longest you've gone without masturbation?
Longest you've gone without masturbation?
eleven years mate
1 month whilst taking HRT but that was a stupid idea cause my penis was so sore after it.
6 days last september
why the fuck would you want to pump your body full of feminine hormones, how easy was it for you to get them ???
28 days.
Yesterday broke a 6-day streak
10 days when I was living on a german dude's floor.
That was when i was thirteen, 12 years ago, and haven't come close since.
I didnt fap till I was 15
like a week days, only cause i had my console hooked up to pc screen
>I didnt fap till I was 15
jeez user, i started when i was like 9
where you just a late bloomer?
One entire week when I was in the mental hospital.
6 weeks when I fell for the nofap meme
Booked an appointment, got told to wait a month.
Went to appointment they told me about hrt and did like a minor psych evaluation, next week they did tests on my blood and the next they prescribed me the drugs.
Walked into a local pharmacy with my prescription, paid $10 for them and walked out.
So pretty easy, well ignoring all of the crippling fear and anxiety I went through, the weeks I spent trying to make the phone call, etc.
Made my orgasms like 1000 times better though :^) idk how much of that is because I'm trans.
currently at around 7 months nofap
i know this is bait, but, you'd think you could make a profit in selling the pills to mentally ill faggots
Damn it, how can all of you last that long? I tried the nofap for 7 days, then couldn't handle the constant images of porn running in my head.
it's covered by universal healthcare user, that's why it's so cheap.
Also lol, they make their profits from menopausal women and cancer patients, not transgender women.
the day i was born to the first time a jacked my dick. about 12 years.
fair dinkum
wouldn't have guessed that, i get why older women would but i don't see why cancer patients would. Unless it helps or something
Well i'm talking about cyproterone acetate specifically which is used for treating prostate cancer.
Other anti androgens used in HRT are used for dozens of other treatments.
6 years, I think that's when my brother first touched my diddle.
30 and a few days.
didn't noticed any benefits tho, that's why i don't believe in nofap
19 years oreganolly
I love coming to Jow Forums because there's always a thread with a girl butthole as the OP pic.
Girl buttholes are great to look at.
That's where poo comes from you dirty cunt.
her poo probably smells good though
I want to watch it come out.
It was a combination of that and a lack of privacy
It made them better because society made you fetishize the idea of being female.
A whole year when I developed hypogonadism
5 days but only because I was in the hospital and too drugged out of my mind to concentrate on anything
I am on a 3 week streak mate. I am trying to teach myself some discipline and taking into account the times when I had the urge to do so but didn't as a small victory.
about a year. i was a drug addict though and wasn't even getting hard. i did have a couple painful wet dreams though
2 years
Also lost 80 pounds, put on multiple pounds of muscle
Was seeing veins I'd never seen before
I actually grew an inch in length...
Felt great looked great could sleep well.
Then I got into a playful wrestling match with my dyke roomate, which turned into holding her down and grinding my now hard cock against her cunt and biting her tits through her binder while I held her down
and I sort of raped her...
She's bi now, and my ex-girlfriend but current fuckbuddy.
End probably true story because this is Jow Forums yadda yadda yadda
I fell off the wagon a while back becaues of reasons.
But the time between sessions is 2-6 months instead of 2-10 times a day.
Goddamnit. I just want to crush the pussy of a fat ass white chick. But white girls can't handle the length..
half a year? idk i've never done no fap just sometimes i'm too dead inside.
Years. I don't play with penis..not even mine
>Then I got into a playful wrestling match with my dyke roomate, which turned into holding her down and grinding my now hard cock against her cunt
How did she respond to this rape attempt
2 years. I did nothing productive in this time tho.
1 year
I'm at 6 months right now
7 years. 0 through age 7. Didn't even know I what I was doing with the shower massage