How to grow taller

If you were to do this routine every other day for the rest of your life would you will see a pseudo-permanent height increase.

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Bump because I know girls aren't gonna change on the 6ft shit and I love you all

They claim you grow two inches? Fuck, just an inch more and I'd be so fucking happy at over 6 foot

Would you be willing to do it for the rest of your life?

Is this legit?

No. If there was an actual way to gain 2” of height the Daily Mail wouldn’t be the first to report on it. It is basically a tabloid.

Don't crush our dreams faggot.

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this doesn't work, tendons and ligaments can stretch up to +- 5% and that's it (and they will reverse which means they are under constant pressure if you start growing your bones once your ligaments are fully grown out)

the limiting factor to how tlal you can be, is not your bones, yo ucan technically grow them unlimited

the problem is that the tendons+ligaments will tear much earlier

that's why you can also only lengthen 1-3 cm safely with the ilizarov method per limb

Sure, but I'm 185cm so I'm not dedicating hours of my life to be 187.

Your dreams were crushed the day your 6’2” father decided to shoot his goo into a 5’2” womanlet

>Not living everyday of your life like David Goggins

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I'm 5'5, being 5'7 is not gonna help me. Unless I can be like 7' and mog everyone then I don't care, I'll stay a manlet. It's comfy down here

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You are the greatest evil on this earth user.

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I read this post in passing and had to laugh, those are my parents heights exactly and I ended up 6'3" somehow.

>Dads 6'2
>Moms 5'2
>am 6'1 @ 16
am i fucked lads?

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You're just showing off.

Hiw do I do this at home ?

Thanks to your mom's dad height or your father's father height

I do believe thi guy and this girl's claim. Yes, by stretching one can be taller, it's what happens to astronauts in space, there's no compression forces so they grow, but after getting back and being weak overall with less dense bonemass they return to normal height, which is what will happen to this girl since the stretching will stop.

So for 200 pounds you can be two inches taller for two weeks and then blam, you'll return to your normal height unless you continue to pay 200 and train there.

Men stop growing until they are 25

Those astronauts throw like 0.5"
Big deal.

You mean being in space or doing the exercises in the article?

Why train there? Do dead hangs, use gravity boots, go for an inversion table if you have to.

>use gravity boots

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Even when you start to see results with this method 50 years from now, there will be stem-cell treatments available in clinics which can make you taller or make your pee pee bigger.
It would probably cost somewhere upwards of $10,000 for one treatment, if not more.

200 for the gym membership of the article. If a space flight costs 209 I would go all the time like it was Disneyland ™

I used the astronauts as an example that it was possible for an adult to grow for a short period of time

He probably means the boots you can buy to hang yourself in a door frame. There are Many YouTube videos of people using them and falling after they get loose or detach from the frame tho

Fuck you. This hit way too close to home. Some how my brother ended up taller than my dad but I'm just sitting here a baby faced manlet.

How short user?

5'3". Life is pointless for me.

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Your mom must have tall genes, you got a tall grandfather and uncles?

Lift more bro. Trust me. I'm 5'3" too. Tall girls like the fucking weirdness of us.

user ... I ... ;-;

meh at least you're easy on the eyes

Honest question, do women give you the look of disgust?

if you were gay life would be easy mode for a baby faced manlet bottom, that's like the stacey of gays.

Try this. It worked for me:
>stand in the middle of a cool room
>close my eyes, breathe deeply
>reach up to the ceiling
>try to imagine a force making all my bones grow in length
>try to feel myself floating and growing taller
>whisper the words "grow, grow, grow" as i'm doing it

>25 now
>same height as when I was 19

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You got a good looking face. It ain't so bad for you.

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>6'8 dad
>5'4 mom
>i'm 6'9

feels good to be a mutant

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Away Nephilim scum.

