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And this is a good thing.

The world is pretty much over

you're implying africa can support that many monkeys. Just wait for the super ebola breakouts

Nope white will just be replaced by Asians and africans. They will take over what has been done without any issues.

This is over for you.

Hopefully based Ching chongs will annex them. The yellow man is immune to "white guilt".

Look at all these cuck threads and stories, imagine what will happen when whites get outnumbered 7 to 1.

Normal conversation would go something like: Helga you bring shame to our family by dating Sven, why don't you go out with Jamal like a normal Swedish girl your age?

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Asians sure the world could continue under them, but Africans? The world would be doomed.

as if afrikan birth rates won't go to shit too as soon as the next generation growing up in urban slums grows up
cities destroy birth rates

>Four billion niggers
Jesus Christ...

I'm going to kill myself so I don't have to see this future. White males already kill themselves more than any other group, it's clear the world has nothing by hatred and disdain if you were born white and male.

OP is retarded, the graph has no title, labels, no source. If you are retarded enough to believe this shit then please kill yourself for the betterment of humanity.

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That's literally from the UN official demographics estimate for the future. The White Man is dying. Sorry if the truth hurts.

>white males make up 70% of all suicides
>white males are primarily sexless and alone
>white females racemix almost exclusively now

Yup. It's over now

That's it I'm killing myself today. I can't stand this racist world anymore

Think of it as evolution or natural selection if it makes you feel better.

Well probably become super nebulas by 2100 or something

Actually I realized we will probably all die by global warming by then anyway. Once more Africans come they will be burning more fuels that will contribute greatly to the global warming problem. One western countries will not be able to solve. Africans will literally end the entire world.

Why do you post this stuff here? You just enjoy making other suffer? This is why everyone with half a brain cell hates Blacks

>white females racemix almost exclusively now
Who the fuck tells you faggots this shit your all retarded

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You've got to ask yourselves why the right is out there in Africa opposing birth control.
Can't they see the calamity that's about to unfold?

>Watching this all happen
This my good friends is our revenge for the crimes of humanity commited by pigskins in Africa, feels good watching you fuckers die out

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that might be a good thing. it was the black plague wiping out the supposedly worst 75% of white genes as well as changing the dynamics of how everyone live by giving the remaining population disposable income, creating a large middle class for the first time since ancient times and sending europe on the path to world domination. interestingly, about 10% of european whites are also immune to hiv, and the plague is supposedly why.

I'm not even mad at you. Being a Somalian is enough of a punishment.

Alas I couldn't give two shits considering I'm good at sports and I'm here to fuck to wife loong dick style Greg

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Just wait, you retards, when white people are gone. Niggers will turn this planet into a complete shithole.

Relax user i'm just meming.

That's a weird way to say Asians will rule the world

why is this being posted on Jow Forums?

I wish I could replace every African in Africa with my DNA composition and watch what happens

I wonder what it'd turn into

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Just think how many of them will starve to death. It warms my hearth.

A degenerate shithole.

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Cuba and Puerto Rico are both alright

>And this is a good thing.
>median IQ of sub-saharan Africa: 70
>cutoff for mental retardation: 70
>average IQ of 12.5 year old white kid: 69.4444

yeah, it's GREAT!

>it's clear the world has nothing by hatred and disdain if you were born white and male.
Uh no you fucking normalfag
It's impossible to suffer if you are white

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>largely defenseless people
translation: stone age savages, many of which conducted ritual sacrifice on neighboring tribes. that's why certain amerindian tribes helped the spanish defeat the evil, murderous aztecs

>It's impossible to suffer if you are white
it's easy if you're not a chad and also not trying to copulate with non-white girls. literally never had a girl talk to me unless she wasn't white

Jow Forumsdataisbeautiful

Just watch, black people are gonna take over and literally nothing will change.

This is a retarded estimate that's probably only based on recent population growths, as if they represent the future indefinitely. Either Africa will develop to first-world status and slow down population increases just like everywhere else on Earth, or they will hit point of unsustainability (even with foreign aid) and slow down anyway. Plus most of them are quarantined in that shithole of a continent anyway.

Y'all fear-mongering motherfuckers and brainlets who can't think critically need to chill out.

>Plus most of them are quarantined in that shithole of a continent anyway.
No they ain't fuckwit.

Every fucking time.

>Africa will develop to first world status

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Literally Google it dumbass. Way less than half of blacks are outside Africa. Plus of those not in Africa, a bunch are in another shithole called Brazil.

It's a meme bro.

One of the brainlets I was talking about right here ladies and gentlemen.

I didn't say it was likely, just that it's one of the two reasons Africa won't hit that population level like they're projecting.

If they ever did, it's because of other countries literally just coming in and doing it for them. And even then that wouldn't be sustainable.

All of the intelligent blacks abandon Africa the moment they have an IQ of 90 or greater

Stupid. They will mix with chinese and white people to gain higher IQ, and their kids will still be black because dark skin is a dominant trait. This is already happening and many governments are facilitating it because they know the population boom in Africa is a sign of economic growth.

Give me a source on that Blasian blanda upp

Majority of people don't racemix and most black girls don't like white girls

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these stats are goofy because most of the time, black people don't marry before reproducing

White women have sex with non-white men but marry white men for the security.