Clarence Kennedy anime opening

Never seen something so kino in my whole goddamn life.
Fucking respect.

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fuck off to reddit

This is Jow Forums bro, you know, the site made to discuss anime...

I cycle..I cycle all the time
He’s a legend.

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Why does Jow Forums hate him?
Hes fucking legit.
>He doesnt lie about roid use
>Hes absurdly strong
>Hes lean, looks amazing
>Dudes funny and friendly, a truly happy person
>He aint preachy about veganism

Man I dont understand, hes only slightly reddit but again, everyone is these days.

don't forget he's a mixbreed mutt like all of us

We are all just extremely jealous of his genetics

I l**e it.

isn't he some filipino irish halfbreed?

yeah he comes from Ireland, but that is about all I know.

definitely part filipino if you've ever seen his brother

source on him talking about roid use?

in the video with ol' telly boy, he literally says he cycles, all the time. It's within a joke, but it's obvious what he's implying

starts at 2:20

lol that's a joke. not proof of anything

thats a bit vague eh? wouldnt call that admitting to roiding

Travis 2 knifes got fucking jacked.

Have you seen his physique these days? lmao

Attached: YCn1-48W_yTMMSPyWsQs0ZEA0UxXq1mcVpcrRNgcdWs.png (403x448, 75K)

He and his buds always joke about it bro.

>lifts insanely hard for decades
>still looks natty dyel in clothes
brahs...what is the point

I browse reddit for osrs only am i a faggot now

The point is that you breathe manually if you think weightlifting is about being big.
Here’s a book to help you out a bit

nice safety gear for cycling

So should we be discussing anime on a board made for fitness and health right now? Please fuck off

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just like you dont go to these boards dont go to these threads

because you can't actually see him, everyone looks 6' tall on a camera, it's why all you dumb fucks get laughed at for being 5'5

No wait, there's a video with Cole?

This board isn’t for your kind, so kindly fuck off

clarence kennedy does not look dyel in clothes. in person, it would be obvious from the shoulders/upper back/glutes that the guy is strong

You forgot the part where he has been taking steroids for more than 3 years straight.
Weightlifting is a meme.

>takes steroids for 3 years
>lifts big weights
>looks natty
lol, his "steroids" are bunk shit

no they're not, he's just not even training his show muscles, his legs and glutes and back are pretty damn big, he's also lean and muscular, he's just not really developed because he doesn't even try.

it's really hard to be this small and on steroids
he must be on 250mg/wk test and always eating maintenance.

Attached: clarence-kennedy-240kg-x8-pause.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

Look up Ian Wilson, an american weightlifter that's elite in strength and literally looks like he has never gone to the gym in his entire life.
That's what natty weightlifting gives you, weightlifting+roids gives you an average physique depending on what drugs you are on.
If you actually do plenty of assistance work for arms and delts and chest you will look massive on roids regardless if you do weightlifting or not, weightlifting is too lower body centric in order to cause any noticeable change in upper body muscle mass.

Now look at his legs, stop looking at bodyparts he doesn't even fucking train with any degree of consistency.
He benches like once a month and has bigger pecs than most people in this entire board, he NEVER trains his arms beyond bench pressing

ok maybe you're right, if its true he doesn't train his arms/shoulders and chest....

any pics of his legs/back?

check his very first video of him front squatting 250kg, his legs are freaking huge, he is 100% on gear, he had a massive muscle mass jump when he made the comeback from his big injury.

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>an english site built as a tribute to japanese image boards
>founder was a weeb
>bitching about people posting content that isn't "guise how do i find gf" or another "X hate thread
jesus kid, fucking neck yourself, go to if you want to jerk off with the 2nd biggest gay fitness community if you don't want anime posts.

The man's quads are over 30"

How can I achieve this level of athleticism?

Post body

train from child

>funny and friendly, a truly happy person
There you go, my dude. This board's freaks cannot deal with that.

When did he say he wanted gf and hate threads? He said he didn’t want anime on a board dedicated to fitness. Not that hard to understand, even for weebs

Plus, people here are mentally ill. They say Clarence is small when in reality he would dwarf most of the retards here and I’d bet money that he can outlift everyone on this board. Also Clarence said that his biceps were getting too big at one point and it was starting to fuck up his lifts so he actively avoids growing them now. I don’t even know why I even come here anymore.

because thats 90% of this board and thats what he is basically implying

No he isn’t. He just hates anime being on Jow Forums, and rightfully so. He probably complains about >tfw no gf and manlet/lanklet/basketball shorts/kike hate threads as well

lol how fucking delusional are you fags who say clarence doesn't look like he lifts in clothes?

what the hell are talking about he looks DYEL
clarence is fucking built

Then he can filter it off or a better idea make some good threads

I'm not gay but if clarance asked me, I would.

I don’t think one guy can singlehandedly save Jow Forums from the off topic hordes

Yes, now show me your stats

Jow Forums used to love him until he became vegan.