Humor Jow Forums bread

Humor Jow Forums bread
I’ll start off with several

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>Tfw manlets break loose from the pit

Christ he can't be more than 4

if i needed the humors id request for your one rep maxes

jfc he benches more than me

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ur 1rm

oh yeah, lol. This idiot. Drove that shit through his ceiling and forgot he needs room on the sides for the barbell

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Fuck man no wonder I'm stalling I ain't been putting on my WARRIOR FACE

Can I get some uhhhhhh assembling a team?

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I always say that its all mindset

I RP as a gay in MMO's to feel loved
I have 5 months to prepare to navy school, physical tests are easy, but I'm a fucking brainlet and If I don't enter i'll be a hobo by then

When I read "uuuuh" I always imagine the boss of this gym guy voice

Manti is pretty good though unironically

heh.... sure..

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this'll be fun.

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In all seriousness though, you actually can do a sort of "power curl" in the smith machine where you try to be explosive and fling the bar up as high as you can, then catching it for the next rep.

drove that shit through the ceiling *twice*

sounds dangerous

The more u look, the more u fuckn lose

I just tried rubbing my chalk on my face and screaming like some tribal africsn woman and I just hit a PR on squat.

legendary thread

i also saw the screenshot on r/Jow Forums my fellow gentlesir xD

anyone know what team sweatshirt is that

The day i got 315 flat bench i couldn't do 265 that day for 1. When normally my max was around 275-305 then.
>Fail 265 miserably, even with decent warmup
>Best friend comes up to me, he beast
>Gives me headphones
>Lamb of god is blasting full volume
>powerslaps me 5 times in chest
>right as breakdown happens he spots it off rack with me
>Easy as fuck
>Go up 275, 295, 315, (or something like that)
>get to 315
>Same routine power slaps, except harder and more
>we have chalk, its getting everywhere through the air
>full blast headphone destroying death metal music gets louder
>he helps me unrack it
>Lets go
>attempt ascend to instant freeze out
>best friend almost feints a spot but doesn't
>ascend in slow motion
>he doesn't touch it
>complete it
>rack that shit
When failing 265 i thought there was no way of getting 1 that day, let alone a new max

Mindset or whatever it is is huge

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I was not ready for this


This is terrifying

>power curl

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lol post the one where he actually eats them

Finish the sentence user
Made me laugh tho

Who calls

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Their gas will be ours. This time we will do it my way. We do it my way...

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I've got a similar one

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The obligatory one

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A nice one

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Last one

Save and share the happiness

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>says no homo as he kisses him goodnight on the forehead

Phonefag, sue me

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nice stream of consciousness absurdism bro

What are you all up to this fine Friday evening? Why are you shit posting instead of going out?

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So it might just work

When do we start?

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>tfw snake diet seems legit
What are the risks of long term use of this strategy? Are multivitamins OK when in this plan? I'm game for this

That thread should be in the Library of Congress for cultural preservation.

>「K I N G • C R I M S O N」

What is it about this guy that makes him take the best pictures?

Alright... One last time...

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Why the fuck are the replies above the OP?

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