Psych ward lets you use phones

>Psych ward lets you use phones

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>psych ward doesn't let you use hands
What are you there for?

Lucky. The one I was in before didn't allow any sort of technology brought in from the outside world.

Ive heard mixed things about them user, could you greentext your routine?

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I've been in 2 and this was not the case for either of them. One did allow about an hour of internet usage maybe two or three times a week, but the orderly was monitoring what everybody was looking at on his own computer so I didn't use Jow Forums.

Yeah that's how it is in most places. In the places you go to live they're usually understaffed and put you in mittens or a jacket if you act up even once.

I work at one its a pretty fun job and restraining you crazy fucks is a party

Run down the hall if you have one naked and start screaming, you could also shake yiur penis at the staff

>wake up at 7 am
>nurse knocks on your door to get you out because you can't just spend the whole day in you room
>comfy breakfast with nothing special about it
>spend most of the time watching tv with other losers or playing chess with them
>scheduled daily light exercise (the only time you're in the same place with the girls)
>lunch with slightly above average food
>optional hippie activities like art class, yoga and cooking
>more leisure time
>sometimes an idiot would sperg out saying shit like 'my father rules here i'm gonna tell him and you're gonna get fucked' and be restrained and put on the quarantine rooms
>one or two days a week there was popcorn and movies but everyone just ate the popcorn and didn't watch the movies
>average dinner, usually thick soup
>more leisure time
>time for your medications user, get on the line
>back to sleep for another comfy day
>sometimes one of the drug addicts would go into everyone's rooms and leave it a mess by searching for drugs

I have been in 2 different psych wards. One of them let you have your phone no problem but the other one, good lord. This was around October.

>be me, 17 at the time
>just got admitted due to an allergic reaction to meds a week or two before an entrance exam for uni
>your phone had to be locked away and you could only used it if you asked and went in a room on your own
>do exam after being escorted to the school back and fourth (school was many miles away at this point)
>get my phone from the nurse and go into the empty dining room
>call a friend of mine that knows I'm in a psych ward and did the exam
>just want to chat with him and see how shit is and how he found the exam
>suddenly a nurse enters the room
>giant black woman towers me
>she tells me that I'm communicating with someone I'm not meant to
>"W-what do you mean? I'm just talking to my friend"
>"You're contacting people for others. Give me your phone now"
>"Uhh no I'm not."
>she gets ready to restrain me and she says she's going to search my phone for "evidence"
>tell my friend I'm going to get restrained if I did not hang up so I had to go
>friend is pissed as hell at nurse before I hang up
>my face turning bright red in anger
>hang up the phone and hand it over resisting the urge to punch her in the face
>she says I'm banned from contacting anyone for 72 hours, even family
>my mum is going to be worried sick
>pissed off and I go talk to another patient about shit
>talk to based nurse in the morning
>based nurse tells me she was "unreasonable" and gives me back my phone

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So why were you imprisoned OP? Can't you cite some shit out of your constitution and fuck them up for enslaving or torturing you or smth?

That's why you need to know your patient's rights advocate very well user.

I didn't have any advocate at all at the time. I had one recently but they closed my case since I was no longer going to receive any treatment.
Funnily enough, I wasn't even there on a section order or anything, I was there voluntarily after involuntarily being put in an ambulance. And even though this was the case and my mother wanted to take me home after what happened, they wouldn't let her. They said she could get in serious trouble legally if they took me home, which is bullshit as there was no legal obligation for me to be there, I had not committed any crime. In order to be able to leave the hospital grounds I would have to be assessed for a couple of hours, then walk around the grounds, then walk around the town, then I could go only for a few days before having to return. She said fuck that and just took me home for a few days until I had to go back.

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I fucking hated the psyche ward I was in, I didn't deserve to be throwin in there and it didn't help me at all. So fucking stupid. Aboslutely nobody to talk to and I kept on watching the clock just wanting to go back home. It's gonna come up on a year soon and I still have trouble going out into public without being scared that I'm gonna see someone from the ward in public and it scares me. One time I saw a psycho woman who I swear to god was a deadringer for one in the ward who snarled at me and shit for using the phone. I just wanted my music but now I cannot listen to most of the shit that was stuck in my head during that week because it brings back bad memories. fuck psyche ward and fuck the baker act. If I want to die just let it happen.

