness of weed
>thinks EDIBLES will help with that

Almost any drug can be used responsibly. Some are just more difficult than others. You're lucky if you don't have an 'addictive personality' but you still need to be careful.

Yeah ive learned meth is not nearly as addictive as the anti drug "propaganda" makes it out to seem. Definitely not physically addictive but id consider it just as mentally addictive as any other form of instant gratification. I can confirm that what you heard about getting addicted after the first try is wrong though.

Clearly this isnt true. Something motivated you to do it again. Doesnt it concern you that youre ignoring that.

Exactly. You can always have a party-only kind of behavior regarding any drug, 'the responsible kind'. That's how alcohol which can be as addictiv as opiates is managed by most people. That's the real trap : for one not to party too much on the same week!

When dosed right I've found edibles and indica strains give a sort of calming energy whereas sativa leads to paranoid anxiety

Meth isnt addictive if you stopo when you start getting actual cravings and dont actually wnat to get high on it

>take a break when you get cravings andy ou will never become a junky

I was going crazy but never got addicted much, liek I thought my mum and dad where undercover police trying to bust me (i was a dealer at the time).

I picked up every shiny speck on the road and tasted it to see if it was meth

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All of this (including op) is a parody right?

>I picked up every shiny speck on the road and tasted it to see if it was meth
brah i had like five people sweeping my carpet where i previously bagged trying to find meth and putting dried rice and shit in a pipe, shit was cash

I've never had an edible that didn't put me to sleep, homemade or dispensary, sounds like weed reacts better with your body or you get better shit than me

>rails meth at 8am
>not addicted

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If I had to guess Id say this behavior might indicate its addictive.

whoms't would've thonk

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Iktfb, but everyone is looking for different things so different substances are more addictive to some than others. I like stims but can't get properly hooked. On the other hand alcohol was easy for me to get dependent on, not only because of accessibility but because of the lowered inhibitions too.