ITT we pretend it's the peak of bro culture, mid 2011

ITT we pretend it's the peak of bro culture, mid 2011
>aware me on some good muzzing techniques brahs

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I've been /homegym/ for the last couple years so I'm not even aware of how lifting bro culture may have changed. What's it like now? Not talking about places like Jow Forums but in terms of what the normalfags are doing. Still mostly just brosplitters doing a bunch of dumbbell shit?

Same here, last entered a gym in 2014
When I was there it was mainly bros and girls in yoga pants and bright tank tops with big water bottles doing their spin classes. The old fashioned tough guy lifter was a rare breed

2010-11 was the goat years. What good times

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Mostly the same as what I saw at the uni gym I went to up until 2015. There were only a scant few dudes seriously doing barbell training (other than bench press of course). I ended up being stronger than 99% of the gym just with a few months of SS. There was one guy stronger than me and he focused almost exclusively on oly lifts and competed locally. Cool dude.


I didn't even know what exercising was. Then again, I didn't suffer from anxiety, either.

>posting on chasb owl threads on spee
>get drunk watching the game
>shitpost tfw no gf until the jannies came
>come to Jow Forums and do it here
absolutely based. it was a lifetime ago, but at least i got to do it


>enter 2011 gym

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>it's a malodrax episode

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Costanza, now that was a great meme

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Lebron is a choker. He got shut down by JJ Barea and abused on defense by jason terry

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Will the puzzle master please chime in.

Zyzz and chestbrah were truly cringy faggots.

>Tfw miss faststrongbro threads
>Vitamin avenger still posted

not 2011 but what happened to the mong? havent been on fit for a long time, did he finally kill himself?

Fugg.... I would give anything to go back to then. I was given a fresh start and didn't make the most out of it.

Jow Forums related though, I've been DYEL for like 3 years now