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>I didn't have any advocate at all at the time.
Really? It's a right in most states in America. That sucks. There are a bunch of stupid hoops to jump through in the system. Why were you there for so long anyways?

I'm a britbong so I suppose it necessarily isn't a right and I wasn't on anything like the baker act or equivalent, was just able to get off it.

>"user, if you don't voluntarily go to this hospital, we will have to make you go to this hospital under section 2 of the mental health act"
>"Fine I'll go"

I was in there for a while because they weren't sure whether I was "safe" to go home or not, there were multiple "incidents" that I was involved in and they had to get me off the old medication and diagnose me properly. I was in there for a month before I was discharged.

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>"user, if you don't voluntarily go to this hospital, we will have to make you go to this hospital under section 2 of the mental health act"
>"Fine I'll go"
Similar happened to me. Police got called and told my if I didn't come voluntarily I'd have to be detained. Then I voluntarily signed my entry papers - involuntarily committed according to the law. It's really fucking gay.
>I was in there for a month before I was discharged
That sucks, hope the people there weren't total fags.

>you find a gf in a psych ward
>be together for 5 years

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this honestly doesn't sound comfy at all, i'd rather kill myself than spend time there

How did you do sneak around the nurses?

It was alright, some of the people in there though were horrible people.
>be me
>sitting on the computer in the ward checking my emails
>ogre girl approaches
>she asks if I'll be much longer on the computer
>say I'll be 5 minutes, just got to respond to this email one of my university choices sent me
>5 minutes go by and still got to check another email
>she starts yelling at me
>"It's been 5 minutes user, get off the computer, now, it's mine now"
>I tell her firmly I won't be much longer
>she threatens to punch me
>I give in and resist the urge to strangle her since I figured I'm in enough shit as it is

>at dining table, new patient enters and sits next to me
>a few minutes later while eating she grabs my arm and tells me to say "3,2,1 we're not sorry" as she repeats it
>she stands up and takes off her skirt and panties ready to pee all over the table with everyone's food
>nurses calmly escort her out the room

The nurses did take us to central London one day with the better patients which was nice and wholesome, only time I have held a girl's hand uwu

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>things that never happened
retard, they keep guys and girls in different wings, even then you'd have to sneak around the fucking guards and nurses to get there in the first place

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Also forgot to add, I was the only guy there for the first 2-3 weeks so I had what was basically a harem, apparently 3-4 girls had a crush on me or something. And inb4 "wards aren't mixed", my ward was the only teen ward so it had to be mixed. Most chad I ever felt.

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>Tfw smuggled in my 3DS

Thought that was gonna happen to me but the girl was already dating a homeless native guy more than twice her age who got discharged earlier.

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Idk about him but it's easy to get attention from the girls in a short term place because there are 2 girls for every guy. The girl's wing used to have the window that got sunlight so I would walk over to their wing and stare at the sun for a few minutes. The nurses never gave me trouble because I would cause a problem if I did and all the girls would stand around me to watch what I was doing. at least a few were into me while I was at that place. Then all you'd have to do is pass a note under the table and contact when you get out.

Not him but my psychward shared the same lobby/rec room with the women, we just weren't allowed to go into each others rooms.

The only thing I know about psych wards is that apparently the socks are very nice because my friend stole like 20 of them on her way out.

>tfw I turned 18 a week before I was admitted into the ward
>the police threw me into the adult one
>the first day I met a bunch of gang members and my roommate was some gay guy who got jumped and was tossed in to the ward for precaution
>gay guy left that afternoon so I was alone later on in that day
>switched out when some Shizo guy came in that night and tried to suffocate himself with a towel
>the next day I see a table of the only people who are smiling and shit
>I sit there
>tfw surrounded by cute 30 something chubby mom figures
>they think I'm cute and shit
>switch rooms with one of the gang members and he watches the hall and protects me from the shizo guy who starts to follow me
>before I leave I get one of the phone numbers of the mommy ladies
I don't have the contact info for the rest of them which sucks. Is it bad for an 18-almost-19 year old to want to date a 30 something woman with kids?

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Had the same lobby and day areas. There was no separation unless you're after a huge breakdown or suicide attempt. Only then you were "quarantined" from everyone. Otherwise you had a room and separate wings for sleep, but morning to evening, you can talk and do whatever. You were encouraged to go out and talk to people.

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That's kind of cute user. I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with that, desu.

Is it bad for an 18-almost-19 year old to want to date a 30 something woman with kids?
That's a disaster waiting to happen.

