Thoughts on LolTyler1?
Thoughts on LolTyler1?
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O shit it's a homo sapiens
hey Jow Forums make sure to use discount code ALPHA btw hehee xD
Are you loltyler1, user? Orig
Cool guy, borderline Chad. Wouldnt be surprised if he shitposts here
I can't tell if this is supposed to be showing hatred or love for him
He would be a Chad if he wasnt 5'6" and guessing his dick is probably small too
But he has the mentality and the drive on lockdown
I'd rather watch Gweek
Seems like a cool dude, but almost slipped nigger linguistics like "nigga" and other shit on his streams.
Has a gf that dresses like total whore, makes millions just for being autistic on the internet.
I respect him for his fitness, but he is probably a degenerate who deserves the gas chamber
Actual retard, not funny just obnoxious as hell yelling into his shitty 20$ mic. If you like his guy you are either underage as fuck or mentally challenged. He is buff as fuck though.
This post is what it's like to be in a love-hate relationship
Absolute massive fucking autist. The definition of modern day America and Jow Forums. Very entertaining, I like him.
>Seems like a cool dude, but almost slipped nigger linguistics like "nigga" and other shit on his streams.
Nigger, of course he's saying that, his dad is black. That's why his mom is a single mother.
He's a robot who did a few things right and ended up with the good ending.
he's entertaining to watch, but nothing more.
if i was a busy guy who had a bit of time to spare, i wouldn't watch him. but as a neet who has all the time in the world it's cool to kill time by watching his channel.
He is a turbo-autist. Whatever success he makes as a b-list e-celeb screeching at vidya while streaming will be wasted because he's borderline retarded and he'll die penniless, alone, and unremembered.
>fucking legedn
lmao cunt why are you so bitter
i can imagine how mad you were typing this ahahahahahha liek cunt relax
fuck off twitch kids.
>b-list e-celeb
didnt he recently surpass most of the lol streamers?i can agree on him being a turbo autist but im sure half of is autism is an act
>Autism is an act.
The guy has to literally shout at himself whenever he makes the slightest error while speaking.
Pretty sure his Tyler1 tournament had twice as many viewers as leagues American finals did, or some shit like that, xdddddd
he's getting rank 1 this week
the only thing I know is I'm surprised I see a thread on r9k about Tyler. he's a cool guy tho, his act is kind of annoying sometimes, but can be funny too. he hates the current season too (like every normal people who plays league in 2018 XD)
might meet him in solo q today, what you guys wnna see me say to him?
Tell him Greek made him famous
I'm ridiculously active in his Discord Server, almost everyday for the past 7 months. The autism is just too hilarious, great times have been had there.
ask him what his favourite Jow Forums board is pls user. I must know
Tell that fucking degenerate to ban all edaters from his Discord, shit is annoying
Congrats user, you officially have autism. Hehee
just say 66 inches and nothing else
This isn't a Sam Hyde thread bro
thicc head
Autistic manlet. Most likely would have been a robot if it wasn't for his fame.
i refuse to believe that an autistic bufflet is interested streaming games for a living in any way,most of it is an act and youre falling for it
Tyler1 is 5 ft 7. He IS a robot.
eceleb fag, don't care.
Autistic and unfunny just like most other twitch streamers
There's only one streamer that's clever and consistently funny
does he remind you of your school bullies? too bad, he'll stay making millions off of acting autistic and playing video games while you struggle to barely make it by with your wage slave job. hahahaha
>does he remind you of your school bullies?
t1 actually got bullied in school
come on now does he really look like a stupid retard to you?read between the lines
guy with a weirdly shaped head and lots of testosterone
in middle school, then freshman year of highschool he got Jow Forums and started working out obsessively
no he didn't lol
Isnt he a computer science major?
he fucking wishes
>le any weird and quirky actions equals autism
Thats not how autism works
imaqtpie? sneaky?
Sneaky only gets views because desperate prisongay betas want to fuck him
Yeah, avoidingthepuddle
is correct and hes said it 100 times
faggot. nice correction HAHA LOL NO HE DIDNT... *SMUG GRIN* lol. LOLIN AT U!!!...