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>mom 5'3"
>dad 5'9"
>me 6'3"
if I didn't look exactly like my dad (down to the blue eyes and blonde hair) I'd think I was the mailman's son

D-does your dad suspect anything?

This. Height of your mom doesn't matter so much for men, it only determines your minimum height. It's the height of the men in her family that's relevant.

Fuck. I'm a femanon, but I want 4 more inches so badly

>tfw 5’0 manlet (female)

Meh who cares like two inches is gunna do much

Ill pray for you

Did you read the last sentence? I look exactly like he did when he was my age and he looks like his dad (my grandfather) when my grandfather was his age. It's like looking into the future.

I’ll give you seven inches. Huehue

You're women.What's the worry?

My bad.Getting sleepy.

I’m not fussed it’s that i don’t see how two inches is that big a deal desu, not worth an entire article

I'm close to average (5'4") but I really want to be tall and slender without looming over everyone. I'm gay so it would be a big advantage for me.

Probably your mom carries tall genes but her growth was somehow stunted.

Post pics

That's literally a medieval torture device

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Fun fact:

The height limit for fighter pilots is 5'10"

We should post this Soviet manual of height increase in every manlet thread.

>The height limit
They prefer shorter people. Why?

Ifs that's what it takes, so be it.

shorter people can undergo more Gs than taller people. Hence why taller people are easier to knock out

Never knew that. Quite interesting.Considering all this what would you say is the ideal height?


You would not likely find me attractive unless you are a gay girl. Though in that case you would get wet on sight.

Post pics god dammit

I bet thats noticeable when youre a fighter pilot, but not in a fight.

This is the only way to grow taller. And it's going to cost you close to $100,000. And only a few doctors in the West are willing to do it.

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The procedure in real life.

Don't watch if you're squeamish.

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>dad is 6'+
>Mom: "Why are you so short?"


Don't blame her because of your inferiority, that's pathetic. You're manlet because you were sitting on your ass all your childhood and teenage years and playing computer without eating properly.

Fuck off. Height is mostly genetic. Womanlet roastie whores shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

>do surgery
>unable to practise any sort of physical activity besides walking

People actually do this shit lmao

that surgical precision

he won't

orthopedic procedures have a reputation of being somewhat rough (bones are hard) but this is something special

>be 5'11
>have flat feet
>require insoles
>insoles make me 6'1

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>be legitimate barefoot 5’9”
>every time I hear or see another person claim 5’9” they are noticably shorter than me
>never been a chad but also never had problems getting cute gf’s

Please dont claim 5’9” when you’re obviously not

Post dick

Also, iirc taller people can't fit properly in a fighter jet cockpit

Can't I just stand in my room on tiptoes reaching into the air with my arms and whisper to myself

>grow, grow grow

Manlet cope
While you manlets sit in your jets or other fighting vehicles with risk of dying in combat, tall guys sit in their HQ's and lead you to death.

>tfw 5'6

why god why

>Dad is 5'9, Mum is 5'2.
>Me 6'3

Arigato based genetic lottery.

NO FK my mums 5'6 and my dad why your mums short but you got lucky im kind of pissed

I'm guessing for me it was mostly dietary? My dad grew up during and through the aftermath of WW2 in Italy. Everyone was malnourished as fuck.

>grow, grow, grow

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I had great nutrition as a child

thats like 0.5% of men. Pretty much all men in their mid 20s I know are the same height now as they were seniors in hs

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That's a sad pic. Despite their wealth and fame you can see the insecurity in their eyes, not to mention calves.

Lanklet cope

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im a gay girl now post pics

Grow grow grow

Ayy lmao

My dad : little under 173 cm
mom : 170 cm
me : 173

Is it cause I didn't eat shit as a kid or is it common

>5'7 father
>5'5 mother
>5'6 me
>tallest of my siblings
Seven dwarves in this bitch

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any chance to grow taller at 19?

Better pray to Jesus.He can walk on water so that guy can make anything happen.

No hahahahahaha