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From all these stories it doesnt seem like these are supposed to help people get better, but rather to just kinda keep them away from the rest of the world

It's funny because I'm in a psych ward with 2h30 smartphone per day. They won't let me use more because I told them I was an internet addict. Big mistake, I guess, but I like to play it fair. I'm here for months, for schizophrenia. I tried to kill someone during delirium, because God told me to. Justice was tough as hell. I've been here 17 months. But I'll make it, I'm near the end. Good luck, comrades

6969 get
Also, how is God? I haven't spoke to him in a while myself.

Very similar to my experience. We had an isolation room for those who were quarantined.

>We had an isolation room for those who were quarantined
Anyone else stay in the isolation room all day? Hated how loud all the normies were and just sat in there 24 hours a day lol.

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LOL lmao same . fuck normies

I was always in the lobby, but we had a schizophrenic girl that was constantly in the isolation room and would only be let out for like an hour every day.

>in psych ward for failing to suicide and attention whoring in general like a loser
>fall asleep, wake up 3 hours later with a schizo patient from the north side of the ward. He is just standing there asking if I am Ichigo from bleach.
>end up talking to him about bleach for awhile and shonen anime in general
>he talks about auras, the devil, and what not. At this point im more convinced that he is living in a fantasy about being a shonen protagonist than actually schizo but i roll with it incase its his was of coping with it
>his roomie wakes up, skele tier, wrapped in a blanket so tight because of how cold he is and he talks to us about how bleach never ends no matter how much of it he reads
>this goes on for most of the night into the morning
>schizo leaves after a couple days and i ended up roomed with skinny boy dave
>dave is manlet status but is still a year older than me at 25 while looking like he is 15
>ended up cuddling with him one night because he was so cold
>we fucked a few times at night in the shower
>was probably the only thing note worthy about inpatient because the rest was sitting around, sleeping, and the very rare group therapy.
the whole purpose of it is to forcefully hold you until your crisis is over with and you can begin normal therapy.

>cuddle for phisical warmth
>fuck for emotional warmth
that's cute and nice user, i hope both of you got better

Tfw this didn't happen to me

How? Everybody is a fucking slut at psych wards.

>he didn't fuck in a psych ward
what the fuck were you doing? It's quite literally the only way to do it if you're a turbo autist

i keep in contact with him through discord, he started eating again and has turned into a hunk of a man but still doesn't look 20 yet even though he is 28 now. I kind of went the opposite direction and spiraled down further but i've started to come out of it to the point i can summon myself to talk to people on Jow Forums after i realized a few things

Everyone at mine was old and gross. No one was cute or nice to me. I was the only young one there.

I'm so sorry to hear that
>tfw the oldest person in mine was like 35 years old
>there were more women than males

No one was any good? I had like 10 people straight up ask me for sex but I didn't because I don't want to go to Hell for being a fornicator.

if it makes you feel better i didnt find him attractive at all until we started cuddling for warmth and then i had weird feelings instead of being depressed and i became obsessed with them. It makes me want to plant my face through a tree but its probably the first time i felt love or something like it

Jesus, you fucks are making me wanna baker act myself again on the off chance I might be able to fuck someone now. Fuck fuck fuck

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Not him, but there's no way I've could've done that without getting caught. We couldn't even shut the bedroom door and the bathrooms were gendered.

A hooker costs a fuck ton less than the hospital bill and you get a whore either way.

>A hooker costs a fuck ton less than the hospital bill and you get a whore either way.
a hooker feels like expensive masturbation and im more interested in the emotional stuff like holding someone or being held.

I used to walk through the halls at night to make sure no one could kill me and the staff just sat at their stations all night. Unless you're very loud I imagine it would be easy.

what did you guy do to get in to one?
i guess mental problems in general, like schizophrenia and such?

I live too far and don't have any money. Although I have insurance and medicaid

i admitted to my sister that the majority of everyday i wanted to die and my only escape was sleeping. She kept pressuring me daily for months just sort of destroying what little willpower i had until i just dumped it all out while i was feeling apathetic. She told me that a psychward would be the fastest way to get me fixed and I pulled my CC out and tried to kill myself when i rounded the corner and the sheriff was there. The safety was on and i was panicking so much that i forgot that the safety was an option and thought i had somehow broke my trigger in a way that it could not be pulled. So after the officer calmed down i got put inpatient.

