From having sex with around 75 women and to put this penis debate to rest once and for all the true stats are around this


Non bone pressed

Girls want 7.5 to 9 fact, the size queens want the bigger ones like 8-9 but most girls want what fits them well around 7 to 7.5 and that's the normal, don't listen to the fucking meme of studies they are wrong.

>inb4 lel this idiot takes IRL evidence over clinical studies what a spaz

Look at how accurate those studies are its trash.

And for girth

Girth in inches


Girls want 6 to 6.25 fact, the size queens want the bigger ones like 6.25 to 6.5 but most girls want what fits them (stretches them slightly) and that's around 6 to 6.25

To add some more info to clarify

Girls who want a dick thats smaller then 7.5

Attached: dicklets.png (668x295, 39K)

Yes we all know this is true. It's pretty much indisputable without lying. There is no hope or point in living for the vast majority of men.

>dicklet detected
Women want AT LEAST double digit numbers. Even then if it's less than 11 inches she'll probably just pretend to enjoy it.

how big ur dick???

The length of your penis in inches is the last number of your post.

My dick is 9 inches so I've got nothing to worry about, I'm white and uncut too.

Enjoy the misery losers.

It's not just the size of your bone that counts but also where you bury it.

You wouldn't know ya virgin

He is completely wrong. So wrong it hurts

>had sex with 75 women
>spends his free time shitposting on Jow Forums in hopes of worsening the mental state of already broken individuals
uhuh, sure thing buddy

It's fucking physics.

Stop larping you faggit we all you are a virgin trying to force your small dick humiliation fetish on us

For someone who uses the word "fact" a lot you sure post lots of false information and don't provide any proofs.

you mean biology? domo origano

Non-FBI-falseflag numbers


Attached: ahegao_pepe.jpg (1000x1000, 127K)

4.5 is microgirth lmao

Actually it's Mechanics which is a subset of Physics but I didn't want to get too technical.

>tfw Very small x Micro
Gladly no one has ever seen it.

Attached: 1476615906038.jpg (320x320, 11K)

20x12 gigawang here
Every girl takes it balls deep without any problems, especially tiny asian girls

>tfw have 7 in length but have under 4in in girth

post a picture with your dick and a ruler above it you larping faggot

>4-5 below average
>5-6 average
>6-7 above average/ideal
>7-8 large/sizequeen
>8+ pornstar

This is accurate. Also the smaller your dick the more money is needed to compensate.

Attached: penis pill 20.png (1017x145, 14K)

>6-7 Small
Literally over 95% has smaller dicks than 6" and it's considered small? :D Let alone 7"...

Attached: dicks.jpg (1326x886, 353K)

So pretty much... 13 cm (5 in) - average

I know that feel bro
want to have sex but i know that if i ever show it to anyone theres no way

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Haha this is so retarded. I have a 6 inch dick and I never feel shitty about it, and actual women(read: not pornstars) think that monster dicks are painful.

most peope on Jow Forums exagerate, lie, and don't measure their penises properly. there are so many dicks on /soc/ who have similar measurements to me (7.5x5.5) but don't look nearly as big.

I might lie and just say my dick is 8 inches to girls since every other guy seems to overestimate there's by a large margin

This thread is bait
Do not contribute to this thread
Do not be angry about something you can't change
Just learn to deal with it


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So, Is there any technique to increase girth or lenght?

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