This is serious Jow Forums. I know this type of thread has probably been made before but i need serious help.
I am a male but i am the same as the 30 year old girlfriend in the image the guy is ranting about.
My friends are telling me they will stop being my friend if i continue to use Jow Forums. This is my last thread for a long time...
Any advice from fellow robots? I need help!
Help me Jow Forums
Just look them in the eye and say Jow Forums is kill
She's 30 and you're 24? Should have set off a red flag long ago
I do say racist things in public now and this could get serious. Imagine im in university and i say 'nigger' and someone hears. My life would be over.
Don't be a fucking idiot. It's easy to keep Jow Forums talk away from your everyday speech if you have even one brain cell. Nobody likes meme spouting retards.
>fellow robots
>has friends
gtfo and kys faggit nigger
That isn't me im 18 years old but im like the girl in the post.
I'm about to lose them you tard. I can barely speak to anyone else i have no social abilities.
i can just imagine how fat both of them are.
You can't completely blame an external source for your own behavior. There are plenty of non-racists on Jow Forums.
Learn to control your own behavior. You must leave this place and its influence if you want to know your own behavior, not just what you're copying.
how are they going to know if you keep on browsing in your own room?
do you live with them?
Are you one of those insufferable faggots that spouts internet bullshit and memes irl? or in group chats with people who obviously dont get it or are more pc? (if so I can understand your friends point and would say just tone it down around them)
the answer seems pretty simple, just use some selfcontrol and dont say what ever pops into your head ( I have the opposite problem, think too much about what to say and end up missing my chance)
good luck op
Hide your power levels. Like the other poster said, it's not that hard. As you get older you'll see that 90% of the people around you don't like niggers or faggots either so you'll have no problem making new friends.
The plan was i get off here for 1 month. Then afterwards i come back on here but keep my mouth shut about Jow Forums related things and see how that goes
Yeah they wont know if i do but apparently the way i talk now gives it away. I'll do my best
that girl sounds like a top notch gf
op you shouldn't have shown your power level to your friends you fool
Just stop being a meme spouting faggot. Are people really autistic enough to carry over their shitposting into real life? I'm a god damn social outcast bet even I know you hide your powerlevel when dealing with actual people.
Yes i have actual autism i need help.
this desu. virtue signalling normies are basically the equivalent of retards who don't know how to suppress their power level so you constantly get a perfect read on what they're like. people who hide their power level can live on being somewhat racist and doing dick shit for the lulz without having their lives ruined. that's what kills me when some fuckstick calls someone a nigger or gets fired because they called the cops on a kid selling water. it's like come on son you can't just run around like this anymore you gotta keep it low or the social police will ruin your life.
tell them that moot is daddy
>they will stop being my friend if i continue to use Jow Forums
they aren't your friends man
they sound like acquaintances
They have been my best and only friends really for years. They said they are doing it to help me because Jow Forums is ruining my life.
i don't know what you want us to tell you.
either fake leaving and then come back or leave. it doesn't sound like you're willing to lose these people so those are your only options. sorry your friends drank the proverbial kool-aid op. personally i'd tell them to suck my dick and get the fuck outta here but then again i'd never be in this position because i'm not some fucking beta who's friends think they can push him around. my friends know i'd tell them to suck my dick if they plotted against me like this.
I said its for a month ill be back then hide my powerlevel for good
how long have you known these fags?
let me go ahead and tell you any group of people who will gang up and talk about you behind your back before approaching you with an ultimatum that involves them ditching you forever already views your position in the friend group through a pretty fuck up lens. i wouldn't hang with these people if i were you dog.
I do.
Shit is cash.
For 7 years
They are right leave while you still can faggot
>my only friends for the last 7 years have told me a internet cartoon forum is ruining my life
>how do I lie to them
>not how do I stop posting
Once again we see outcasts letting the internet destroy them and their complete refusal to face the reality of it.
Look you buffoon I want you to remember this moment. It's a very simple choice you could stop and try to save whatever scraps of a life you have left or you can make a suicide thread on here in 4 years. You already have chosen the latter so when the day comes for you to eat a bullet I want you to remember you chose that for your precious cartoon forum.
If you're letting Jow Forums leak over into your actual life, you deserve everything bad that happens to you.
This was the last thread when this dies thats it.