Is this in the US or something? What the fuck kind of medical care are you getting? Here in the EU there's no major rules unless you come in to the ward bleeding from your arms or are aggressive/abusive/extremely mentally unstable. The only rules is to not make a mess, go to your room on time, and don't bring people into your room that do not belong there.

tfw I almost fucked the gay guy who stayed with me in my room but I was too scared to make any advances on him.

Yeah I'm in the US. I enjoyed my time, but it did feel a lot like prison.

Failed suicide attempt (fucking captcha)

>there's no major rules unless you come in to the ward bleeding from your arms or are aggressive/abusive/extremely mentally unstable
Do you take me for some kind of normalfag?

>tfw the drug addict who is coming down is sweet talking then shit talking then sweet talking his mom over the phone before smashing it so no one else can use it.
>tfw anytime you are in group he talks over the therapist which extends everyones time there because nobody is making progress
>tfw he keeps trying to manipulate everyone into giving him shit
>tfw he steals your shorts because the nurse is a weak willed nigger woman
>tfw you get an extra week in the ward for pulling your shorts off him and then dragging him around by his ankles when he trys to get into a fist fight naked.
why couldn't i just have been surrounded by schizos? At least they are nice

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That's why you go to a live in insane asylum, mostly schizos and the rest are pretty cool guys with mood disorders.

Now I wanna get admitted for a crazy gf but I don't want my guns taken away

yes. i always assume the person i'm talking to is a normalfag these days actually. It's easier this way.
Then I have no clue how it works in the US as your healthcare feels wildly inconsistent . I hope things improve someday.

You'll just get a crazy bf

Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck why
(Also,muh guns)

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W8 a sec,where do you fug in a psych ward anyways?

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Yeah its not worth it user. Just get a whore or a fuckboy on grindr

But they're not crazy'qts
(But if I were looking for a fuck boy I def. Wouldn't be looking in a psych ward,I'd probably be looking for an Anne Frank looking gf)

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Bump arageenus

bruh how old are you, only adolescent units separate by gender

every single one i've been to didnt allow phones (ive been to like ... 7 different ones, a few multiple times)
they were all short term though? my friend went to one that was longer term and he could have his phone there

I was in a psych ward two weeks ago.
>Sectioned for 72 hours for threatening to kill myself on Tuesday
>"72 hours doesn't start until you get to facility, user"
>Get to facility on Wednesday
>"72 hours doesn't start until the day after you get here, user"
>"We would let you out on Saturday, but we don't discharge on weekends"
MFW stuck with retards for 72 hours that lasts a whole week
Overall it was pretty comfy, though

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>my friend went to one that was longer term and he could have his phone there
Depends on the one you go to. I went to a one for the severely incompetent and criminally insane and we didn't get electronics.

i've only been on high functioning units because just depression/suicidal ideation +compliance
but that means im put with the druggies
at least i dont get put with people who throw their own shit

The place I was at only allowed phones for thirty minutes a day and we all had to sit in one small room together listening to the turbo dyke yell at her kids over the phone

ITT: comfy psych ward feels
>tfw a cute girl asks about you and sincerely seems interested in you
>tfw the nurse practioner hooks you up with the Xanax
>tfw you get a white schizophrenic roommate and NOT a brown drug addict
>tfw the Iranian guy gets into a fight with the Hispanic lunchlady after he called her a dumb kike for not giving him two puddings
>tfw visitors

ew, well i kind of like the no cell phone thing, its like a cleanse
plus i can spend my time people watching

>Heroin addict gets 7 coffees every meal
>Doesn't get them one at a time, literally gets 7 coffees all at once
>Pours cream and sugar into each coffee for ten minutes
>Drinks half of one coffee before passing out and faceplanting into the tray, spilling all the coffee
>This happens every time
>She freaks the fuck out when told she can't have 7 coffees at a time
>She comes to me to vent because I am the least fucked up person

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>cute scitzo gorl talking to me
>calling people stupid kikes

Dont know whats better
(>no schitzo Anne gf

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>tfw sedated 20+ hours a day and weeks go by in what feels like an instant

