How often do you rub one out or flick the bean Jow Forums?
Do you use any toys?
Do you watch porn?
Do you use lube?
How often do you rub one out or flick the bean Jow Forums?
Do you use any toys?
Do you watch porn?
Do you use lube?
almost every day
yes, but I'm trying to quit. Just relapsed after 24 days
yes, but need to use it more often
A couple times per week
This is how you have a normal and healthy relationship with masturbation.
bout 5 times a week
Porn is definitely negatively affecting me. Trying to kick it, but definitely addicted.
I'd had issues cumming from normal sex. Takes me like 10-15 minute of concentrating rather than relaxing and enjoying it.
it varies
i try not to, when i do it’s always solo girls playing with their tits or something, i dont masturbate to the sight of another man fucking the woman i want to fuck
nah nigga its scaly dick season
Since I woke up its been maybe about 5 times.
>porn when from solo titty cam girls (female) to hung solo cam girls (male) to manga
>no toys
>started using lube just this week (astroglide gel)
>probably gonna fap about 3 more times before the end of the day
>mfw I cant fap for 5 hours
once a week
uncircumcised master race
The max I can jack off a day is three times. Otherwise I'm shooting blanks
Whenever I'm into it, sometimes it's a few times a month, sometimes it's 3xweek.
Yes, stick to hentai or amatuerish videos.
No, probably should. I prefer stealth faps and don't like mysteriously smelling like my girlfriend's lotion.
I dont, day 13 nofap
>once a week
How often do you have sex?
>Yes (camgirls, never spend a dime)
I am on a 4 day nofap since my gf got an IUD (didn't really have sex before that) and we are gonna have sex often. The addiction fucks up my performance
>all these plebs masturbating without a onahole
>not using your favourite porn stars replica fleshlight
You are a pleb amongst patricians
Im about a month on the C U M stack so my loads have been pretty substantial up until the fourth or fifth one
fleshlight is a meme brand that makes shitty products
post the image
these people exist?
About once every 1 or 2 days
Recently quit. Haven't watched it in about 2 or 3 weeks and I haven't felt like watching it at all.
thank you based cum poster
Get citruline malate instead of l-arg. Put an ice pack on your balls. Gg huge loads.
Youre welcome lad
Thanks, i will. l-arg didnt do shit for me
So guys I may end up fucking this 18 year old single mom who is kind of a slut. Any tips? Virgin btw
I don't masturbate if I'm having sex once or more a week.
I try not to watch porn because if I get to fuck someone new, chances are my dick will go limp because of all the anxiety. I always wanna "accumulate horniness" if that's a real thing.
b urself
thank u
>How often do you rub one out or flick the bean Jow Forums?
Once daily, minimum. Most days 2-3.
>Do you use any toys?
Vibrators and fleshlight
>Do you watch porn?
every time
>Do you use lube?
most times, coconut oil (doesn't dry out) or astrologide with the fleshlights
Today I went workout -> fap -> meditation
god damn, that felt good. next workout im switching meditation and fap around.
>single mom
no way she's a slut, user. don't say those things.
Litteral straight bumpy tube. If you're gonna be a wanker you might as well do it right with an onahole.
Yeah I guess that was redundant but I know another 18 year old single mom who is not a slut
no, you dont.
If you think 90% of teen girls are not getting absolutely packed regularly you are delusional. This girl just got unlucky.
>eating SOÝ lecithin makes you cum more
No wtf