Is this legal?

is this legal?

The last few months I have been going to watch little girl's field hockey. I was at a meet last night taking some pics from the stands and one of the coaches came up and asked me who I was there to see. I just said "I Like the sport of field hockey". He asked me to leave and not come back

is that legal? It was in a public park

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The part where you fucked up was taking pictures

As long as you're not on the sex offender registry you can tell him to fuck off. But next time you should say your girlfriend plays college field hockey and you're just trying to learn more about the game.

Stop replying to reskinned bait, retards.

you've done this thread before, whiteman

jokes not funny anymore fraggot.

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>As long as you're not on the sex offender registry you can tell him to fuck off. But next time you should say your girlfriend plays college field hockey and you're just trying to learn more about the game.
im 42

Your wife wants to sign your daughter up, you know nothing about the sport and just wanna see how safe it is.
Keep in mind they can still call the fuzz on you and they will probably ask you to leave.

>you've done this thread before, whiteman
no not really tbqh

>>As long as you're not on the sex offender registry

If you were a handsome chad this would have seemed ok. Probably a bit quirky and adventurous, you know, just hanging out taking the perfect picture of the joy of playing field hockey when you're young and careleas. The part where you fucked up was probably being a creepy looking faggot.

>But next time you should say your girlfriend is there playing field hockey and you're just trying to learn more about the game.

this good looking people get away with everything

Why are you taking pictures of little girls?

Face it. There's no acceptable reason for a grown man, probably creepy as fuck looking to keep turning up to watch little girls and to take pictures. They were well within their rights to ask you to leave

tell him "nothing personal, kid"

>Why are you taking pictures of little girls?
getting into sports photography

Post the pics fagg0t

We have had this thread before. Fuck off.

>We have had this thread before. Fuck off.
that's not how r9k works friend

>Post the pics fagg0t
would that be legal guy?

I'm more concerned with the legal aspect of it. Don't you technically have the right to stay? They can't force you to leave I think

>Don't you technically have the right to stay?
not if someone thinks you look creepy

>not if someone thinks you look creepy
I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not. Just because someone thinks you look creepy, they can't do anything legally about it.

>I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not. Just because someone thinks you look creepy, they can't do anything legally about it.
they could call the cops

>people are actually replying to this shit
you guys know someone has been making this same thread multiple times a day, every day, for at least the past week or two right?

>making this same thread
you can't do that on r9k

Yeah but the cops can't do shit. You're in public domain, what are they gonna charge you with. The answer is nothing. They might talk to you but ultimately you have a legal right to stay. You have to learn your rights man, or people are gonna walk the fuck over you in your life

arrest you for stalking children user

Whatever happened to Ciara>

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yeah you can. literally just have to change one word or even one letter to get past the robot. which is what whoever posts these threads has been doing. one day it's "at the park to watch little girl's field hockey", next day its "at a public school watching little girls at a ballet recital", etc but its the same shitty pedo bait thread every time.

that's not one word user

Stalking? You're literally sitting down in a park. You're just pulling bullshit from your ass now. That's not how the law works, it doesn't bend that easily.

okay he changes like 4-5 words every time he posts it, is your pedantic ass happy now?

you can stalk people in a park

>directed at specific person
>causes reasonable fear
You are near a group, not an individual. As well, there is no explicit reason to suggest reasonable fear is being caused. If you state that your reason for being there is sports photography, this in no way implies threat. Know your rights, guys.

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why are you defending pedos

I'm not. I honestly don't give a shit about the topic. It's the principle, user. The subject/topic can literally be anything. It's just because when I was younger, police fucked with my brother and I, and we had no idea about our rights and were taken advantage of. That really rubbed me the wrong way so I learned about my rights so it would never happen again.

Why are pastas like this not getting muted?
I'm sick of seeing this shit every other day.

>I'm sick of seeing this shit every other day.
Write a letter

lol okay. Can I mail it to you? Moot can't read and I don't have any frens.
I promise to attach a nice drawing as well thanks.


[email protected]



just pics