>Have roommate
>Two years younger, but share all the same interests
>Really weird we actually do a lot of the same shit
>He always sits in the room, only coming out for food
>Every time I walk into the room he is sitting at his desk staring at the wall or staring at the window
>Takes multiple showers in the middle of the night
>I do situps in the room to try and be Jow Forums
>He starts to point at the ceiling and say "The guys upstairs say I am going home"
>It is saturday, no discharges on saturday
>I try to talk him out of it
>"I wouldn't lie about this, user"
>Lead him to a nurse so they can deal with it
>He spends the next ten minutes pointing at the ceiling say the "the man up top" said he could go
>The majority of the people there are schizo
>I sleep with one eye open from then on

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I've been in two psych wards. They took away my shoe laces, you can forget about having a phone or internet.

my first one was when i was 14, and they cut out the underwires in my bra
was very upset

The ward I was in was co-ed, the ratio was also pretty even for guys and girls, we talked about sex stuff a lot

>tfw your parents met up in a psych ward
I think I'm destined to end up there too at some point.
It does sound cozy in it's own way, though. Being with people who are "wrong" like you are.

>psych ward bill comes
>kill yourself because it's more expensive than an Ivy League 10 year education

I'll post a story
>be me, get committed
>meet BPD girl with scars all over he neck and back from when her stepfather poured hot oil
>feel bad for her, be super nice, be friends
>get out, start doing group
>awhile goes by, she gets out, show up at group
>"hi friend!" we start hanging out sometimes
>she loves me now, even though I've explained 1,000 times that I'm gay
>she goes stalker mode
>I actually meet a nice guy and start spending time with him
>she sees us kiss, decides to pour gas on his car and lights it on fire
>she gets committed again, he gets scared off, and I end up alone again and trying to shake the feeling that it's all my fault somehow

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do they force you to take the drugs or can you throw them away

>not taking the qt scarred gf
>taking a dude instead
Lmao faggot

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>she's going to search my phone for "evidence"
Holy fuck really pisses me off, some entitled dumb cunt. Even cops, in most cases, need a warrant or at least a permit from a superior officer to do that.

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>admitting to phoneposting
Get out mental gimp.

Got me pretty mad reading that shizzle too

That doesn't sound comfy at all.

The most I've had is psychiatric people come round to assess me once a week, but they soon said I didn't need to be committed. The plus was I got unemployment bux and had some freedom, downside was I was expected to get on my feet pretty soon. Luckily I went straight back into education which is pretty regimented so I could handle it

i guess if you're a normalfag and like going outside every day to do normalfag things it isn't that nice
i was around 26 and all units but the special rich kids one separated by gender
you can't take them away from a nurse and they do force you (not by forcing it down your throat but if you keep refusing to take them orally i think they hold you down and do it intravenously)

who here qualifies for disability but is it to scared to go through the process of doing it? I heard you have to go see a judge and admit you are useless
>tfw they wanted to send me to a group home
>i just wanted to get better and go back to work so i could keep playing videogames and talking to weebs in vrchat

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Some nurses really are entitled.
Here's another story that made me 20000% mad while in an adult ward.

>January, admitted again
>Started hearing voices and insanely agitated and hyperactive
>was on Zoloft and Seroquel at the time before admission
>doctor who saw me concluded I was suffering a mixed affective episode with psychotic features and therefore diagnosed me bipolar II
>this diagnosis was apparently bullshit later on and cleared from my record
>taken off Zoloft, however, they wanted to increase my Seroquel dosage six times the current amount (25mg to 150mg)
>since I'm autistic I am especially sensitive to the side effects of drugs
>nurse comes up to me with new med
>"W-where's my zoloft, what's this large pill?"
>"Oh user, that's 100mg of Seroquel, doctor just prescribed it."
>"Can I speak to him?"
>"No he just left on his bike", fantastic
>say I refuse to take the medication
>started getting incredibly loud and shouting at other patients
>I just wanted to sleep but nurses kept coming back trying to make me take it, all the way to 3am where I finally snapped and told them to fuck off
>eventually give in and take the dosage before they forcefully make me take it, but they want me to but it makes me sleep endlessly

I've stopped all my meds now

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Depends on the country and what exactly you're applying for. I got a temporary one that depended on me searching for jobs. If you have good medical evidence that's usually enough in Euro countries. Do you have a statement from a doctor saying you're unfit for work?

I live in USA, its apparently very hard to get it because of the raw amount of people that fake it. I was actively trying to not get it but they wanted to push it for the duration of my therapy after i left inpatient and i got to embarrassed and ashamed to leave my house for awhile so i missed the meeting the hospital had scheduled with me.