Should I start No-Fap?

What are the Scientifically proven benefits of not jacking my ween?

Attached: asmongold2001.png (343x400, 103K)

Do you have any particular objectives? I'd say go ahead and try it for a few weeks just to see what happens.

Just made me really horny and distracted all the time, which wasn't very useful.

I don't know about all the super powers and shit people keep talking about,but you should No Fap just because fapping after it feels so better,than fapping everyday.

no-fap is a meme. if any of you neets ever had a steady gf, you'd know you need handle cumming in her a least twice daily.

I ignored it for a while till I got to the point that even porn that normies would call weird stopped doing it for me. So I thought it out.
>Get weird, even more fucked up porn interests
>Stop, edge, and dont stress over it
Trust me, it works and I keep it to maybe twice a month on fapping. There is a big difference.

Thats my boi

lol, expecting a chick to fuck you twice a day all the time? The virgin shows himself.

lol every long term gf i've had wanted sex every morning, and then again a night. literally nothing odd about it at all.

>Scientifically proven
no idea, can speak only from experience.

Positive side effects:
>gives you energy (can lift more and do more reps)
>mood improves
>more motivation

Negative side effects:
>brain freezes on every semi nude picture you see lol (I guess it will get better after a while)

The dailey part is bullshit dude and you know it if you have been with one chick that long. Females want to seem like they are the ones in control.