Why does this article upset roasties so much?

Why does this article upset roasties so much?

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Because they are afflicted with demons. Pray for them. Next question.

because it was designed to make them mad idiot


HAHAHAHA, fucking roastie is crying.

holy shit that's hilarious

>religious nonsense

No wonder everyone hates it

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is this an actual article? anyone have a screenshot or archive.is of this article? has any salt mining been done? seems like it would have a lot of potential

While the title of the article is 100% true, the article is a recommendation against college for women because muh christian values, which is retarded. Going to college doesn't automatically mean you've banged a million dudes and got a tramp stamp, and it doesn't necessarily mean debt either, and even if it does, if the person in question got a proper degree and has the means to pay it off, then that debt isn't really unattractive (basically guys just don't want to be taken advantage of because you, a dumb thot, can't handle money properly).

The way she tells is pretty annoying

maybe its the font. eww,

The title is true I can't deny that

What article? Link?

Wow, a true article (at least the title, as far as I know). Pure girls fit to shame even the flowers of the field... angels, the lot of them.

>this is a christian in 2018
has feminism really already achieved its goal of ruining the world for everyone?

is this the next tomi lahren

>this is a christian
The absolute state of Protthots

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Honestly this is what happens if you let your 16 year old daughter stay unmarried for too long, yet faggot dads from the US want to murder anyone getting close to her so she can become a degenerate whore as soon as she enters college.

>men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos
And that's a good thing!

idk the article does seem like bait with the christcuckery and telling women not to go to college.

how to make whatever you're talking about have no weight whatsoever: mention god


Anything that just makes people angrier affirms their established beliefs.

There was this list of things you do if you want propaganda to work and have people join your side and one point IIRC is to either not do this or do this to your advantage. I've forgotten the name of the author, think he was a Western communist guy or something but I think I was so sickened by the whole list that I didn't save it. It's the type of manipulation you can see both sides of the coin use to get new members and it's pretty repulsive how well that fit.

Who gives a shit what men prefer. Men will fuck donuts and marry cars. Men saying they won't fuck you is just a shit test.

both of them deserve a bullet

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Also to hammer that in, the most liked comment is some thot saying she's going to get a tattoo. Are you guys sure this article isn't a falseflag of some type? If not then the writer must be very incompetent.

>Men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos

I know I do

Tbh i kind of agree with her point about letting women go into collegue.

But i agree with the part that the majority of young men prefer women who arent sluts.
Its been around even before chirstianity the belief that men and women, specially women, are worth less when they lose their v-cards, and even in today's society men still call on sluts and things like that.

Based Varg, always calling on the shots

Does this mean we can bring back slut shaming?

>Women prefer financially responsible men with sexual experience, who are tall and funny and have a lot of friends
>Men prefer financially responsible women without sexual experience, who don't ruin their body with trashy stuff

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Because roasties excel at getting toastie.

Because our society worships pussy 24/7 and womyn can never ever ever do anything bad or be in the wrong or make mistakes or have to face consequences or anything like that. Females are so unbelievably entitled, spoiled and pampered today it would make medieval popes and emperors shake their head.

It's that interrogative tone that millennials use at the end of every phrase.

I think it's cool that you have the same social values as 70-year-olds because it would probably be a bad thing for you to reproduce.