Masturbation 401

How often do you rub one out or flick the bean Jow Forums?

Do you use any toys?

Do you watch porn?

Do you use lube?

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almost every day


yes, but I'm trying to quit. Just relapsed after 24 days

yes, but need to use it more often

A couple times per week

This is how you have a normal and healthy relationship with masturbation.

bout 5 times a week

Porn is definitely negatively affecting me. Trying to kick it, but definitely addicted.

I'd had issues cumming from normal sex. Takes me like 10-15 minute of concentrating rather than relaxing and enjoying it.

it varies
i try not to, when i do it’s always solo girls playing with their tits or something, i dont masturbate to the sight of another man fucking the woman i want to fuck
nah nigga its scaly dick season

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Since I woke up its been maybe about 5 times.
>porn when from solo titty cam girls (female) to hung solo cam girls (male) to manga
>no toys
>started using lube just this week (astroglide gel)
>probably gonna fap about 3 more times before the end of the day
>mfw I cant fap for 5 hours

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once a week

uncircumcised master race

The max I can jack off a day is three times. Otherwise I'm shooting blanks

Whenever I'm into it, sometimes it's a few times a month, sometimes it's 3xweek.


Yes, stick to hentai or amatuerish videos.

No, probably should. I prefer stealth faps and don't like mysteriously smelling like my girlfriend's lotion.

I dont, day 13 nofap

>once a week

How often do you have sex?

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>Yes (camgirls, never spend a dime)

I am on a 4 day nofap since my gf got an IUD (didn't really have sex before that) and we are gonna have sex often. The addiction fucks up my performance

>all these plebs masturbating without a onahole

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>not using your favourite porn stars replica fleshlight

You are a pleb amongst patricians

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Im about a month on the C U M stack so my loads have been pretty substantial up until the fourth or fifth one


fleshlight is a meme brand that makes shitty products

post the image


these people exist?

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About once every 1 or 2 days
Recently quit. Haven't watched it in about 2 or 3 weeks and I haven't felt like watching it at all.

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thank you based cum poster

Get citruline malate instead of l-arg. Put an ice pack on your balls. Gg huge loads.

Youre welcome lad

Thanks, i will. l-arg didnt do shit for me

So guys I may end up fucking this 18 year old single mom who is kind of a slut. Any tips? Virgin btw

I don't masturbate if I'm having sex once or more a week.
I try not to watch porn because if I get to fuck someone new, chances are my dick will go limp because of all the anxiety. I always wanna "accumulate horniness" if that's a real thing.

b urself

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thank u

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>How often do you rub one out or flick the bean Jow Forums?
Once daily, minimum. Most days 2-3.

>Do you use any toys?
Vibrators and fleshlight

>Do you watch porn?
every time

>Do you use lube?
most times, coconut oil (doesn't dry out) or astrologide with the fleshlights

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Today I went workout -> fap -> meditation

god damn, that felt good. next workout im switching meditation and fap around.

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>single mom

no way she's a slut, user. don't say those things.

Litteral straight bumpy tube. If you're gonna be a wanker you might as well do it right with an onahole.

Yeah I guess that was redundant but I know another 18 year old single mom who is not a slut

no, you dont.

If you think 90% of teen girls are not getting absolutely packed regularly you are delusional. This girl just got unlucky.

>eating SOÝ lecithin makes you cum more
No wtf